Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

“creates value”… Mhm. Yep.

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This. Idk why so many people want old content that half the population can’t even participate in due to having already done it years ago. Give us new challenges and new rewards.


lol, half the people in this thread don’t even want more content - they just want the druid forms and almost no one is asking for ‘unique’ new content.


I’d just be happy as some kind of loyalty reward or special promotion they let us just pick one. Cos I’m in the minority on this but outside of the Frost Mage stave I think most of them look bloody rubbish. Either that or they can put something else in that looks as awesome for me to get.

No, I demand special privileges for the people who missed out. I was here when MT was active. I didn’t get any MT appearances because the tower was too hard and so I didn’t try it more than once.

If a similar challenge was brought back and the MT appearances were made available through it, I still wouldn’t get them because it would still be too challenging for my tastes.

I don’t care if I get them. I care about being fair to people who missed out and who do have the skill/talent/time/endurance to put up with that sort of challenge.

Now, you could point at my suggestion that everything go on the cash shop and call that demanding special privileges for myself, but really all I’m asking to do is to make a virtual purchase from a company. How special can the privilege be when I’m paying for it?

Either way, I don’t believe I’m in anything approaching the minority. Most people don’t have these things and would prefer to get the opportunity to obtain them.

It’s impossible to quantify how much support either of our positions enjoys, but like I said before - time will tell.

Exactly this. it feels so bad to see something cool that you want to get, but you just can’t because you weren’t playing during that time. It sucks.


I just want to voice my full support for this post. We need more posts like it across the whole of the internet. It doesn’t sit well with me that we just allow people to be actively delusional and are expected to “respect” their point of view. It’s a false belief, and those are detrimental to everyone involved with them.

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Well, I disagree with you, dwarf.

I have no respect for what anyone has “earned.” I will continue advocating for all cool/desirable items and mounts to be made available either on the cash shop or through some permanent in-game means.

Blizzard may never listen to me, but you’ll never change my mind or get me to stop advocating for it.


Case closed.

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Interesting how you omitted the part where I said I don’t intend to try for it again even if they bring it back. My position is based on philosophy, not personal desire. I think exclusivity is wrong in video games. Always.


Are there any other accomplishments in this game that you’re proud of? I’m just curious because of how adamant you are at keeping that model exclusive.

Not even the colors, the whole model.

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They are all condition by blizzard in thinking exclusive is a good thing and is healthy for the game.
In reality what currently driving all the new player off are all the exclusive content that blizzard been doing over every new expansion, this is why no new player wants to invest their time on WOW and only Vet player would bother with it.
Plus with content been remove like this, over the past expansion, content become less and less and it can’t keep up in keeping the player busy. It also another reason why people are leaving the game.


Precisely. This game has been operating for 17 years. If you only have a couple of “exclusive” items from each iteration of WoW, you wind up with a lot of omissions. When a new player (genuinely new) enters the world and starts exploring, it is likely that they will encounter and desire one or more of these items. They may, in their excitement, dare to dream of ascending to maximum level and working towards their end game goals so that someday, they can also possess that item.

Then at some point, they get ready to go after the item they saw and they start researching it - lo and behold, it’s exclusive. They can never get it, no matter what they do.

I think people are underestimating just how demoralizing that realization is, especially when it applies to something as cool as werebear form.


Nope. New challenge, or revamped Mage Tower. But either way should be
for new rewards. The old MT rewards should never be available again.


You seemed to omit the fact said same new player then shrugs and looks at the 17 years worth of other stuff still available in the game. Just because 0.00001% of things were removed doesn’t mean it all was. There is still plenty of amazing stuff to collect.

I still like my compromise to this situation, even if everyone seems to just ignore it. A Mage Tower 2.0 that fits in when Legion Timewalking is up. It would reward 1-2 NEW colorations to the original Mage Tower skins. That way you get your challenge mode, you get your appearances, and original owners don’t get their efforts spat on.

Are you an older gentleman? I feel like there’s a generational disconnect.

If anything is barred to me, I am keen to leave the game and never return. I’m still here only because I’ve played since the beginning and I didn’t miss any opportunities.

If I started playing WoW, rolled a new druid, saw someone with werebear form, and then discovered I could no longer get it - I would cancel my subscription and go play a different game.

My girlfriend is 22 years old and refuses to play WoW partly because she knows they make things exclusive and she feels like she has already missed too much. All my friends are between the ages of 15 and 30. All of them are gamers. Only a couple play World of WarCraft currently. Most of my friends did try WoW and later told me they quit because everyone else is so far ahead and has stuff they can’t even get anymore.

The feedback I get from people that I personally know is pretty singular in indicating what drives new players away, and while the only evidence I have is anecdotal, it continues to be an experience I have when I meet new people and either ask them about WoW or convince them to try it out. It’s such a constant that I’ve become completely anti-exclusivity because I whole-heartedly believe that exclusivity plays a large part in driving away new players and keeping new players from even giving WoW a try in the first place.

If you can’t get the coolest things in a game, what’s the point? Why even aspire?

It’s common sense, really. But not everyone sees things the way I do, so here we are.

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LOL what a weird thing to say. You sound like an "older gentleman’ when you ask it like that.

Only a few things in WOW have gone away. There’s literally hundreds of hours of things to do in game that aren’t the Mage Tower.


And there you have it.
Your answer.
You have your opinions, other people have theirs.
Limited timed items have been around. It isn’t a new thing, IT ISN’T A NEW THING TO ANY MMO.

To be honest, the way you talk makes me think everyone you know is just seriously entitled. How do any of you even get out of bed in the morning and go outside when everything isn’t handed to you out there either? Sheesh.


I’d normally be skeptical of something like this, but it’s honestly what completely turned me off from trying other MMOs whenever I took a break from WoW. That feeling of missing out and “you’ll never have it” doesn’t feel too good when you dive into a new game, especially when it’s something that really appeals to you.

Edit: Not saying it can be fixed entirely, but I think it should at least be minimized.