Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Well lets see. What is an item in a video game when we break it down. In a more physical form its coding, in a visual form its pixels. Calling something what it is, an in-game item, pixels, is not childish. Calling people out for defending “their” (players own nothing in this game) pixels at the expense of others enjoyment and enjoying using those pixels to flex superiority over other players is not childish either.

Lets do some roleplay here. I’m a new player. Your a cool player with a cm mog and MT artifact appearance. Feel free to correct this post if I say something you wouldn’t with how you’d respond.

Me: Excuse me, thats a really cool armor set you have, where’d you get it?

You: Its from MoP challenge modes, they aren’t available in the game anymore though, sorry.

Me: Oh, well is there any other way to get them?

You: No, sorry.

Me: Damn that sucks. What about that weapon?

You: Oh this is from the Legion Mage Tower.

Me: Its so cool. How do I do it?

You: You can’t.

Me: Why?

You: Because its gone.

Me: Does Blizzard have a thing for removing content? I hadn’t heard about them removing content before, I thought I could do everything from previous expansions.

You: Nope. Sometimes Blizzard does this. I think its pretty cool though.

Me: Keeping things from others because they didn’t play at the same time of you is cool? How?

You: It makes me feel special and lets me show off my cool stuff. Sorry you missed it, but it sucks to be you. Get over it. Go get some other armor you think is cool.

Me: A bit rude. I like that one though.

You: Thats too bad then. Don’t cry about it, just get over it and go get something else.

What a lovely conversation am I right?

So requested link provided - ignored and now the argument has devolved to… pixels and how hard they are to code. So the argument has shifted to … but it would be so easy for the devs to gift me this?

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I’m about done with him. I think we’ve been trolled.

Feels like it, his argument is shifting fast - I smell desperation. I just think let it go man… just let it go.

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So you willfully refuse to believe the possibility that Blizz may have said they would be gone forever in those old forums that can no longer be accessed. Good to know that you are biased at least.

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If I ever see you in game I’m going to be on my Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent so I can tell you to go kill Sha a few times and you’ll get it.

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I’ll tank the sha in my werebear or just sit by pawing the dirt in disco cat.

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Requested link still not provided. Provided something not asked for. So yes, ignored.

Again with the “You want Devs to just hand you things.” We don’t but okay. I’ve linked you quotes saying we want challenges. For someone who likes to talk about people ignoring posts you sure seem to do a lot of it.

hey buddy, you missed the window. ITs time to get over it, and look to rewards you can still earn that are also cool.

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I mean could they have said it? Sure. But thats not what people are saying. They are saying they DID say it, not COULD HAVE. Theres a difference. I’m not biased, I’m asking for proof of a claim your making.

It’s my post above. I replied to you with it and listen, you go look it up yourself, it’s plain to find under the legion 7.2 patch news on the official Wow website. I have neither the inclination nor am I burdened with, doing your research for you.

Again, why do I care about your feelings or bullying? I don’t. Stop trying to make the world into a carebear. It’s not, and never will be. It shouldn’t be, either. People need to adjust and get over things or they’re not gonna last long in the real world.

I never mentioned you were being crappy. That was an example of my being blunt, nothing more.

My feelings aren’t hurt, we both keep doing this dance. I just get bored of it is all, nothing more. You’re gonna keep insisting like a 5 year old, and I’m not gonna bother because, again, I just don’t care. When I see a child throwing a tantrum, I leave them be and move on. They’ll stop eventually.

No, harping on about it 5 hours later is. I moved on 3 hours ago.

They did. I don’t need to prove it, as again, I’m just saying they did. You’re the one caring about whether they did or not. I said it and moved on, so again no it’s not on me. It would be if I were trying to win a debate or prove it, but because I’m not trying to win nor do I care about it after mentioning that they said it, it’s not.

You mean the ones who were there and earned it? Sure if you wanna look at it from the entitleds side then yeah, the others would be crying too. Both sides would be crying at that point.

Cool, myself as well. It’s an annoyance to see people bend to the will of the child like that rather than have the courage to let the child throw their tantrum and learn they’re not always gonna get their way. When I threw mine as a kid, my parents left me alone and I wailed on the floor then eventually stopped. After we got home, they beat my behind black and blue and put a bar of soap in my mouth for throwing tantrums in public. Same thing if I did anything out of line as well.

No, I’m telling people like it is. You’re the one who literally keeps harping on about “show me the proof” kind of thing when I’m just saying “No, they said it was being removed” and stuff. Again, I understand you and your position, I just literally don’t care about winning or losing. I’m just stating what they said and voicing my opinion, nothing more. That opinion will always be “No” to those wanting it back with the same skins it had before. With recolors, again I don’t care, but with the same exact skins and colors as it had before, no.

See, again you keep harping on about this. I just don’t care to entertain this notion, so I don’t.

They did say it, and you’re correct I wasn’t throwing a tantrum. I just don’t care.

I do believe in that with mostly everything else, but the premise of MT was it was there for the expansion then gone forever. That’s what sold a lot of people on doing MT during Legion, not “It MIGHT COME BACK but it’s gone for now” kind of idea, no. It was sold to the public on the premise that it’s not going to be coming back, so a lot of people went ham on it for the things they wanted. If they said “it might return some other time” then a lot of people would not have bothered with it as much.

It was, and cool.

No, I said what I said and I care not whether you believe me or not. That’s what that implies, nothing more. The burden of proof or anything of the sort isn’t on someone who doesn’t care nor is trying to win anything. That’s on someone who is trying to win and prove something, not on the person just stating something and not caring whether you believe them or not. I’m not trying to win.

Let’s face it at this point in time even if they had a link or quote you still wouldn’t believe them because to you the only way to prove otherwise, if anyone cared, would be for blizzard to say it themselves so yeah. They said it, it was removed, it is done. We can move on.

I care about time limited things being sold as time limited, then brought back because the players want to be babies and cry about not having it. Doesn’t matter the reasoning, no. They can bring MT back just not the same exact cosmetics. They can do recolors, I would not care. The same exact things, though, yes I care. I worked hard to get the ones I did and I did it because it was being removed, not to return again. Time limited is time limited and should stay as such, not be brought back.

Exactly, new things not old. They can do recolors, or they can do new things. People keep asking for old stuff thinking it’s new content. It’s not, it would be just an excuse for blizz to be lazy and get away with it, too, instead of coming up with something new and entertaining for people to do this expansion or next.

They said it, and I’ll keep saying they said it, too, because they did.

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And I won’t care because its obtainable. I’ll show you my Fel Drake and tell you to suck egg water or spend $3000 I guess. Maybe give you a taste of your own medicine.

And I’ll log on my druid and show you I have it too. Big flex. /s

LOL I already have it. Got the Spectral Tiger? How about the Mottled? How about the Amani Dragonhawk? Shall we keep going? Am I flexing my superiority yet? :rofl:

The mage tower is returning. Possibility of re-opening has arrived. People said the same when people asked for the Mage Tower to return “You missed the window, get over it” and look where we are now, its returning. Your just mad we aren’t giving into you and giving up, stay salty.

Oh you don’t have the resto one, that’s right. Jeeze why all the fuss over a staff?

What the hell are you even talking about …

No, im mad that someone who is fretting over mogs from mage tower, apparently doesn’t even know how to transmog properly.

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I did, and I posted it again word for word. It does not mention anything about the appearances going away forever. Maybe you just can’t read. Not sure.

Also its not my research. You clearly don’t know what burden of proof means. Your the one claiming Blizzard said something, not me. I cannot prove something does not exist, thats impossible.

I don’t want to admit that made me lol. But yes they are (apparently, all hush hush datamined) are maybe bringing the tower back so people can try it - a nerfed one from the looks of it from Wowhead and it looks like maybe it will reward a recolour of the T20 sets.