Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

If Blizzard doesn’t bring back Mage Tower appearances then they are hypocrites and discriminating against a large majority of their paying subscribers.

I feel like I am in a Mall buying clothes but none of the shops besides the Salvation Army will sell to me, because they don’t sell “fancy clothes” to “my specific class of people.” It’s segregation and discrimination. I can’t believe in 2021 we still live in a time with so much blatant bigotry.

All they would have to do is bring back Mage Tower and they would have more subs than expansion launch.

Most people in all servers in the entire game quit because of Mage Tower not being available. Not because of Shadowlands Systems being trash. That was less of a problem than the Mage Tower itself. Mage Tower being gone is worse than Torghast existing.

Those people just got tired of being discriminated against. That’s all.

If they don’t bring back Mage Tower I feel like the State of California will see this ongoing discrimination and definitely file a guilty verdict against Blizzard for their egregious ongoing indecent acts even long after they were exposed for it.

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Casual :wink: It’s not like I’m going to do it even if they put it on, that will depend on if I go back to the game, and if I need it for a transmog :man_shrugging: but I think it is important that the option is to attract people who have left the game, as well as to have more things to do in the game whether you are a player from years ago or a new one.

Actually you could.

Watch carefully now. He turns in a quest. He earns his appearance yet no achievement is awarded. He then turns in a separate quest and then is awarded an achievement. Therefore the appearance is not tied to the achievement. End of discussion, with video proof even.

I can’t wait to see how you spin the argument this time or where you move the goal post to now.

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I don’t know, they said something about the appearance being a reward from the achievement, and since you couldn’t earn the achievement anymore the appearance shouldn’t be earnable either. It was really dumb and I tried telling them that the achievement didn’t unlock the appearance, unlocking the appearance got you an achievement. Completely different, but they kept arguing. Turns out if you watch videos closely you don’t even get an achievement when you earn the appearance, you get the achievement for turning in a quest after you earn the appearance. Which means the achievement is not tied to the appearance or even vice versa, its tied to a quest completed flag.

AOTC mounts are like this too - loot an item and turn it in for the mount. Getting the AOTC achievement itself didn’t reward Violet Spellwing, Uncorrupted Voidwing etc. - you looted an item and turned it in.

The holiday toys work in reverse as well - loot the holiday toy, get the achievement for looting it.

Anyways, this “time-locked achievement” definitely didn’t reward the appearance, so I have no clue what they’re going on about other than ignorance.

I mean they’re still trying to say Blizzard promised the skins would never return. They’re grasping at straws at this point I think.


The ability that was announced to go away when created…

EXCEPT those that were told those old ones were going away, and spent their time and effort to earn it under that pretext. What part of that escapes your comprehension level?

ANYONE can say ANYONE is ANYTHING online lol. Funny how that works, also man Kathy was your one that got away due to not being able to run her endgame and get the loot, not mine my man.

YEAH bringing them up, is comparing them genius. You are putting a limited time cosmetic item on the same level of comparison to womans rights to vote and slavery. Thats what you did. You put your pixels on the same level as human rights. That is the problem champ.

Just pointed out how you made no sense there too.

Nope. Because then no one has any reason to actually do something while current, and all things lose value because they can just be gotten at any time.

Nope. full blood plague, killing everything. I didn’t play when this happened, and since you have the stance that all old stuff should be implemented, go anywhere around an NPC? Boom dead.

Also in favor of taking the only thing that makes mog important, exclusivity, out.

Not hard to tell when you speak it with every response.

No gate keeping is preventing people from participating. This is keeping something that is done, exclusive. There are hugely fundamental differences. You know what IS gatekeeping? Demanding a specific ilevel, achievement, or other things before going into an instance. THAT is actual gatekeeping, not keeping mog that was said to go away, away.

Yeah it means they did it, when it mattered, and when blizz said it was going to happen. Time is an important factor in basically everything. I am sorry you don’t seem to understand that concept, but that is on you.

They had the chance to earn them, 4 years ago. When it was up. They can have the chance to earn new stuff when new challenges hit.

Coming from someone that compared a weapon appearance to the same level of womens sufferage and slavery, couldn’t care less at all if you think its pathetic.

No I said its a fact…

Not without causing big issues for the people that did those things when they were told it was going away. You get told something is gone if you don’t do it, then they implement it later, it is a insult to everyone that took them at their word, and makes them lose trust. Then when blizz says it again that something is going away, you know what happens? More people are mad because they think blizz will just bring it back, and ultimately don’t.

IF it still is around. IF it isn’t. like the MT apperance, nope its not.

Yeah you are feeling entitled enough to demand something come back, and screw anyone that feels like if they did it blizz would have gone back on what they told them, and laugh at them for taking them seriously and did the work before it was going away.

Nope, if they earned it when it was live, i’m all for it, and couldn’t care less. My problem comes when its been removed after we were told it was going away and brought back giving into people crying for years that they didn’t do what others did.

lord you are the master of trying to shift the goalpost. Yeah, I got the achievement when I did it on my paladin, my monk, etc. Did you get it for every SPEC? No, but its never been like that. You don’t get an acievement from a raid each time you clear the raid, or each time you reach a milestone you got an achievement before on that character.

and? is your effort worth less for that? You tried hard and you got it, congratulations, would you have tried less if you knew that I would return 4 or 6 or 8 years later? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Most did it because we were told it was being taken away and wouldn’t be able to get it. They put it back, and that yes, does screw us over by lying to us then, or saying “sorry about you but these cry babies get their way”. No one is going to quit WoW because they can’t get something removed from the game, but you put something in game you told them would be going away, and yes people would leave.


Lol you’re good :wink: You actually had me going for a while - that tells you how bad some of the arguments have been. Haha.


Things that go away come back. Sorry if you feel like you wasted your time if Blizzard brings them back. I say that effort you put in 4 years ago lets you show off those appearances for 4 years.

No its not. But sure. I was saying how your view of the world is twisted.

In a forum post about cosmetics you bring up a disease that killed people. Nice.

Maybe thats all thats important to you. I personally only mog something if I like it, not cuz its exclusive. If the only reason you like something is because its exclusive then thats a you problem. Notice my current mog? Its a super easy set to get, yet I have the DK MoP cm set. Wonder why I’m using this one instead? Weird.

Not once has anyone said they want the appearance solely because you have it or its exclusive. They want it because they like it, and the reasons they like it are their own.

Which is still selfish.

So lets say they come back. Blizzard says its happening again, so people do them again. Thats the same thing lol.

Yikes. Doing something before someone else makes you better than them.

Unless they didn’t play. Unless they didn’t have that char at max level. I’ve been over this again and again. Explain to me how they had a chance again please.

I didn’t no matter how many times you say I did. Lying to try and prove a point is pretty pathetic and at this point I’m not responding to anything else you say.

All you do is lie, project, gate keep and name call. I’m over it. Good luck in life, hope your not too butt hurt if Blizzard rereleases those skins.

I’m sure that there will be fewer people than those who could return, the casual ones will always be the majority, and this move benefits the casuals :man_shrugging:

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Save yourself the headache and time and ignore the guy. Dudes just a lying troll.

Druids ferals got 28 appearances to enjoy and blast around Azeroth in during Legion. All of them but 4 are still available - that’s 24 open for the getting.

If you think that the game is dying because of 4 mogs - I think you’re either being deliberately hyperbolic or your not seeing a bigger picture. There’s other real issues impacting this game that has lead to people not sticking around. 4 mogs isn’t it. I can’t take that suggestion seriously, because it has no merit.


The only exclusive content to not bring back should be the collectible card game loot stuff. For that people paid actual good money for the rarity and it should stay rare.

For temp events INSIDE the game i see no reason not to have the mage tower up as long as it is as hard as before and as demanding and requiring 100s of wipes until mastered for the mogs

In fact the mage tower should be a constant part of any expansion from now on…


and then instantly devalues them by bringing them back.

and yours is only skewed towards what you believe.

in a game yeah. Because it was an experience, that even was treated as a case study of how people would react in a pandemic, though was obviously wrong.

And cool, others like things because they can no longer be obtained. I like my mounts no one else can get too. I like my items that are no longer made or can be obtained too. I still have relics in my DK and Paladin, Druid still has maple seeds. Why? When they are gone, all that is left is those that have, and that adds value.

Ok, I like your account, so because I like it it shouldn’t be yours anymore and should be mine? No. See how stupid that mentality is? This was removed, and just because people want it, blizz should show the middle finger to those that believed them before, instead of saying “be an adult and realize things go away and don’t come back, use that feeling to make sure you don’t miss out again”

and still isn’t saying leave things removed from the game removed.

No, it isn’t. You fundamentally do not understand the concept of time exclusive things mattering. Cool, you do you boo.

No, see they STILL had the chance. They just didn’t play, did other things, played another game, were in jail, worked, were in a coma, etc. Theres tons of reasons why, but in the end everyone had the same chance. Life just got in the way. That is life

Bringing them up in the same context is comparing them. Notice how I haven’t said things like “well obviously people wanting this to come back is like back in ww2 germany”? Because its asinine to bring those things up in the same context. You compare them just by bringing them up side by side dude.

I did not say that, the game has a LOT of problems, and taking 1 or 2 measures will not work, especially due to the massive amount of people who have already left, to recover those people you have to take a lot of measures in the short and long term, patch 9.1 .5 prove this, they are bringing all the changes, pulling all the ripcords. Whether you like it or not this theme of the mage tower is only 1 of multiple possible decisions that have the joint objective of attracting people again, to add more salt to the wound, this is part of the short-term decisions, part of the quick response to the problem, not from long-term solutions.

The Tower of Mages is gone. The source can be made from anything.

Since the dude wants to continue lying and try to say I compared slavery and womens suffrage to pixels here you go, the post he made and my reply in full.

I’d like to add an addendum to my reply and correct myself by saying that the Civil War was mostly about slavery, not somewhat. I typed that message wrong and wanted to correct it so I’ll do so now.

Ignoring any of his future posts since all he can do is lie and troll. Save yourselves the headache and do the same yourself.