Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

There were several blue posts about mage tower base appearances having to be earned “during legion” and there are articles on the support site saying that the quests for mage tower weapons were removed and no longer available. Additionally the mop and wod challenge modes were never returned, setting a clear precedent. If they put the mage tower back in with the legion rewards, it will be a massive exception to every reward that has ever been limited to expac or season.

The argument “they never said it would be gone forever” is symantic at best, completely ignores the nature of expansion challenges and the language suggesting that it was only available “during legion” that shows up multiple places in patch notes and blue posts.

It would be completely unprecedented to randomly reintroduce formerly exclusive challenge rewards to retail and would essentially allow people to demand the mop, wod, aotc, seasonal pvp, and every other limited cosmetic back and give blizz no legitimate argument to deny them. It’s only pixels after all. Exclusive rewards are exclusive, blizz has never reneged on that, and claiming that removal isn’t permanent unless they explicitly said in a post that it would never be returned ignores 17 years of context that limited content stays limited and if you missed it, you missed it.

To all the “but they wasted development” arguments, blizz has yet to create an asset and then never reskin it for future use, I’m sure someday no-leg-day-bear will be a cosmetic reward for something else.

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Cool you found one. Well I disagree. I think it should be hard to earn. I’m impressed you found one whole person in this sea of posts though. Good job. I disagree with that person (slightly) are you happy now?

was that confirmed to be mage tower or raid gear for 9.2?

Fine. I’ll link my server first achievements. I’ll show you any MT appearance you don’t have, MoP cm set too. Am I flexing my superiority yet? Your just trolling at this point. No point to be made.

I don’t. And I won’t get it if its re-released either. I don’t play resto druid.

The fuss is over removed content, not a staff, stop moving goal posts please.

Well they datamined stuff that looks like you get teleported to different MT bosses and that the damage from said bosses has been reduced. And then a dev tweeted a recolour of one of the T20 sets (its a legion set - I doubt it will have power, just cosmetic) and said something like “wonder what this is for” and these legion recolours currently have no pathing right now on how they’re obtained so wowhead and others have speculated its MT rewards.

Did you miss the news?

Be mad at my mog all you want. I don’t care lol. I look cool as hell.

Agreed. In fact, here is an article where Ornyx states that the appearances were meant to be a badge of honor at the time it was present. These were meant to be exclusive, and it’s not farfetched to think that they would stay that way.


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Realm First Troll I’m sure :joy:

Well your Honour, the defence rests its case :). Good job on digging that nugget up!

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Y’all are scrubs. I’ma link my world’s first [Explore Elwyn Forest] to shut you all up. :rofl:


Stop, stop, you’re flexing too much superiority, Xanny might cry!

Post them

Quests. Quests that have references datamined in 9.1.5.

“Never”. I prefer to use the word “yet”. You never know what the future holds.

So is “They said it was never returning”

A first time for everything then.


Right, so why is it such a big issue for you? Does someone else’s pixels bother you? If so, why?

I’m pretty sure the appearances were an exclusive reward tied to the mage tower, which just happened to be in Legion. Now its being added back, during Legion timewalking weeks. So its still exclusive.

Except the werebear. Except store mounts. But yeah, other than those 2 (that I came up with in 5 seconds), never.

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I’m humbled in your presence :muscle:


I can agree with this as well. My concern(?) or impression is that, for example, the title of this thread reads “Let everyone get” - which can be read as “give everyone a chance to work at it”. I guarantee you some, not all (and unsure if most/some/etc) would expect to be ‘given’ the skin, with little to no effort. I’m basing this assumption (which could be wrong) on the fact that, man, I was active in the forums during 7.3, I remember the griping, the complaining and the gnashing of teeth about how difficult, how unfair, and how , according to some, the encounters were still overtuned. Taking the tank challenge as an example, I can’t even fathom what that challenge could have been like with the maxed out concordance trait, it must have been awesome. And even then, it was too much for some people.

So, if they hypothetically make them a challenge again, which I agree with you would be a good thing, the fact that Blizz seems to be bringing the scenarios back will not have been enough.

Bad news. Ion just texted me back. He said he read over this thread and he changed his mind. Artifact appearances aren’t coming back. He was pretty upset that someone referred to his game as “mere code and pixels”. Said it diminishes his art. Sorry, Xanny. I tried.

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We don’t know where its from

The tweet seems to suggest it could be from M+ during timewalking but no confirmation. Anyone trying to claim its from the MT isn’t sure and is only speculating.

We went from “Sorry, it was a limited time promotion” to actively wishing negativity towards others. I missed out on heaps of time sensitive items. Them’s the breaks. Sux2Bme. Etc. Life goes on even if you don’t have that shiny lump of pixels to flex.

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I think I qualified it as speculation, many times. We all know it’s speculation.

Quote from your link:

The Mage Tower appearance will be akin to the Legendary Cloaks and other legendary quest lines from recent expansions, wherein it will serve as a badge of honor from Legion saying “I was here” and “I did this”.

I personally think trying to keep the Mage Tower challenge balanced and up-to-date would be a bit of a distraction from current content, and it’s probably not something the development team would want to devote time to. I’d much rather the development team focus on Battle for Azeroth content, and make something like Mage Tower again in the future when the timing is right.

This isn’t anything new, so I encourage you to take opportunities as they are available to try and complete the challenge! :slight_smile:

A few things here.

“The Mage Tower appearance will be akin to the Legendary Cloaks and other legendary quest lines from recent expansions, wherein it will serve as a badge of honor from Legion saying “I was here” and “I did this”.”

Blizzard can change their mind if they wish. The best you have here is implication. Not a promise. Maybe they can re-add those things as well since the MT is coming back. Who knows.

“I personally think trying to keep the Mage Tower challenge balanced and up-to-date would be a bit of a distraction from current content, and it’s probably not something the development team would want to devote time to.”

Note the terms “personally” and “probably”. He was extrememly careful with how he worded it. I wonder why that is.