Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Okay. Then add new ones in addition to the old. There.

Good. But don’t get your hopes up too high that it is indeed the armor sets. Those could be from Legion M+ for all we know, we have no confirmation on the MT rewards yet.

Like I said, I’m in favor of old and new. Unfortunately a lot of the people against it aren’t happy with that. They only want things their way, and then claim that way everyone wins. Its hilarious.

I have not once asked for only the old skins be added. I’ve never once even said this is about me (I earned 27/36 and don’t really even want the remaining 9), I haven’t tried taking away anything from anyone.

All I want is for everyone to have the opportunity to earn everything thats been removed from the game. “You didn’t play at the same time I did so you don’t deserve it” well never be a good argument to me.


Apparently it does. I can’t think of why else they’re so against other people being given the chance to earn an in-game item. Why does someone else earning something in a similar way they did bother them so much? The only answers I’ve seen have all boiled down to their epeen. They need to have something people can no longer get in order to feel accomplished. Wow, you have something in a video game that no one else can get anymore simply because they didn’t, or couldn’t, play the game 4 years ago. You must feel so special and proud.

I started playing back in late 2008, October something. Never hit level 60 until after WotLK released. Corrupted Ashbringer is one of my favorite weapons in the game. Never had a chance to get it. Only reason I don’t have it is because it was removed from the game about 2 weeks after I started playing. Up until I started playing my family was too poor to even be able to afford the monthly sub, something completely out of my control. Their responses are “Too bad, shoulda played earlier scrub sucks to be you lol”. Too bad I had literally no control over it. Totally my fault I missed it and not because Blizzard decided to arbitrarily remove it because of “lore” reasons. Yeah, raid content removed because lore reasons, like how 2 different Ragnaros’ exist at the same time, or 2 Kel’thuzads, or 2 Kael’thas’, 3 of you count the one in SLs. Lore like that hasn’t worked in over a decade.


I certainly agree with you on this. Several of my guild mates don’t have any mage tower appearances because they didn’t play legion due to how much they disliked WOD. They have the skill level that they certainly could have completed them in legion had they been playing so I can sympathize with them.

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Thank you, it seems like we do agree. Sorry if I came at you a little strong earlier. That post you were talking about just really annoyed me. That person has just been grasping at straws for over a day because they can’t think of a good reason to not bring back the old skins. I was getting irritated. I’ve also been up all night and its now 9 am. Ouch, its 9 am, I should go to bed lol.

When you say things about how it’s all about people’s “epeen” it’s difficult to take anything you say seriously. The reason has been explained to you ad-nauseam. You refuse to accept reality.

Sure thing, bring back the mage tower appearances alongside literally everything ever that was removed from the game and was limited. I would be super excited to get my amani war bear mount, core hound mount and mists of pandaria armor sets! As well as easily earn some titles people are so proud of displaying to cheapen their meaning. that’s the only way its fair. Period. Otherwise it’s arbitrary nonsense that even more proves flip flopping blizzard doesn’t know what the hell they are doing and even more reason to drop this game.


Yeah, you want something to not be made available to others for some reason. I’ve heard “because they didn’t play the same time as me” “because I find things no longer obtainable to be cool” “something is only cool to me if it can’t be obtained anymore” “they didn’t do the exact same challenge as me because it wasn’t at the same time I did it” (that one I’d argue is especially irrelevant, otherwise all the people who completed it during the first few weeks of it being out would have demanded no one be able to get it by the time 7.3 came out) “people don’t deserve it cuz they didn’t play 4 years ago” “just get over it” the list goes on.

The best example is why it would bother you if it returned. It would ruin your “sense of accomplishment”. If that doesn’t prove its to inflate your own ego and flex your epeen I don’t know what does, otherwise how does it ruin your sense of accomplishment? You just don’t want others to get it cuz it makes you feel less special, admit it.

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Yes, why not.

I’m against “easily” earning them. As long as its just as challenging, or at least comparatively close to as challenging to earn whatever title you want then have at it. I don’t think anyone should have it handed to them for free.

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I have 2 appearances and the Mage Tower was easy. I don’t feel any attachment to the “sense of accomplishment”. This is why you’re tone deaf. You just don’t get it. We think the appearances need to stay retired because Blizzard said they were getting retired. Words mean things. Sentiment is important as is principle.

I’m guessing I’ll see you crying in a thread about the Brawler’s Guild one day wondering why you can’t get rank 8 in season 1 anymore and how it’s just not fair. Or some nonsense like that.

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So you’ve never asked Blizzard to change anything about the game ever?

Retired doesn’t mean what you think it means.

No. Brawlers guild rank 8 season 1 was an achievement. If the Brawlers guild comes back you’ll still be able to reach rank 8. As far as I’m aware the only thing you got from rank 8 season one that you can’t get anymore was an achievement, which I am fine with staying gone. I don’t care about achievements, I think thats a cool way to show you did it before other people.

Good for you. Other people have been giving me that reasoning though. I’m not tone deaf, your just not reading every other post for context like I am. They’ve said people earning it now takes away their sense of accomplishment from earning it.

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This is what they always miss, they think we only want things to stay gone ‘because you already have them’.

The reality is, I have just as much value in the things other people have that I can’t get as I do in the things that I earned and other people can’t get.

The only reason I made sure to do mage towers is because I have regret from missing out on some of the Challenge Mode armor sets.

Instead of crying about what I missed out on, I instead used it as motivation to not miss out on something new that I wanted.

I do not get salty when I see someone wearing something that I can’t get, I respect the time they put into getitng it.

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I mean thats the biggest reason I’ve seen so far. They’ve said it takes away from their personal accomplishments, diminishes the work they put in, makes the item feel less valuable etc.

Well good thing I wasn’t just talking about you then. Your different. Good for you.

Thats the only reason? You didn’t do them because you also liked the appearances?

No one wanting the MT returned has been crying. Its called voicing an opinion. Opinions different from yours =/= crying.

No one gets salty at them. No one disrespects the time and effort they put in. They get upset at Blizzard because they themselves were never given that same chance. Which is what I and others are trying to fix. We want the chance to earn them. We don’t want them for free. We don’t want to take anything away from anyone. We just want everyone to have an equal chance at a cosmetic in a video game.

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You earning it now is completely different than earning it back then. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that’s what they mean. Different systems, different gearing, different talents, different synergy, etc. People have actually been pretty patient with you in this thread. It’s getting pathetic now though.

Why not use “shredders” - a pre-made character?

You should not get a chance to earn it though, there is no way to ever give you a 1:1 replica of how it was back then unless we are talking about full Classic-Legion.

The actual issue is that they have not given you something new that is just as cool or better than the mage tower rewards for you to work towards in the current game.

Apology appreciated but not necessary. I was not offended. I was not really disagreeing with your stance just felt you were blindly dismissing the other side of the argument at times even if I too feel there should be a middle ground solution that makes everyone mostly happy.

If they make the MT challenging then explain to me how its different other than the time period it was done in.

In other words a different time period of the game. All of those things can be fixed with tuning. Hell they have the old client on hand that Legion ran on, if they really wanted to they could use it for this. It’d be a little jarring if they did, so they probably won’t but they could. Funny thing is though I bet you still wouldn’t be happy. Call it a guess.

Yeah they make up lies about me. Call me a liar. Tell me to play in traffic (die). Say I don’t bathe. Tell me to just give up. Call me a crybaby. Etc. So patient.

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Good morning here’s your morning reminder


Opening the challenge to new players is good, but it is never going to be the same challenge so it should never be the same reward.

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I mean when they resort to talking about things that have nothing to do with the subject…

I’m starting to think there isn’t one. If old ones are added they are mad. If they are not my side is mad. I’d love to make everyone happy, but they just can’t agree to the idea someone can get the same pixels as them. Hopefully Blizzard doesn’t listen to them. People like them also advocated for the MT never returning at all though and look whats happening now, so at least there is hope.

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