Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Who is GM?

Nah, see now you’re just avoiding that you were wrong in your statement. You’re simply exaggerating things to prove your point and got called out and are now just trying to make me look a different direction. Your point is invalid… NEXT.


Blizzard never said they’d never come back though. They said they’d be removed, with no indication of how long, and they were for at least 4 years. If they come back Blizzard has broken no such promise.

And yet they want to state it as fact that its never coming back. Funny enough if you scroll up enough there were people saying the same thing about the MT itself never coming back and we should give up asking for it, and then here we are with it coming back, so now they’ve moved goal posts and are asking us to give up again.

They didn’t say it wasn’t ever coming back. Just that it’d be unobtainable after prepatch. Right now is still “after prepatch.”

I’m on your side, I dislike when they discontinue stuff dumb practice. But that argument has been tried (by me). I think it’s best just to ask for recolors and argue with the folks who still disagree to that.

With the “they never said”, after researching old posts. Blizzard tends to leave themselves an opening on stuff. They did it on the MOP collector edition stuff and the old pvp titles.

They always said “this is going away, but may return.”

MT stuff didn’t say that. I think the better argument is to say that the unique appearances are gone. So the black,grey, brown and white werebear. But… blizzard said nothing about not using those models for newer appearances. So a… purple werebear.

You laughed at a fact? I didn’t think it was really funny, but humor is subjective I guess.

Not a troll at all, reversing the order of appearance and achievement fundamentally changes how obtaining each of them worked.

I hope Blizz breaks more promises so I can have my pixels.

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Imagine thinking that more content and more cosmetics is bad for the game :smiley:


Well, you can’t get one without the other, so does it really matter (not that I agree with you on what came first)

Edit - don’t quit your day job and try to be a lawyer.

Actually, if you read above they said “permanently removed” another poster linked it.

When Blizzard says something is going to be removed, they’ve basically stuck to it. All the way from the beginning with the scarab lord mount, to the MoP CM sets, and so forth.

Well, with the new MT surely to come and the hinted new mogs, you get both new cosmetics and content.

Yes sorry, its late and I misread what you posted. Well if the article found the post of Blizzard saying it surely you can too then. I’ve been looking but haven’t and as I said since your the one using it in your argument the burden of proof is on you. Otherwise its just your word, and thats not good enough. I could say Blizzard said x and provide no proof when asked about it and it wouldn’t help my argument either.

For probably the 50th time we are not denying they said it was going away. You do know when something goes away it can come back right? For example “I’m going to be going away on vacation” but once vacation is over I’ll be coming back home.

So talking out of your rear then. Thanks for admitting it. Blizzard never promised anything and you have yet to prove otherwise, so I don’t believe you.

Not the same in the slightest, try again.


They did say it, in the patch notes for the prepatch going into 8.0. I did not screen shot it, sorry, did not worry about that at the time they said it nor did I ever think someone would be as desperate to hang onto this as hard as you. My bad for not thinking years ahead here.

Fair enough, I forgot how the whiny and entitled do get their way eventually.

I’d be fine for recolors. Like I said, the specific skins should not be obtainable. Recolors are fine as they’re not the exact same ones. It’d be a slap in the face to all those who did work under the impression of “it’s never coming back.”

Imagine thinking that’s what this was about. :open_mouth:

Imagine thinking that a small amount of unobtainable items is bad for the game.

They said, get it now before it is “permanently removed”. What is that? That’s not a promise to you? What else shall we call it then. A vague suggestion?

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Yeah they keep saying we demand to get them for free. I’ve asked for quotes of anyone saying that but have gotten nothing. And as soon as I bring up challenge they move goal posts to “the time it was earned” as if doing something before another person makes their argument any more valid.

See? Goal post moved. Classic.

Link to where Blizzard said permanently removed. I am STILL waiting.

It’s in the thread, the other poster helpfully provided the link. You’re certainly free to scroll up :wink:

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Still waiting on a link to that promise from Blizzard. So many people bringing it up, surely one of you can link it.