It is what it is, if we cant do GDKP’s, and our bis/near biss toons get nothing out of the run why complete it if our gear didnt drop or if we got the item or didnt win the roll? Theres nothing in it for me to stay in a pug run.
If what i need is on the 2nd boss, and nothing on 3, 4, 5, and 6. im out.
If not that, i could always just HR the gear i want, if that doesn’t drop i could always just leave or pocket gear that people didnt roll on for de/vendor + take all the greens aswell.
I get nothing out of staying in a pug run or even going to a pug run if im bis.
As someone who previously did a bunch of GDKP, I will now be creating hard res runs to replace them.
I don’t buy gold and never will, I don’t break TOS because I enjoy my account, I did GDKP because player agency allowed it and it was a very effectively way to gear up my chars.
Now, player agency will allow me to hard res the gear I want. I don’t mind spending some extra time recruiting to make sure I get the outcome I want.
I hope anti-GDKPers enjoy seeing more hard res runs.
more pore to you brother! play the game how you want to play!
It isnt what it isnt.
The sky is blue.
Words are words.
Like you’d even go into a raid now that your gdkp crutch is gone lol.
Yes, this is what we were asking for. You can choose to do that; I don’t think people on your server will want to continue grouping with you but you can do what you want, as long as it isn’t a GDKP.
Like the OP said, it is what it is. The job was to oust GDKPs to avoid the impending doom, not please everyone. Those of us that are civilized run in guilds. Those that aren’t, will learn the hard way to finally join one, or just be collateral damage. Those that are obstinate with your archaic selfish HR stuff, go for it, you’ll get rolled over and forgotten with the rest.
oh i do. I HR my own runs to get gear, so i dont have to buy it in GDKP’s so i wont get side eye’d by weirdos for not bidding.
i hope soo, that means ill get to keep doing it.
Yeah that’s the great part! Doing your thing in your little corner of the world is fine. Out of sight out of mind. Just don’t let your little “harmless” toots waft in the direction of a lot of unknowing and innocent people.
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Lol, gdkpers threatening to leave pug runs… Tbh you’ll all quit the game after you don’t get a shiny reward in your first pug and we won’t have to deal with your crying anymore.
No one cares. HR has been a consistent thing since vanilla
Blacklist addons incoming
Its like watching a toddler have a melt down in the grocery store as I walk past.
nooo id leave the group after the boss is dead because i wont need the other bosses.
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im just stating whats gonna happen to alot of pugs 
ah yes actively sabotage the gameplay of others and ruin your name seems like the right move… You people are acting like children who got told no… Grow up
and then people are just gonna masterloot everything to themselves and do loot at the end.
cry more.
People who PuG and don’t stay/drop group when the items they don’t want drop, are trash. 
Can’t wait for your server to blacklist you, lol.
It’s like going to the local store, seeing they’re out of a product you want, so you start trashing the isles.
Same immature kid energy, forget about the rest of the people, it’s about you!
Nevermind it’s a multiplayer game, and raiding is about teamwork in the first place.
Honest question, slightly off topic, did you raid t5 in classic? I don’t think my blacklist could be big enough to list the players in pugs that had “internet go out” as you approached a hard boss or just didn’t show day 2 as they didn’t need anything from TK. Server blacklists do not work unless you are on a dead server anymore. Simply too many players.