"Just ignore the timer!1!"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well I’m done feeding it. Good day.

Someone who only does LFR and Normal can’t call anyone bad.

Keep ignoring the Tazavesh thing. You ask for challenging untimed dungeons and when they give it to you, you don’t do it.

Good thing I run Heroic too.

You do? Where.

You quoted… yourself…?

I asked you to link any post of someone saying the only dungeons in the game should be M+ dungeons. Which is your primary claim. You can’t do it. This entire thread is a troll job.

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What in the game, or anywhere in life is made easier by putting a time limit on it? A timer is a timer. A dungeon timer is a timer. An enrage on a boss is a timer. Adding a time limit to accomplish anything makes it more difficult. I saw you use Elden Ring as an example for untimed content that is difficult. That’s true, but if you add a 3 minute timer on Godrick or add a 45 minute timer on Stormveil as a whole, that makes those encounters more difficult. I honestly don’t see how you can dispute this or call it subjective.

Finished CN, did some SoD and some SofTO. I didn’t feel any particular need to engage with finding alternate guilds to run the content that my own guild wasn’t striving to complete. You see, I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone.

So your probably not familiar with this concept but I run this content with the guild. If the guild doesn’t advance for whatever reason, neither do I. For CN I went and ran it with some other players I knew. Not so much for the past two season.

But I know, you the kind of person that wouldn’t give two farts about your guildies. You’re the kind of fella that would sell your own children if you thought you could get a key upgrade for them.

I’m not impressed.


You did do CN, but I wouldn’t consider 1 or 2 bosses in SoD and SoTFO as “doing” Heroic Raiding.

Oh so you probably got carried in your only Heroic cleared tier.

What are you talking about. I’m a pugger.

I did original deadmines. Much like almost all dungeon content within the first several expansions, there really wasn’t much strategy or complication.

It’s okay to admit the average member of the playerbase was significantly worse back in the day compared to now.

Lmao, DM strategy based? No, it was not.

ooo, someone is mad.

Yeah, sorry no. You are. You have been called out for every made up story you make.

I have friends, some form the forums. Thanks.

You DO realize you can actually pursue personal content progression and enjoyment while also raiding with a guild, right?

They’re not mutually exclusive.

Sorry, was running keys with a couple friends.

Internet and forum friends aren’t real friends.

I guess that when that’s all you have you just have to make due.

Good luck!

Who said it was with forums friends. I don’t care what you think though, it’s funny watching you regress into this pathetic what ever you are doing. You got called out for every make believe story you came up with.

Says it all.

Dude is losing his entire mind, lmao. Never seen someone get so angry over a clock before.


Sure you dont. Thats why you are here playing this stupid game of “I’m better at WoW than you.”

Nobody cares.

Stop being pathetic.

I mean, it’s not a false statement without evidence to the contrary (which seems to be lacking), just saying.

Good then. I’m glad you understood that.

…Who is this “You guys” by the by? Is this just you basing off of one guy who didn’t do it and applying it to everybody in whatever group you’ve created here for an argument, or do you have the official numbers to show how many people do it?..

Rewards aren’t always everything. I’ve said before and i’l say it again, i didn’t do vision because it wasn’t fun and just more frustrating.

And before you erroneously accuse me of “making excuses” again, did it not occur to you that instead of blaming players for asking, you take a look at the execution that Blizzard has done? The main gripe i’ve with Visions is the strict timer. If there are more ways to get time back and more safe areas to rest and get my bearings, i would be much higher with the visions.

Or only have one goal like with Island Expeditions with multiple ways of going about that goal. I legit honestly think Island expeditions are fun, especially with the AI it has that’s pretty and still is advanced, that makes me wish is in world content honestly. It would be fun to fight with.

…What are you even talking about with that strawman?.. :man_facepalming:

Overall timer is the timer that covers the dungeon overall. Enrage timer is a timer that covers only a boss while in combat. Were talking about Overall timers. Why you still feel the need to move the goalposts to any timer being the timer were talking about?..

You’re gonna be hard pressed to convince anybody that a FromSoft game isn’t hard because it doesn’t have a timer.

Unfairly difficult that wouldn’t amount to fun or fair challenge, because for that game in particular, it’s about taking your time and learning your mistakes the next time. Rushing the player in that sort of environment isn’t a good thing because they have to also focus on the timer when the fight is already difficult. Soulsborne games aren’t known for their timers (that’s a different franchise from a different japanese studio), and adding it in would be in a similar reaction as if you’re asking to add an easy mode; they will think it will ruin the game.

The reason why it’s subjective is because not everybody share the same subjective experience as you do here. You only find it easy because you’ve learned how it works to a point where it became natural to you.

You sure seem to care. Care a great deal.

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