Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Win/win means both sides get something they way…but see your ignorance forgets theres more sides then 2 here. Some of us want the old appearances to stay gone, so it would be at a minimuim win/win/lose

Sure she is. Sure she is.

You did. I am not the only one that saw that either. Also dipped your toe there into false information about the civil war while you were at it.

SUUUURE she did Jan, sure she did.

I am not the one that asked his “gf” to respond to someone being mean to me on the forums, and thats giving you a big benefit of the doubt of it actually being your GF, or a separate person and not just another account lol.

No, you aren’t. He is just unable to pose an actual logical argument against taking something that was advertised to be time sensitive, and it staying that way, without calling those that want it to stay that was as selfish.

Yeah, it would. Exclusivity here is that they exclusively played during legion, and beat the challenge when it was current. Not that you would understand that concept.

Not a proper, or cohesive, sentence.

but, were selfish for wanting things to stay exclusive when we made the effort to get them when we were told they would be…>.>

So, fine, everything ever taken out of the game should be implemented. Lets have the blood plague that nearly killed servers, back in the game too. Nothing passes, nothing grows, and nothing is left behind. If they do one thing, they have to do them all, or its simply favoring one group over others, but then more and more people would be offended too because their exclusive things they earned, can now be obtained by everyone.

Done it several times, what you don’t like is they simply said they would no longer be obtainable, and you are saying because they didn’t say “forever” it leaves room to come back, which it doesn’t.

You aren’t though. You are asking for old stuff to be recycled because the poor people that didn’t play before can’t get one or two cool things, and according to you, that would make them quit wow then and there…




No, they earned those things by overcoming the challenge that was posed to them at the time after being told it was going away. It has nothing to do with just playing the game.


Funny thing, because it was BOTH. You had to have skills and play at the time. That is what limited time challenges are.

Of course you don’t.

It was challenging, and it was based on a time. You just want to removed the at the time part of it because you feel its “unfair”

No, you want participation trophies.


Don’t ask them to do that, they don’t do good at it, or reading, or comprehension, or bathing. Ok I am being unfair, I am assuming the last.

No, you don’t, because it was only available at the time, and you didn’t play or beat the challenge. Its not anything to do with fair or not, but about matter of fact.

Then you could get the reward of THAT challenge, not an old one removed.

And took the time to learn your class well, play a difficult solo challenge, and beat it. Moreso if you did it for as many alt classes you wanted to. Thats dedication to wanting as much as possible to remove FOMO.

No, we have given reasons, you just don’t like the reasons given because you don’t understand them.

Yep, they are Veruca from Charlie and the chocolate factory.

Because they were taken away when blizz said they would go away what part of that is hard to understand?

Yep, and none of it affects their lives or gameplay at all for not having.

Thats what ALL games and advertising, sales, really everything works around. There is a reason a sale goes on for a set period of time.

Do you know what entitled and childish mean? I don’t think you do, but could look in a mirror to see a living embodiment.


But you get butthurt when people disagree with you, and resort to name calling too. Yes I do this too, just pointing out you do too bud.

There fixed for you

Whats worse is, we are also advocating for new stuff in lieu of, they want old stuff. I would say giving new stuff is more important.

Thats what those appearances were, an achievement. One you could hold and use in game.

You did get one. Easy search.

M … No? He requires the ability to be able to obtain an item. Not the object itself.

You are so blinded by your false belief that your opinion is the only correct opinion that it’s not surprising you missed his point. You can win the WS in 2021 just as you could in 2017. But the trophy (REWARD) is different. You can never earn the 2017 trophy again. Not all that different from the mage tower.

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The main trophy of sporting events is the title. Nobody fights in the Olympics for a cup of a certain shape.

Yeah none of the super bowl winners care about the ring they literally spend millions to have designed to their exact wishes…

Also pretty sure they give out gold medals in the Olympics. A prestige item they care very much about.

They want* But yeah. I’m advocating for new and old rewards to return, you just want new ones. If no old ones return that side doesn’t win. If old ones return your side doesn’t win. If both are added then we both win.

She is. I know its hard to believe a WoW player has a girlfriend, but I do. Sorry if this bothers you. Sorry Kathy hurt you.

Lmao, nope. I used the civil war and womens rights to show how your thinking about how the world works is terrible. Try again.

The information I said wasn’t false either. If you think the ONLY reason for the civil war was slavery your ignorant. Sorry. Any historian can tell you that. It was a major reason yes, but not the only one.

Heres the quote that I brought up the Civil War and Women’s Rights in response to

If people taught their kids that before the Civil War or the Women’s Rights Movement, and they all actually listened to it, then we’d still have slaves and women couldn’t vote. That was the point. I in no way compared it to the MT. I’d appreciate if you’d stop lying about me, thanks.

I didn’t ask her to. Sorry your wrong again.

And thats why the MT will be here for Legion timewalking. Wow. You do know the purpose of the timewalking feature correct?

Oh no attacking my sentence structure. You sure showed me.

Link where they said “never coming back”. I’m STILL waiting.


That’d be funny honestly. Lets have it within reason though.

Never even said no longer obtainable as far as I’ve seen. But yeah, that doesn’t mean “never coming back”. Is someone learning?

I am. I have said repeatedly I’m in favor of adding new appearances and old. I’ll say it again. I, Xandracon, am in favor of adding new and old appearances in the Mage Tower.

Oh so now you too know why others want something. I wish I had your psychic powers.

It is. The very definition of gate keeping and being selfish. Do you need a dictionary?

The challenge can be tuned again. They went away, no one is arguing that. Things that go away can come back.

Really? Because all it means when you say “they did it back then” is they played before other people. Thats all it means.

It is. To everyone who didn’t play during that window.

No, I don’t. I want them to earn it. You just don’t want them to have a chance to earn it. You just don’t want trophie period unless they were earned 4 years ago lol.

And here we see you starting to go off the deep end, resorting to insults. Thats all you have left. Pathetic.

Are you agreeing with me its unfair? You just said you don’t care about fairness.

I understand all of it. You can’t seem to grasp that things that go away can return.

And that doesn’t mean it will never be on sale again.

Lol okay mr no one else can have my pixels. I’m entitled. The true irony here is I don’t even want it for myself I want others to be able to have a chance at it. Yeah, I’m so entitled.

I’d say we could have both, but then you’d be butt hurt that someone got an item in a video game.

No, they’re appearances, not achievements. Achievements are those things you get when you do something special in game that pop up in guild chat and are yellow. Appearances are those thing in your appearance tab.

Really? I know you got one when you got your first appearance and your last, what about the second (not counting DH) or third for druid?

Did they go to the Super Bowl just for a specific award or for a title?

The medal is a symbol of the title, its embodiment. I think they would have taken care of the wooden medal too.

This is fine. It encourages them to do current era limited time events, such as pvp season elite sets. It’s healthy for the game to have temporarily available rewards.

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Sigh. Trying to equate real life things to pixels in a video game. Do you have an issue with people getting an achievement for killing the Lich King in 2021? What about earning mythic Nighthold transmog? No? Let people who did the MT 4 years ago keep their achievement (trophy). Let the appearances be unlocked again.

Do all the whiners not want to complete the mage tower for the old appearances only? Or do they just want the title and symbol of title for completing it? Because the symbol of the title for completing mage tower in 2021/2022 will be T20 recolor.

They need a title symbol, you can keep the title for yourself.

Which they have with the T20 recolor.

I mean that seems to be their primary concern. Love the use of the word whiners too by the way, really original. But I haven’t seen any of them against something new being added in addition to the old.

Source? I’m pretty sure thats speculation at this point.

You’ve been the most aggressive person in this thread with labeling anyone that disagrees with you as selfish among other name-calling. At this point I’m convinced you’re just trolling.

Selfish because they want to keep what they have and not let others get it. Should I get the definition of selfish for you or?

And yeah, after several hours of this and having people trying to personally insult me, telling me to “play in traffic”, and continue to lie about things I’ve said I’ve become a little irritated.

Also I prefer to think of myself as the most passionate.

Lol. Believe what you want. I’m not trolling, I just want what I think is best for new players and the health of the game as a whole. You want whats best for you.


Is it not also selfish to demand something others had to work hard for in a completely different environment because having said item would make you happy, but would make others who put the work in unhappy? As has been clearly shown in the 400 threads a year about this?

The funny thing about all this is that the detractors of the return of the mage tower complain so much that it seems that their pride and self-esteem depended on collecting exclusivities in a game :rofl:


And for the record I’m against blizzard spending money and dev time to rebalance old content with the same rewards. If the new mage tower awards the old weapon skins to those that don’t have them and the new T20 recolor than I could care less. I just don’t want effort being put in to bring back old content with the same rewards that a portion of players already have thus immediately making that dead content to them.

Edit: and yes that is a bit of a selfish stance on my part because I have all 36 so I’d have no reason to run mage tower again if its just the weapon mogs being offered again.

I want the challenge to be just as challenging as 4 years ago. I’ve said this many times. But thats not good enough for them. I want people to be able to put in the work now and earn it now if they are able to clear the challenge. No one who earned it before will lose anything, especially if the timewalking MT is made challenging enough.

A lot of those people said the MT itself was never coming back at all. They told people to stop asking for it. Here we are now, with it returning.

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