Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

All your doing is splitting hairs. I think you should start managing your expectations, what you want and what you’re going to get in this matter are two different things.


Again with this “sky’s the limit, anything can happen drivel”. :roll_eyes:
Why even bother looking for actual evidence when you’ll just say the quoted above.

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We don’t know that yet. Once again someone saying “Just give it up already”. No. Thats what got us the tower back in the first place. Not giving up when people told us to.

I know, most of the people here know, and while you’re in denial now, you will know :wink:


Not drivel. People said the same thing about the MT returning. “Give up idiot its never coming back, your wasting your breath” and look where we are now.

I’m not one the be spiteful, but I’d love to see the looks on all your faces if Blizzard came out and said you could earn those skins again. The looks on peoples faces who said the MT was never coming back must have been a sight when it was announced.

To be fair I made a post earlier saying that even if a post was found I’d fight against Blizzard making that decision. You were warned. Funny enough I’m pretty sure that post was responding to you. Regardless Blizzard still never promised anything in that post, they just said it’d be like the old legendary cloaks from MoP. They could always bring those back too.

You’re really confident about your posts in this thread.
Edit: Oops, not that confident, we busted out the realm firsts and a Google link.
Edit: now it’s a meme, and not even a good one.

Realm first Mythic Arch and Helya, but okay. Coping already?

“Your just a troll, you don’t have realm firsts”

You should have seen the look on my face when they said it would probably award recolors of the T20.


Oh my, I will cry now on the forums how I deserve all your achievements because they will make me happy. Do you not want me to be happy?


No one cares if the challenges come back. The appearances as reward from the challenges is what people care about, and they’re not coming back.


Just make cool new challenge rewards, bringing things back that were limited time only just destroys the prestige.

Ask yourself why people don’t ride around on bronze drakes.

Bronze drakes are what happens when something is too accessible, it goes from cool/prestigious to embarrassing to be seen on.


Aw I use it on my Alliance priest =(

Better be glad I’m not on the dev team. I’d straight up tell people “no, too bad. If you missed it, sorry, but you missed it. It’s not gonna happen for you, but there will be other things you can get instead”

Again, I’d tell them be glad I’m not on blizzard dev team. I would not give in to any of this nonsense, none. I don’t care if it costed me your money, I stick to my guns, so yeah, be happy someone like me isn’t on there.

Really? I thought it was the terminally hemorrhaging sub loss from low quality, low quantity content from BFA to present, injected by the steroids of several massive PR scandals and unhappy investors. But it’s good to know it was actually because people on the forums asked for this specifically. We’ll pretend what they reward (the core of the issue) isn’t still the subject of mass speculation.

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A fair argument. I agree with title could be worded better. And I was around then too, I remember all of the actual crying on the forums back then for people demanding to have it handed to them. I was against those people then and still am. I mean they practically did hand them to everyone for minimal effort anyway. I earned them on specs I had never played before, some in a single try.

You should have seen it when we had trillions of ap. I killed it on my warrior I think in under a minute. I killed Agatha on him in under 30 seconds and most of that time was spent running back and forth because I’d hit her for 2 seconds and chuck her so hard she phased.

Well we’ll have to take a wait and see approach. If I’m being honest though I’d rather people had an easier time than not have a chance at all. I’m just against Blizzard handing it to them in the mail for logging again, or keeping them gone forever. Neither of those are good options in my eyes.


Not saying you didn’t. I’m saying that people have. So not “everyone” knows its speculation.

Most of the people here can see the future? Neat.

I was “in denial” back then too. Now look whats happened. Who was in denial again? The people asking for the MT back or the people who said it never would?

I wouldn’t say that. I’d say I’m hopeful. No one knows what the future brings, not you or I.

Where’d Blizzard say that? Guessing since you used the word “probably” your referring to a third party website. So still no confirmation then.

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No one even gives a sht about the Mage Tower. Notice how no one cares? It’s all about the artifact appearances. That you won’t get. :rofl:

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The fact that you don’t see the inherent disconnect between your tower experience and that of the majority of players, who are not server first and who don’t typically have current expansion mythic (or even heroic) sets, is actually quite stunning.

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Some of the posts much earlier in this thread sure did. So do the comments on WoWhead.