Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

I see it as a stimulus to cause rapid short-term skill growth in a player who would otherwise not have motivation to push their ceiling higher.

Mage Towers might not have been ‘difficult’ but they made me a much better and well rounded player by familiaraizing me with every spec in the game, something I would not have endeavoured for without the time constraint.

What are you? The MMO Justice police? You’re a troll.

I mean they can do that again in timewalking if scaled correctly could they not?

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Sigh. Just someone trying to advocate for equal opportunity for all. If you think thats what a troll is then sure.

I feel like the troll is you. Especially when you purposely (theres no way you never read me saying others or everyone, I’ve said it probably close to 100 times now) leave out things I said in order to make me look like I’m trolling or have no clue what I am talking about.

When I see someone in the Hunter Challenge Mode armor I think

“Wow, that set is cool and I really regret not earning it in MoP but this guy did it, he is cool”

and not

“They should re-add this so I can have a chance to get it too!”

You will say “but you had a chance and did not get it, you played MoP, what about people who did not play MoP?”

And to that I say, I only played the very end of MoP, I ran out of time to get more of the CM sets done, it is my fault for not playing no matter what my real life situation was at the time.

Actually I mean high level of difficulty :slight_smile:

You make yourself look like a troll. Crying about not having the opportunity to get the appearances when you have almost 30 of them. I’m done with you. Wasting my time. Enjoy the t20 recolors, kid.

Yes, but it would not be the same challenge, the variables combining together to create the ‘experience’ would not be the same and that is why I think the rewards should also not be the same.

This is a tragic mentality and the game should encourage the idea of taking breaks from it and should respect player time and responsibilities especially as the playerbases becomes older and attracts (and keeps) less and less young people.

I cannot believe someone typed out the notion you should just play independent of what’s going on in your life.

People die. Get cancer. Get married. Have kids.

What kind of degenerate terminally gamer brain response.


But do you speak for everyone? I’m not trying to speak for everyone. I’m trying to give everyone a chance.

I actually wouldn’t say that part. Thats something the other side has been saying.

That sucks. I hope they bring it back for you, even if you don’t want it. Your free not to do it if they do.

Maybe for you. I missed vanilla Naxx because I was 12 in 2005 and my family was poor and couldn’t have afforded the sub. I also didn’t even know about the game until summer of 2007. Thats not something I’ll take fault for, being I was 12 at the time.

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I would be all for even more difficult towers with new and better rewards than the old ones.

This is what I have been wishing for since they left. I didn’t get to gear my alts in time. I got my dk ones but now I main druid. I was so crushed when I learned it was going to be a one time thing. I knew I didn’t have enough time to gear my characters. I see all the other games that have no content lock and it makes me depressed. I really want the druid ones. Trust me I tried to do it on my druid but just wasn’t geared enough. It also was something that wasn’t there all the damn time so it was so hard to keep trying for it. People need to stop being greedy butthole elitists and just let people get the appearances. I don’t want new colors I want the ones that are grayed out in my order hall dang it.



No one is crying lol. I also don’t want them for myself, so me having 27 of them is irrelevant.

Its almost like people other than me want the appearances too. I like to think of others, not just myself. Funny that I get called selfish though. Pretty sure my posts have been the opposite since I want these things for people other than myself.

Ouch resorting to name calling. Someone is mad. Also we have no idea if the T20 recolors are from the MT. I will enjoy it when I get it though thank you, the DK one is pretty neat.


My only problem in your whole post. Why not have both. Thats double the reward for you since you don’t have the old ones. :smiley:


Nope, you’re a troll my dude. You’re issuing personal attacks now since your original stand has actually no base at this point. Stop complaining about it.


Yea don’t understand why everyone butt hurt about mage tower, majority WoW almost dead there isn’t even much of a player base left and arguing over transmog in a half empty world lol


How about the make a way cooler version of MT appearance(bigger , flashier and higher rez model) , and only those without any of them on their account can receive them ?

Since bringing back “exclusive pixels” is so frowned upon , lets reward those who missed them(i wouldnt be eligible btw , i did my cm’s and mt’s)

Edit: i also want them back for others , just find it ridiculous how people are so opposed to it!


Another entitled crybaby. I REALLY hope y’all don’t get these appearances now.

honey, I think you should look in the mirror

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muh pixels i cant be happy unless i have everything in this game i want, please i have the sads y’all :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

please dont ruin my joy, i just want everything

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