Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

It’s fun when people ask for handouts and act like they’re doing so for the benefit of the oppressed player who’s had it so rough and life is so unfair and mean and people deserve equal loot for unequal effort sobs in earnest

I had to put the game aside for many years and couldn’t push gladiator ratings after MoP but that isn’t fair I think I want to push gladiator in Legion season 7 please.

Make it available, blizzard. Things shouldn’t be gated by time :frowning:


Yeah of every single other subject you could have compared change to in regards to digital pixels…you brought up women voting and slavery. Dude, you made a poor comparison choice, just own up to it. At least you are somewhat owning up the fact you said the civil war was somewhat about slavery, though I did literally give you every single article of secession and the count of when it mentioned slavery before that happened…

Believe what you want. I don’t want the 9 appearances I don’t have. I care about other people, sorry thats so hard for you to believe.

I’ll never understand why making things available is a bad thing.

Fortunately, it’s possible to want the best for other people and want the best for yourself.

In this case, what’s best is to request the art and development team focus on new content.

If people didn’t play legion or couldn’t get the artifact appearances, there is no nostalgia to entertain. There was more than enough time to collect these appearances.

The incentive should be to excel in current content and to earn meaningful rewards in current content. Not revisit stuff that’s over and done.

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“I’m not comparing the MT appearances to Womans sufferage for myself, i’m doing it for everyone that doesn’t have it! Believe me!”

You’ll never understand why me asking to earn legion season 7 gladiator and corresponding mount during Shadowlands Season 2 is absurd?

I mean, really?


Except as I said, I wouldn’t even do the challenges I don’t already have. So while it is possible thats not what I’m doing.

They can. Re-adding old skins takes 0 development time because they’re already in the game. So we can get new content and old together with no more work involved.

That has nothing to do with why people want the cosmetics. They want them because they like them.

Unless they never played Legion. Unless they didn’t have a character at max level in Legion. I’ve repeated this like 10 times now. Unless your saying they had plenty of time to earn something in a game they didn’t play at the time, which is dumb.

Timewalking is current content, its in the game right now.

Guess you should request the removal of timewalking then since that is its entire purpose.

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Yeah, its just pixels in a video game. If you earned it in Legion you’ve had 4 years to flex with it. Is 4 years not enough for you?

Bellular just suggested that perhaps they could do a new tint, which would be a recolor. Great suggestion.

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Cool. Why not both though? Everyone gets a new thing, the people that missed the old thing get that too. More things is good.

Sorry man if this is legitimately your mentality there’s absolutely no point in continuing this conversation. You’re either trolling or you simply have a wildly misguided viewpoint. In either case I have no interest in wasting any additional time lol.

All the best.

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Because it’d satisfy most folks. New players get access to the model. Older players who missed it get access to the model. The folks who did the challenge back in legion get another tint for their collection.

Also they wouldn’t be “going back on their word” since technically, those color combinations for the model are still unobtainable.

“I won’t do this, I won’t, I swear I really really am doing it for you guys”

Except the having to rebalance stuff, code in when one gets what reward, etc…

and they could have gotten them when everyone else could.

The MT was up for over a year. There was enough time for anyone that wanted to do it. If they didn’t play Legion, that is on them.

Almost as dumb as a take as you comparing the MT appearances to slavery and women voting. ALMOST.

Okay thats fine, hopefully Blizzard listens to the majority here though. Hope if they do come back you aren’t bothered too much by it.

I’m neither trolling or misguided, we just disagree. Thats fine.

Same to you.

I’m not disagreeing, I just don’t see why the new ones can’t be added.

They wouldn’t be. There never promised they’d never return. And even if they did theres a thing called changing your mind. They can do whatever they want, its their game. I’m just letting them know what I think they should do, because thats the purpose of the forums.

Against my better judgement I’ll do this one last time.

At what point did I compare the two. Show me.

I’d have you on ignore by now if the Blizzard forums would function properly. Keep just getting the loading spin wheel when I try and at this point its starting to grate on me.

Quit with this “MT was up for over a year” drivel. MT had to be built with resources and then it was only up for 3 days at a time. Are you conveniently forgetting that?


I dont think they should have ever been a thing in the first place.

Exactly why I wasn’t able to get my druid them. Managed to get them on my main at the time. Tried to get druid up there but when you work and had some real life stuff happen it makes it really difficult to catch it.

I wouldn’t even bother addressing that stance considering the appearances were not rewards from the achievement .