Because you get a token for gear by completing the Raid.
Leave in peace and enjoy 9 reports each 3 days, You Will not only quit pugs, blizzard Will make You quit forever.
Social engineering 101
I don’t think they mind not joining HR runs at all.
Ok that is funny and I think everyone can relate that has been in a GDKP before. This made my morning XD
Based on the large amount of cryscreaming in my servers LFG chat at anyone who is running a HR run now, I’d beg to differ.
It’s typically the people that refuse to form their own runs (fear? laziness? who knows) who cryscream the loudest about this.
Agreed, it is very petty. You are gonna need to get used to it happening all the time now.
This makes sense. Of course someone who supported gdkp would act like a selfish, self-centered dirtbag.
Go ahead and do it, the community is small enough and word will get around that you are a chicken head.
We dont need your kind in the game.
Say it ain’t so…please don’t do it…we take it all back, the bad stuff we said about GDKP. Just please stop.
lol good luck with this. Reputations matter in classic
What do you think we have been doing this entire time?
Its like you were swimming in such a large pile of gold that you could not even see what people spam in LFG.
You are the one thats new here buddy. Happy you decided to join the rest of the community.
Highlighted below.
If you are not in guild then you still have to look for a PuG group. Just because its not a P2W group doesn’t mean it will take longer.
I agree the PuG scene is healthy and its easy to find a group. With the banning of P2W it will be even easier to find legitimate group.
Perhaps it was the presentation of the original post or the entitled language (could be my interpretation admittedly) , but you came across like you want to log in and you demand 9 other people be immediately available and you demand that!
I get it, we have many people in our guild w/ variable schedules, family responsibilities, health problems, et al. We also have a discord that allows these players to find groups when their schedules allow. Furthermore, the banning of the P2W/GDKP scene will increase the player pool and in turn make finding/creating a PuG much more simple.
Consider reading some of the rest of this thread before commenting next time, cheers!
at least attempt to make it seem like you are responding in good faith, lmao.
This is literally the entire purpose of a PUG. It stands for ‘pick up group’. I either join an existing run that is recruiting or i create my own and recruit from readily available players who are online.
Am I talking to a bot or something here?
I have been pugging bfd every lockout on my alt, I have seen people leave only like 3 times ever? Having done nearly every lockout available.
Is it just the gdkp people who plan on leaving asap when not getting gear?
I agree with the other gdkp guy who said all the gdkp’ers should quit as a form of protest. If you guys are so eager to loot and scoot, just leave the game and don’t come back. The community will be better for it.
Despite the doomsaying here, people don’t really leave that often.
Im in the same boat. I cannot commit to a guild because of my work/life.
I have pugged every single BFD i have done. Every reset, had never been an issue finding a group. I been in 2 failed groups, but that was my own fault not vetting them properly.
Pugging is alive and well, also none were gdkp.
As responded to many other people who seem to think SOD is the first version of wow to exist.
This problem doesn’t exist for raids where you’re only competing against 9 other people in an instance that only take 30minutes.
When you are competing against 39 people in a raid that takes 1-2 hours though, prepare your butthole to be £"!£"ed by SR leavers.
I beg you, stop responding to comments in real time and read the rest of the thread, cheers!
And you’ll leave on ignore.
Nope, why would I?
Thats silly, im going to respond to whatever i feel like responding too. Like this right here!
What up dawg, you at home or work? Hit me back, slime, cheers!