Just leave pug runs if your gear doesnt drop

I’ve never ran a gdkp, but I did pug every bfd lockout I ran. Started doing SR toward the end. Never had anyone leave a group, and never considered leaving because what I wanted didn’t drop.

Part of the fun is finishing out the raid with your group

Following the ToS is always a good faith act. Do better bro, follow the rules.

Or, and this is from experience of at least 50 runs between my 5 alts, we’ll run pug runs without GDKP and they’ll go just fine. This hellscape some of you believe is happening where every run outside of a guild run right now is GDKP with gold buyers just isn’t real. Sure I have a guild on my main and run with them for that, but there’s no problems finding runs that aren’t GDKP and make it through this glorified dungeon just as fast in the pug world. This won’t change in Phase 2.

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the only people who would do that are GDKP runners who are not going to keep playing when they cant get a unfair advantage anyway

i have not once had a pugger leave in the middle of a run because blizzard puts the extremely rare top gear on the final 2 bosses anyways and there’s usually quests involved with the final boss aswell

people will stay for the boe/gold/materials you get rapidly from burning through the raid at the very least

We’re not seeing these issues in these early, very fast and small 10 man raids.
This is a problem that will occur in longer raids with larger sizes, and it has been demonstrated in other versions of classic over the few years, it will definitely be a problem in SoD once we reach the same raid sizes.
As described above, the issue in these larger raids will be something like this:

  • raid with 8 bosses, you need an item from many bosses but you SR the drop on boss 2
  • you kill boss 2, your item does not drop
  • you check the SR list to find that every other item you do need on future bosses is SRd by other people
  • you realise that you will now get zero reward for finishing this raid
  • bonus: the group is not very strong and you are wiping on boss 3
  • oops! looks like i have a power outage!

Seems correct to me. Every now and then you run into a post about people confused on why they got banned for gold buying but I haven’t seen anyone I know get banned.

post on your main so you can be blacklisted from all pugs lmao

So instead of one raid of pay pigs there will now be 9 raids of HR’s.

That’s a win for the community.

Time for a dream runs.
Lf 2 tanks to healers sword hard res 5/7

OP gets credit card gold nerfed.
OP calls for degen behavior in tantrum.

I think my 5 year old is a bit less transparent.

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Hard reserve runs are as classic as it gets. Not sure why people are acting like this is some new thing.

An entire guild on my server was formed around a dude who pugged with specific loot reserved. Eventually they had enough reliable puggers that the dude just made a guild.

It was called Cruise Control on Illidan if I remember correctly.

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Significantly higher.

PoD if found on crusader strike should start for no less than 2.5k gold. Maybe 3k.


Huge caveat in that I havent done any sims or looked at the datamined stuff, I have no clue if anything will beat it

If not it’ll be insane.

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In a few days all the P2W kiddos will have cried themselves out and realize they can just play the game instead of swiping and things will be ok. I’m sure a few shady folks will drop a raid group a couple times but most servers have a list for those people, then the players will not be able to swipe or pug for gear. Tbh the game will be better without them.

Where are you getting that information from? It is not explicitly said in the official blue post.

So we agree that most of people with a PoD, a Gut Ripper or similar will be a dirty cheater, right?

Also we agree that putting an item on the AH at this price will be basically profiting from illicit activities against ToS, right?

I will now quote Blizzard themselves:

It’s also undeniable that GDKP contributes to and drives a lot of illicit activity, such as real-money trading (RMT) and botting, as it creates a demand for in-game gold that would not otherwise exist. GDKP can create an “arms race” effect that encourages participating players to purchase gold to be able to compete for the best items.

The good guilds and Pug Raid Leads are.

time to fire up the blacklist channels on the server discords…

I’m sure people will keep invite you back if you do that

It says raids and dungeons in the bluepost.

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(except if you want to use GDKP)*