Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Conversely, you’re waving this around as though what was being asked for has been confirmed as given. Cognitive dissonance strikes again.

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The fact that you can’t see that quote you posted was sarcasm in response to a troll post is whats truly astounding. I don’t actually care about my server first achievements because they were done on a dead server.

I’ve seen a few “Oh cool, I can fight so and so again” and then we have these threads 2000 plus comments long about people who don’t understand what retired means crying about “muh pixels”.

Retired =/= gone forever. When a person retires they can resume working if they so wish.

Read this post, then you tell me retired means gone forever.

It’s alright, for everyone crying things should be back and for them to get the MT skins, there’s others like us crying against it. It cancels itself out, just like in this thread.

Hopefully blizzard won’t bend or kneel to this insanity, but who knows at this point. I want them to keep their word that the exact skins you got from MT in Legion stay there and be unobtainable, but, again who knows.

This has nothing to do with your bragging rights and everything to do with claiming the towers were easy, as if your artifacts existed in a vacuum unto themselves. I genuinely can’t tell if your actually so obtuse as to miss that point or if you’re trolling, congratulations.

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It is still unofficial on what the rewards are. That said anyone with half a brain can put two and two together. The original appearances were tied to the achievement ‘A Challenging Look’. That achievement was not added back to the game files hence why there is no data mined information listing it. T20 recolors have been added with no current method in game that would make sense to attach them to. MT coming back will reward some form of cosmetic item (t20 would make a lot of sense here). Only 5 of the original 7 challenges have been re-added to the game (incomplete MT means original rewards would not make sense). You are free to hold out hope but common sense would strongly suggest you curb your enthusiasm around the MT if it is solely based on the desire to get the original rewards.

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Good thing they never said the appearances were never returning. They can bring them back and keep their word.

Good thing you keep harping on about this, and it has already been showed to you, a few times over at that. But /shrug, who knows, right? If I were a dev, I’d straight up make sure none of this came back, at all. “If you missed out, you missed out. Sorry, but the world sucks sometimes” kind of thing. Glad I’m not, eh? :smiley:

Daily reminder: That people demanding for mage towers skins don’t REALLY care about bringing back removed content in general only what fits their agenda.


Blizzard should put the artifacts in the PTR data mine on “accident” and then pull them last second. Now that would be hilarious. I’d pop some popcorn for the forums that night.

The new achievement could be called “Cause We Want You to be Happy”

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Oh this is about my posts from yesterday. Gotcha.

Well, I explained this yesterday, but I will reexplain now. My comment about them being easy was not to detract any personal value one held toward earning the skin. I simply meant it was nothing challenging enough to warrant using it as something to flex their epeen over. Because nothing is. It was also a refference to how much easier the challenges were in 7.3.5 compared to when they were first released. Notice in the videos I linked the other day that both people completed their tower even though they made massive mistakes that had they made those mistakes without all of the gear/ap bloat their challenge would have ended in failure? Hell one person didn’t even take damage until he got hit by a mechanic designed to 1 shot you. Literally 0 damage taken until that point.

Funny because I still have yet to see Blizzard say “They will never return”.

Glad your not a dev. I’d probably be playing a different game given your design philosophies.


I’m glad you know them better than they do mr internet person. Thanks for enlightening us.

I don’t need compliments from a random.

Keep your parasocial garbage off me.

Truth hurts, truth sucks. Everyone wants their oranges and look special.

I don’t know what this weird obsession you have with epeens is all about, but you’re ignoring my point entirely so I’m ignoring whatever sped slop came after that sentence. Troll confirmed.

Why do you even keep bringing this point up given that you’ve already admitted that you don’t care if they actually did say it? :roll_eyes:

I don’t. The people posting yesterday did though.

Cool. Ignore my point. Give up and show me I’m right because you can’t be bothered anymore.


Thats like someones GF telling them they need a break for 3 weeks and everytime that happens they be with someone else and that break becomes permanent.

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Because I’m genuinely curious if they ever made such a promise. So many people keep saying they did. I want to see it.

It’d be like someone claiming the flying spaghetti monster exists. If they found a “picture” I still wouldn’t believe them.