Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

You are acting ridiculously at this point, the link has been provided to you in the thread, this evening, you don’t even have to scroll up far. Are we all your secretaries? Are your fingers broken - you’re an adult - you look it up.

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You’re gonna be waiting for a while, as I could, again, not give 2 bleeps about whether you believe me or not. Really wish we could say other words, saying bleeps to mean something else is quite silly.

He can’t even bothered to “scroll up” - is he aware or believe the earth is round, at this point I’m starting to wonder.

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That wasn’t the point but ok.

You don’t have to agree or disagree. Its a fact that you didn’t need the achievement to get the appearance, otherwise there would be a separate achievement for all specs of your character. There aren’t. Therefore the appearances are not tied to getting an achievement, they are tied to completing a challenge that Blizzard is apparently bringing back into the game. Therefore you have no argument.

I don’t have a day job but I might make a pretty good lawyer since I know the difference between the things were saying and your trying to say its the same thing. Not all metal is gold, but all gold is metal.

His link is to Icy Veins, not Blizzard. Thats not whats been asked. No one has asked “When did Icy Veins say it was being permanently removed?” They asked when Blizzard said it. Your ability to move a goal post is astounding.

So because they’ve never done it before they’re never allowed to change their mind about it? Still not a very good argument.

It’s aight, someone doesn’t understand articles like that specifically take quotes from blizzard, but it’s ok. Don’t worry bout it, keep hanging on.

No argument for bringing it back is very good, either.

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I mean, what about the folks that busted their asses to get all of the appearances, believing that they would not be available anymore? “Sucks to be you”?

It very much is a fact you need the achievement to unlock the appearance - said reward for said achievement.

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He, himself, wouldn’t care but yeah, I would if they were the same exact skins. I’m alright with recolors and stuff, just not the exact same skins.


If you tie this award to another achievement. What’s going to happen?

The only patch notes I was able to find in about 10 minutes of searching (gave up because its not my job to help your argument anyway) I couldn’t even find a Blizzard post about the mage tower. I saw some notes of char customization, class tuning, the new content, war mode, pvp, etc. Nothing on mage tower artifact skins though.

It actually link to a Blue post, unlike yours that just says “Blizzard said” while providing no link.

Still name calling. Someone is mad.

Yeah its about hurt feeling and breaking promises never made. Also about being able to tell a new player “too bad so sad” and getting some sort of satisfaction from it.

Still waiting for a link to Blizzard saying it. Repeating yourself that Blizzard said it while continually not providing proof isn’t helping your argument, sorry.

There’s no precedent for that. I suppose what one could expect is a new challenge with a similar reward.

I’m just gonna stop after this since you ignored me and can’t see. it was ICY VEINS that said that, not BLIZZARD. My God.

Not mad, just bored actually.

Not even close, but that’s aight, don’t worry kid, you’ll get em next time.

It is, you’re just being a 5 year old that’s throwing a tantrum, but it’s again, alright. Not everyone can read between the lines, so keep at the tantrum.

I’ve already been waiting a day. It seems to me like your giving up providing proof though. Thats fine. You were wrong, they never promised anything. We can move on now.

It’s funny, new players here constantly face problems of getting kicked from dungeons for not knowing them/not wearing heirlooms/etc, and are generally reviled and talked down to by this community. But the second that “new players” could be used for an agenda “Oh we must think of the new players, what about the poor new players?!”.

No. Nothing to them. They have it. What more do they want. As long as the mage tower is challenging in TW them overcoming a challenge is not diminished at all.

Thats on them. Blizzard never said that and no one has posted proof otherwise. Removed =/= gone forever. Unobtainable =/= unobtainable forever.

I wasn’t wrong. That article would not have been worded like that if it was not said like that by blizzard themselves. When you do things like that, you need fact check, source checking everything else, to make 100% sure to confirm it, but hey, it’s again alright. You’ve never done articles like that so who knows.

They did.

So you name call when bored. Okay.

“Kid” I’m almost 30 but okay. And yes, thats what it boils down to from everyone I’ve seen who has it and doesn’t want others to have it. I’m not sure what kind of satisfaction they get from telling others they can’t have something but whatever.

Lol. No you said Blizzard said something and have yet to prove otherwise. The one throwing his tantrum “just believe me!” is you friend.

Oh so it was a between the lines promise that can’t be proven because its not actually there. Gotcha.