Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Then it no longer becomes rare and craved for and its desire will die.

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I don’t think the desire will die, but, the entire premise of Mage Tower and their appearances were entirely on a timed exclusivity. People are trying to get it back, and I don’t like that. Again, I don’t care about how much people’s feelings are hurt, if they missed out then they missed out. That isn’t my problem, nor Blizzard’s problem, regardless of the reasoning for players missing out.

They can do something similar to the Mage Tower instead, and have it be for this expansion, just like MT for Legion, and then those that want that can do that instead. That would be alright, but no, the promise of exclusivity and all of that is not to be diminished because of feelings.


I’m a goldsmith and I can tell you that diamonds aren’t rare at all. It is the cartel marketing exclusivity that has made them that way and folks have fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.

Kind of like what Blizzard has done with “exclusive” appearances that they can decide to bring back at any time.

You missed the entire point of it, regardless of whether it was accurate. If everyone has it, it’s not rare, nor is it desired, is what they’re saying.

When it’s things like MT, yeah it’s quite exclusive. That was the premise to them making it in the first place.

This is why mage tower should never return in its old form.

Ask for a new one with recolors or something.

What’s next? Getting the old challenge dungeon appearances? How about previous season glad sets?

If they cave and do this, it will have a snowball effect.


So I can do the quest to get the ‘Hand of Adal’ title, or the opening of AQ and aquire the Black Qiraji Mount?

No! There will always be content removed from games. I’m sad for the stuff I missed; I was pregnant and had morning sickness when the Black Temple content was current, and couldn’t play without being sick… so I missed out.

That’s how it is in games.

I’m sorry for people who miss out, or who weren’t playing, likewise I’m sorry for myself and the stuff I’ve missed, but there’ll be new exclusive, limited time stuff to earn. :seedling:


And my point is that everyone in this thread is yelling at clouds because Blizzard could decide tomorrow that they need more $ and put them all on the cash shop.

And anyone who thinks differently is a sucker.

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Have they ever done this? I can’t recall a single time.

That’s exactly my point, once again. If we just let everyone have “Diamonds” then they are no longer valuable, they no longer have any prestige, and it devalues all the time the people who worked their butts off to get them because they KNEW they were going away, put in.


You’re correct, they could, but they won’t. They know Mage Tower is a very heated topic and this is most def something they will more than likely not do.

Exclusivity does not care about feelings.

No, because it opens up the gates for even Bilzzcon goodies that are sold as a that blizzcon thing, to them being open and brought back too. I don’t recall them letting anyone have blizzcon stuff from 1 year 3 years down the line or any other time besides that blizzcon.


This is my biggest issue with it. Some people leveled characters and geared them JUST TO GET THESE APPEARANCES.


More of “ they didn’t earn it, but by golly they are entitled to it bc well they pay 15$ a month “ let’s say they do bring back the mage tower…. 95% of the people complaining it’s gone wouldn’t be able to complete it anyways, then comes the nerf mage tower now!!! Posts!!! When I see someone in a mage tower mog im like oh damn this guy did that?? And I get pumped to play with them… this smells like a KSM achievement being bought and reflecting in there poopy play whist in my key bruh… no thanks


They did it with the MOP collector edition stuff. But they stated it “may” come back.

So what was put into the cash shop from the collectors edition?

Bringing the content back upscaled, just as hard as it was, is something I definitely agree with.

The “exclusive” collector edition mount and pet I believe. They took it away and then said it may come back in the future, but didn’t promise anything.

So they put it in the shop and then removed it? Was it because of player backlash or something?

Yeah, and I still hate that they did that. I paid good money for the collectors edition, and now anybody can just buy my Quillian whenever.

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Ok, but with that logic, how does me going and running BWL and collecting all the T2 transmog in like 20 minutes while watching netflix not devalue the months people spent struggling to clear that content? Same with any raid?

Did people not work their butt off to get those gear pieces back in the day? Now everyone runs old raids to get transmog items from raids they didn’t complete on those toons at an insanely trivial difficulty.

I don’t think the devalued time argument holds water. The exclusivity one is the best one I’ve seen.

It was available for digital purchase back then in 2012-2014.

It already had no value cause digital goods have no supply limit.