Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

More name calling

Muh pixels. I can’t be happy if other people have my pixels :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

We just want an opportunity. Denying people an opportunity to earn something they want is such a crazy concept to me


i have 27 appearances but i didnt have the opportunity to get the ones i really wanted so i have the sads! retired doesnt mean it wont come back, maybe blizzard lied! i hope they go back on their word so i can get what i didnt have the opportunity to get

Once again its not about me. But you obviously can’t read.

You don’t know what retired means.

Blizzard never promised they’d never come back.

Its not about me. It’s about fairness for all.

Going to bed. Will continue this discussion later tonight. My head hurts from how out of touch you are and how you continue to ignore what I say.

im here on behalf of all the people who have sads they dont have everything they want, im the mmo justice patrol, if those items were exclusive im sad and i want them!!!

Ya people often disagree, Thing is it wont change its false prestige.
Our difference is basically you care about pixels and i don’t.

I dont see any reason for any form of content being time limited and i am hoenstly fine if they simple go away forom this philosophy.

Really, is this your answer? :joy:

I stopped enjoying the game since BfA because of the storytelling, nothing to do with this discussion, in fact I no play since may :slightly_smiling_face:

But I honestly believe that this change will benefit the game more than it could harm it, because it is something that many people would be willing to return to the game if it is done well. :man_shrugging:

The only people this could harm are elitist people, and those people are always a minority. :sweat_smile:

It doesn’t actually harm anyone. This is a video game.

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Fair enough, but given rewards from time-locked achievements have been here since the beginning, do you think it is reasonable to retroactively erase those now? Particularly when said rewards were marketed specifically to be exclusive and time limited to the players?

And lets be realistic - you don’t see a plethora of threads about the other time-locked rewards - just this achievement. Which is why I question the integrity of many of the arguments raised here.


Then why the absurd fight and antagonism? :man_shrugging:

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The arguments have been coherently laid out in this thread multiple times, if you care to look.

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ok so what about old mounts and season mounts? for that reason glad mounts. its all in the same category

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Yes, an elitist argument that tries to deny something to a majority so that a minority feel better for having something that lacks real value, reducing the content available to a majority that is already abandoning the game.

Nobody is saying that this things have to be free, they are asking for the possibility of opting for them, of course the content will have to be rebalanced or partially changed to ensure that a level of difficulty is maintained according to the reward.

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There’s nothing elitist about wanting exclusive things to stay exclusive. We just want consistency. We aren’t secretly whispering each other about how SUPER COOL our artifact appearances are and that we love that people can no longer get them. Read the thread. We have said over and over again we wish they’d bring even better rewards in for those who missed them. We sympathize that people missed them and would welcome the re-colors, even the druid models on top of newer druid models. It’s principle. That’s it.

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Elitist? For pointing out how it works around here? And what do we call you, who despite having open access to most things save the fraction of items that are time-locked, now demand everything?

You seem to be lacking in perspective.

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If it’s only for timewalking and have it scaled to current content then I don’t see why there has to be a discussion. This isn’t a seasonal mythic or pvp mount. This would make timewalking way more rewarding if they bring back cool things. Also companies can change their minds of things being retired if they see a popular demand.

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Again, as I’ve asked repeatedly from people just like you, who raised the same argument (as you can see in alll those posts above) - cite me an example of a reward from a time-locked achievement they reversed on and brought back?

The reward didn’t come from the achievement, the achievement came from obtaining the reward. The achievement is a non-issue - why is it being brought up at all?

“Complete an artifact challenge quest line and unlock a new appearance for your artifact weapon.”

You can’t have one without the other - it’s a ludicrous argument, if it even meets the bar for being an argument. All I smell in here is the sweat of desperation.

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