Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Imagine this much cope to defend store items.

Nope. Too bad. Unobtainable timed items are the rewards of loyal players who were there for it and supported blizzard. Its not their fault newer players only tried playing WoW recently so why should their glory be rendered insignificant by the whining of newer players?

Same goes for every old content that is basically unobtainable now. Every mmo has this. Its a reward for the veterans who played the game back then.

Shadowlands should have a different item similar to this but they shouldnt bring it back. Its a dumb decision to bring it back as it would anger majority of the playerbase just to appease the self entitled minority

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The only reason people are so mesmerized by the mage tower appearances is because blizzard have not produced any decent looking armor or weapons in 2 expansions.

forum post.

Um wow. We’ll try this once more. It has nothing to do with time or difficulty, simply the fact that other people don’t have it. See there are 3 things there, time, difficulty, and exclusivity. You have addressed time and difficulty. It’s the other one.

If I have a Babe Ruth rookie card, it’s worth a lot of money. It’s not worth money because of when I got it or how difficult it was to obtain. It’s worth money because so few are circulating. If everyone had one, regardless of all other factors, it would be worth nothing.


Which with thousands of appearances in game, most players are still limited to one single weapon appearance.

By making a Timewalking Mage Tower (that limits your ilvl to 7.2 standards), it will still be plenty of exclusive because of the difficulty and time requirements of farming Nethershards and failing the challenge.

This doesn’t bother me one way or the other because I have them, but it would bother a new player. A game should provide hope–a reason to climb, not push, for rewards. Once an artificial end time is created, all hope is lost and it’s equivalent to being a dead game.

imo players shouldnt be allowed to collect mythic tmogs from previous expansions

Yes, because I know many that did. We could have raided, done M+, but what did we do, geared up and made attempt after attempt on the MT to beat it. I for one farmed 24/36 appearances because they said they were going away.

Yes, I can. I would be saying the same thing if we gave everyone the elite glad pvp mounts, or all the other things removed. Exclusivity is an important intangible thing.

Where have they given things that were advertised to be a exclusive, limited time thing? MoP Challenge armors are gone, the WoD weapons can’t be obtained, the moose, birb, and dragon are gone, so blizz has a history of keeping their word here, and we expect it. They give people like you that cry because they didn’t do the challenges when they were there, they would be taking something away from those that did actually believe them.

Ok then, no more calling them selfish. We can just call as they are acting, “entitled “ that better?

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you say that as if every single item in the game is a limited time item. that’s not remotely the case.

I have called them entitled a few times here already lol.

A new player isn’t going to quit because a certain weapon skin is no longer obtainable because it was a limited time thing. If they did, they wouldn’t hang around anyways since there are always limited time things every expansion…and season. Can’t get KHM mount from season 1 anymore. Always have glad mounts removed every expansion/season. Elite PVP armor tints too. That list goes on and on.
It sucks for them for not being able to get it, but everyone here that hasn’t played since vanilla has stuff we cannot obtain anymore. Most of us are just not entitled children that think blizz should take something from others (the effort they put instead of doing something else they could have done at that time) because those people listened to blizz when they said they were going way.

I demand blizzard gives me Scarab Lord title cuz why not

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Not saying literally everyone will get it, but let’s not pretend like most ppl wont.

Unlike you, I won’t speak for other people but personally I didn’t play until BFA and have zero appearances on any class and it doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

Give me a break! Dramatic much? Sorry but your whole “exclusive content will kill the game” mentality is completely unfounded. Of all the things that can/will kill this game someday, that won’t be it. As you rightly said…

The fact that a handful are exclusive is a non issue.


I certainly agree that it is awfully entitled of people to throw a temper tantrum over items that are no longer available because they were exclusive to a period of time.

in all seriousness - I would love a new “mage tower” like feature, with new mogs and appearances to get.


Alright. But those that earned mage tower apperances gets an exclusive appearance in return to show they actually did the work rather than whine and complain on the forums until they got their way.

If other items were subjectively comparable, you’d be right.

Continue with the assumption that other items are freely interchangeable and desirable, it would be easy to see why unlocking it wouldn’t be a big deal as long as challenge level is appropriately set (and not a “come back and breeze through it” as most people complaining against the unlock did in 7.3.5 anyways).

But there’s pretty solid evidence that other items are not comparable. So what I wrote still carries sufficient weight.

Also, there’s a lot of truth behind the collector mentality (desire for completion) being faced with the hard reality of a permanent inability to complete. Mounts, transmogs, and to a lesser extent, titles, will eventually be met with a “why am I even going for these new ones if I can’t finish the collection anyways?”

I don’t think a hard “give” or “block” answer is right, but I think (1) seasonality of Legion Timewalking and (2) difficulty of scaled down item level and a necessary blocking of borrowed powers, possibly inclusive of trinkets and set bonuses creates strong enough boundaries that this would still be worth doing for both the players in general and the business.

Alternatively, the ultimate move of spite, they add a recolor drop in Korthia. They didn’t “add it back” then after all? It’s almost like what they did with creepy Sarge (those eyes…) and the much more visually pleasing Squeakers.

And I bet that’s what they do. A cosmetic drop like the MT weapon, just a little goofier, for completing the Timewalking version of the tower.

PvP and PvE are 2 entirely different beasts. Again, though, if you want them then just go get them during current season you want them.

Because PvP and PvE are entirely different.

Because, again, they’re different. You can buy the highest mythic raiding achievement, you cannot buy the highest pvp achievement. You can buy the 2nd highest, though, which most people that do are normally fine with that. You cannot get into the top 1% or whatever it takes to get the gladiator thing, though, as it is an entirely skill dependent and gear dependent beast.

Mythic raiding does require skill, but every single tier especially towards the end of it there’s quite a few guilds advertising selling CE. They only take 1 person at a time and it costs a ton, but they can 19 man a 20 man mythic raid towards the end of the season/tier. This is why they’re different and why PvP is special, it’s more difficult.

PvP does not care about your feelings. If you have an enemy in front of you, you’re not going to care what their reasoning is, you just kill them regardless. Everyone has a sob story, most people don’t care to hear it nor should they, even.

It’s fair for everyone to try and get as far as they can. Whether or not you make it is entirely in your control.

It did not. If you believe so, cool, but no it didn’t.

Again, no it did not. People use the WoW token as a crutch, but it did not ruin WoW nor did it ruin exclusivity or anything else of that matter.

Cool, but the other stuff was not said to be time limited and gone after the expansion. The literal entire premise for MT was that it was going away after the expansion. Those who missed out missed out. I don’t care if that hurts their feelings, no, it’s not coming back.

People that keep trying to get it back are stupid. They should be trying to ask for something similar to it for this expansion, not the same exact thing giving the same exact skins.

Prob, and Bear and Kitty Druids haven’t really received new skins or anything since Legion. Weapon mogs don’t matter or any of that for those. I wish I could transmog the Necrolord wings onto my bear’s back.

It won’t. It would also go against their word, which we really don’t need nor want them breaking especially at this point in time.

Who cares besides the new player. Don’t like that you don’t have it? Should have played when Legion was around. They didn’t, so they missed out. If they did and just did not care, like myself, then even bigger reasoning for it not coming back.

No, it’s not.

Mage Tower isn’t a mythic tmog, it’s a limited tmog.

Yep, people just get quite entitled.

Agreed! That’s exactly what people should be asking for, not the same one with the same appearances but a new one with better appearances would be better.

It is a big deal because, again, it was said to be going away at the end of the expansion. If you missed out then oh well, sorry charlie but you missed out.

No, it doesn’t hold sufficient weight.

Yes, and that’s why it should not be coming back. Again, if you were not here that is too bad. Not our problem, that’s that person’s.

Again, who cares. No, it won’t come back.

No because you, then, unlock the “but I want it to be easier” bull that comes along with challenges because everyone and their mother thinks they should all be achievable by the lesser skilled player. This should not be the case in the slightest, nor budged. It is a hard “no.”

I’m fine with recolors and all of that, because it’s not the exact one. I don’t care if you get something similar, I care if you get the same exact thing, appearance and all. That’s the part that irks me, not recolors or a different variation.

Again, though, people should not be asking for them to bring things back, but rather them to create a new Shadowlands only one so they can have that exclusivity themselves when the next expansion and every other one after comes around.

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which explains why nobody collects baseball cards. after all, you can’t have them all, so why bother?

most of us realized when we were children that we wouldn’t get everything we want. i’m not sure why so many gamers seem to have missed that life lesson.


I don’t know why either. It’s such an entitled mentality, then worse you have the “the customer is always right” or the “we are paying customers” nonsense.

I just counter both of those with “I am a customer as well, and my right is just the same as yours in weight and I side with ‘no’ on this matter.”


Disagree on the first point, but agree with the rest.