Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

It’s worth noting the comparison in difficulty, and the fact that if you miss a glad mount, you can try again for the next season’s glad mount. I’d be willing to bet that most of the players upset over missing the mage tower appearances would not be as upset if the mage tower was seasonal.

When I see people talking about “earning” the mage tower appearances, it makes me roll my eyes a bit. You could still earn the mage tower appearances on the patch after it’s release, which essentially trivialized any difficulty it had. It was never about “earning” the appearances, it was about being around when it was active, and while I do agree with the premise that Blizzard should keep their promises in regards to existing exclusive content, I think it’s incorrect to say that exclusive content is required or that it inherently makes the game better. Interesting content makes the game interesting. If there were no forms of interesting content, no one would care about the rewards.

they need to bring these back around or at least some color version not used.

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If you assume that more people playing is good for the game, either through having more people to interact with or more revenue for reinvestment into the game, then metering out limited time incentives to keep people subbed is good for the game in an objective sense. That’s what I meant.

Funny, because it didn’t. Thats why you had people doing attempt after attempt up until the day it was gone. The ONLY trial that was trivialized was the Imp mother. The rest yeah gear HELPED, but also had mechanics that if you messed up on, your gear didn’t help you.

No matter the ilevel, nothing besides a goblin glider prevented you from being set flying on Kruul. Then, you used your only glider so couldn’t mess up again. Then, if you didn’t int him while dodging all the pools, and making sure the NPCs didn’t die, you were guaranteed a wipe because your damage healed him.

I love seeing people talk about how it trivialized them, when all it did was make them easier to do the DPS checks, it did not make the mechanics easier at all.

Also, sure you could get the next glad mount, but you will NEVER get the one missed, and thats the point. They do not bring many challenges back, and they should not the MT either. If you feel so fervent about the challenge, ask for NEW stuff, not old. If they want to make new solo challenges for new rewards, heck yeah I am all for it. Not rehashing old content because people wanna cry they never got it.

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You nailed it on the head. E-peen syndrome.


If they were so trivialized, then why didn’t everyone get all the ones they wanted? Because lazy that is why, same reason they want the tower back now, so they can just steamroll them, they don’t want an actual challenge at all. Just the gimme gimme culture at it again.

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…I don’t think you read all my post or who I was responding to…

I’m arguing against bringing them back…

I read it all just fine, I was agreeing. Maybe I didn’t get my own point across to well. lol.

As it was full of heavy sarcasm.


maybe, not important lol, I took it as was saying I was saying it was trivial and such. No biggie lol.

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Which is wasn’t , hell more gear made the healing ones even harder to be honest lol.
I was just saying, everyone thinks it was so easymode near the end of legion. If that was the case then NO ONE has any excuse for not getting theirs done is all.

Agreed, Yeah no it wasn’t trivialized (aside from that imp mother one when the zone buff counted and you could smack her once and the fireballs that would hit took like 1/3 of her health). Honestly every other challenge because they were instanced instead of counted in the broken shore, were a challnge all their own. That tank one, each class had something that could make things easier than others, but also had limitations. Especially if you didn’t get RNGesus blessing you with legiondary drops. Even then though, you still had to be on point on mechanics or you were boned, and if you got lag during them, and missed a mechanic from that, that sucked too

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imgur. com/gallery/zKl9evn

There is exactly how trivial they were. I am disabled, using a 10+ year old PC, on a 5MB ISP.

No one has any excuses!!!

I worked my butt off to get 36/36, I knew they were being removed, I knew FOR A YEAR. Posts like this one make me feel like :poop:


Oh I know dude. Honestly, the challenges that weren’t imp mother were never trivial, even when I was learning how to play the spec while doing it. Now the imp mother one…was easy as all get out and beat her on say, unholy DK without ever learning how to play it lol. Just because I avoided mechanics. Same as Fury, and outlaw.

Any other challenge? No I had to learn what to do by reading, studying the encounter, and then doing it right. Even at 930, high ilevel compared to that patch it was released in, many of them still would one shot you if you did wrong.


I found the Imp mother to be very difficult on my cat, I didn’t have optimal gear and was missing the Legendary Luffas for the AOE. That one is the one that took me the most tries (I think around 200) to get. The bear challenge was easier for me, but it was still difficult enough for me to want to pull my hair out.

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Looks like a solid request has landed on the PTR forums. Let’s show our support for this!



Did you use the elixer that gave 10% more damage to demons? Man could use a lot of cool stuff on that challenge, which is what made it easier in my mind at least. Guardian was the most painful, though that was because I didn’t have luffa

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Yes, it’s obvious that difficulty is relative. There are a nonzero number of people that will claim that mythic+ 10s and normal mode raid are hard, even though they can do higher difficulties to gear out and trivialize them. The point is that when the mage tower came out, it was inherently more difficult to do than when the next patch came out and people had access to Antorus gear and M+ gear from that patch, yet the rewards were still available all the same. it was never about difficulty.

Because not everyone was subbed in Legion, not everyone maintained multiple characters? That doesn’t make the content any less trivial.

i did the shadow priest one on my first attempt (in full mythic HFC gear) by just doing ridiculous damage. the disc one took a few tries.

Just because it is easier doesn’t mean it is trivial which is what you said. It doesn’t matter how high your ilevel is if you flub mechanics, and that was the point of the MT, not if you could out DPS a thing, but if you could play your class and overcome the challenge. Even DPS challenges, were not just a DPS race. So, even by the time Antorus came out, if you flubbed one mechanic on many of them, you were SOL. Again…I have used the Tank one as a example. IF you prepared, you got 1 mess up without a wipe, unless you were a DH anyways.

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If the content that was tuned to be possible to complete when the Broken Shore was current wasn’t trivial to you by the end of the Antorus patch cycle, that’s 100% a you problem. Doesn’t make it any less trivial as a whole though.