Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Trivial is walking through the entire instance one shotting everything.

Trivial is not “you mess up once and its a wipe, regardless of ilevel” and that is what is great about the magical invention called Mechanics and them mattering.

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Did it with Ekowraith + Insignia of the Grand Army. After a few punts I wised up and got gliders lol.

If you don’t understand the relationship between having more gear and the impact it has on mechanics, there isn’t really a conversation to be had here :S

I perfectly understand the relationship. Explain to me how if a mechanic launches you fully off the platform killing you, where your ilevel prevents that one. That is just one example. Or how about if you miss an interrupt while in a very hectic area, your damage heals the boss. How does your gear fix prevent that?

Point being all in all, your ilevel only allows you to kill the boss faster, not ignore all the mechanics when those mechanics CAN’T be ignored


Drastically reducing the number of times these mechanics appear in the first place (ie: drastically reducing the number of opportunities to fail these mechanics)

If you’re doing twice the damage you would’ve been doing on the previous patch, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out how the punishment for failing this would be drastically reduced.

Killing the boss faster = mechanics not happening.

I already said difficulty is relative. Using my previous example, in a mythic 10 there are mechanics, and people can definitely die to said mechanics. That doesn’t prevent a mythic 10 from being trivial to a player who has access to gear from a mythic 15.

Imagine if Mythic 10 gave the best gear in the game, and the content was tuned around that. Obviously that content wouldn’t be trivial. Now, if in the next patch you can gear up and gain gear from mythic 15 (and mythic raid, etc) and the Mythic 10 content isn’t scaled up, actually in lieu of what happened to mage tower, let’s actually say the Mythic 10s were individually nerfed, the mythic 10s become trivial by comparison. Same thing here.

Ultimately people make the argument akin to saying “I walked to school up hill, barefoot, both ways everyday for mage tower appearances, so giving you the appearance would be a slight against me.” In reality, the other person just happened to not be subbed on that patch. I’m not arguing that the mage tower appearances should be given out; blizz said that they would be exclusive, so they should remain that way. My argument is that the exclusivity doesn’t come from the difficulty, it comes from the fact that not everyone was subbed, and not everyone played all 32 specs in the game.


I missed out on the MoP challenge gear.

I regretted that, and made sure I didn’t miss out on mage tower appearances. I got all 36 of them.

If mage tower appearances are brought back, then MoP challenge gear, Elite PvP gear, and everything else that was removed due to time sensitivity also needs to be brought back.

Which, no. None of them should. Blizz said time sensitive. I allocated time and effort based on that. If they went back on their word now, I’d be disappointed in them.

We need Blizz to stand by their word and stick to what they advertised with stuff like this. Check some other threads on the front page about the dance studio broken promises. We need less of that nonsense.

edit As an aside, what people should be asking for is greater effort put into making more amazing skins on the level of the challenge gear, instead of the lazy approach they’ve taken to armor and weapon skins since forever. I play games like Guild Wars 2, FF14, etc, and when I try to do transmog in WoW, it just feels so bland and boring in comparison. Spice up the transmog game, Blizz!

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It’s not E-Peen or anything of the sort. If you want to label them, then label yourself too as “entitlement” because tha’ts exactly what this nonsense is. It’s complete nonsense to bring it back after it was sold on the premise of going away from the game.

It’s keeping their word and we want companies who can keep their word. I like companies who can keep their word, regardless of the people crying hard about it.


No. It’s all about the e-peen. It’s all about “look what I have. You’ll never be able to get this. This makes me better than you”. If it wasn’t about that those people wouldn’t care.

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Lets Just give a few examples…

  • Didnt Play WoW at the time.
  • Active Military Deployed During Legion
  • Working a Job where playtime was limitted.
  • Played a different character at the time.
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No, it doesn’t and isn’t. It’s about keeping the word that sold a lot of people on it that it would be removed from the game after that expansion. Again, no it doesn’t make people better, nor worse. Stop with this stupid mentality of “I’m better than you.” That’s insecurity talking and that’s not what people are saying.

That’s your interpretation and if you think that that’s what I’m saying when I say things like “time limited, no it’s not coming back” then no, you’re entirely wrong in every direction and way possible.

That’s not our concern, it doesn’t need to be brought back. If you missed out, then sucks to be you.

I got my Affliction Warlock one and did not do it for the others. I do not want them bringing it back, not even as a timewalking event or anything else. If anything, ask for new content similar, not the same exact thing back.


Except for the many, many other things blizzard has said and not delivered on over the years. Hell we had half an expansion that wasnt delivered on.

That’s why I want them to be able to keep their word. If they can start with a few things, it can build and they can slowly gain trust back that they had lost. If there’s nothing there at all, well, yeah that sucks for us all.

It really sucks that they’ve been letting us down like that and it’s not just this expansion it was last expansion. Even with Legion there was quite a bit of bad at the start.

They let us down, and now they should hold true to their words, begin rebuilding trust that they had lost over the last 3 expansions including SL. I don’t think they really lost any trust before Legion, but I could be wrong on that one.

WoD was a good expansion, it just had that last patch out like way too long.

Naw man. You just dont want other people to have something you have.

I would actually prefer that they add in new ways to get re-colors of those weapons and forms. That are equally as challenging. That would be so much better than just letting people steam roll it.

But that would require new content. And we are in a pickle for getting more of that.


I’m pretty sure I’m right. It’s all just e-peen stuff. I guess we can just agree to disagree.

Usually I’m all for maximum access, but these are just a handful of appearances. I have about 3333 different transmogs right now, and it’s enough. I don’t need every last one that’s ever existed.

Just saying if they gave me this, I’m honestly not sure I’d use it, and it would just devalue it to the people who do have it. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe whatever it is looks dope on this class. I guess I’d just rather see more and better new mogs than grasping at rare ones from the past, I mean that’s exactly what TBC did and it gave us clown suits of recolored purple items from vanilla. Wasn’t a good look.

What do I have? The one appearance I have from the Mage Tower challenge is literally just the Affliction one. The Corruption Slow legendary made it easymode even 60 ilvls below.

Agreed, new, and recolors are not the same exact one.

As I said before, the biggest and most popular ones I do not have. I did just my Affliction Mage Tower challenge and nothing more. Not the Guardian one, not any specs besides Affliction.

Yeah, but keep requesting new content, not old.

It’s not e-peen if I don’t have it. Like, I literally don’t have the one that everyone keeps frequently asking, the Guardian one for the Werebear.

Same. Frost DK was the hardest tower I did, and I did a lot of them. Took me eighty eight attempts. Blood DK took me 50ish.


let this be the megathread! given that this topic comes up fairly periodically, this would be a good way to ensure the consistent support for this idea maintains visibility with the relevant parties.

I disagree with “give”, but for sure am open to bring back a scaled up version of the challenge for folks to complete at their leisure.


You should see a therapist. You’re projecting your own insecurities onto strangers who could care less.

What do you call someone obsessed with things they can no longer attain to the point that they demonize those that have said things?