"Just ignore the timer!1!"

The timer shouldn’t matter. If you play the dungeon properly, you will succeed. Staring at the timer and panic overpulling is gonna lead to more dead keys than if you had just remained calm and kept going at a steady, reasonable pace.

You realize regular Mythic difficulty does have lockouts right? Weekly lock out. Just like raid.


I mean like I said yall can do whatever you want with likeminded players

They don’t really want this, they want to complain.


When I’m done with dailies that’s what I’m doing. They’re called “chill groups” that list they just want “completion.” People do it all the time. 4 0s/+2s to get a 291? My wife enjoys group content so I will do it to have fun with her sometimes. If someone acts like a jack wagon they can be removed. Won’t deplete a +2 to just walk outside and get a new member.

Not really. Even before the nerfs they weren’t that difficult for solo queuers like me, but I was an experienced WoW player since vanilla going into Cata.

Those that were complaining about the Cata dungeon difficulties were a new generation of wrath…novices… that weren’t prepared for those kinds of mechanics.

I firmly believe that if those dungeons had just been left alone, in time they would have gotten easier once there were enough geared players to compensate for the lesser geared ones, as a healer like me could carry them through it easier.

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Yet another person who only remembers the end of Wrath.

Or, just maybe, they were playing healers.

I mean people could barely figure out a simple beam mechanic in cata lol.

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Here’s the point I was getting at: no, they weren’t “Wrath novices”, they were players who played in the Beta of the game, and they were stuck in those dungeons

Years ago, before Mike “Preacher” went slightly mad at the end of Legion with his clickbait content, he had raised a point about dungeoneers and why Wrath felt so different to him: he had no idea that there were people out there that didn’t know how to polymorph, how it worked, or how to avoid it
The idea of CC’ing dungeon packs were foreign to them, and they were for all intents and purposes absolutely clueless more so than the worst raider he had ever played with

This is the type of people that were ‘revealed’ during Wrath because of LFD, a convenient way to queue for a dungeon that one otherwise didn’t even know where the entrance of the dungeon were

The simple fact of the matter is that … experience meant very little to these people, because their gameplay experience of the game had been starkly different, and LFD opened up a world where experienced PvE players encountered complete and total newbies that had no idea what they were doing … something that had, in the few reports one could find if there were any such reports, I imagine had been the same experience that PvP players encountered when queuing for BGs was a thing, even if you had to find a NPC to do it or the entrance of the BG … these systems opened up the game for a lot of people

Heck, we see the debate going on to this day about this, just its about LFR generally speaking

Ultimately, there’s nothing in particular to argue about this; these are the realities of what folks perceived the dungeons during Cataclysm to be like, despite it not even remotely being the case for anyone who was used to engaging with the content

And how am I remembering just the end of Wrath…? Because I point out that Wrath dungeons were tank’n’spank by the point that Cataclysm was about to be released, and then the debacle of the heroic dungeons being what they were for players who broke sheeps and saps because they had no idea what they were doing…?

I am sorry but what’s your actual point? I remember facing King Ymiron both at the start, where you could wipe to the fear, during the middle of it when it was a cakewalk, and towards the end where he frequently would die because of dots whilst he was busy perma-stunning folks and burning his boats

None of that has any relevance to any of what I have said though, but I am still curious as to why you bring it up as if there was a point to it?

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Classic/BC populations says otherwise.

As for not doing tavazash, I haven’t focused on end game this expac at all.

Actually, they kinda don’t
As far as I understand from how folks are talking about it on these forums, there’s an issue with an excessive amount of boost groups, you know, those that would make things go faster and give you the rewards for it

So… one can actually make an argument that folks, even in classic/BC, doesn’t like long dungeons or spending more time than they need to
But I don’t play Classic/BC so I can’t comment more on it, but I just thought it might be an interesting point to make about it

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isn’t the most exciting thing in classic to the higher tier players how fast you can complete the boring raids? isn’t that what the high end players do

I was one of these “dungeon noobs” when LFD opened up in Wrath. Not because I hadn’t run dungeons before, but because I hadn’t run them frequently enough to get good at them through vanilla and BC. I agree with you on what LFD did for us.

What I was trying to get across was that they caved in too quickly with the nerfs to a specific demographic that I don’t feel needed the nerf in the first place.

These noobs just needed time and experience. Thats all.

I don’t disagree with you, but I am just saying it from the position that they were made from, in fact I kinda agree with you
But… it is difficult to argue for that, since at the end of the day, LFD did open up the game in a way that I think is good … but it meant one needed a better separation of players for the content that they want to do (see this thread as an example of folks who doesn’t want timers in Mythic+, despite timers being a huge part as to enabling what Mythic+ is)

And unfortunately… LFR has proven that, no matter the amount of experience you provide, or incentives … folks aren’t gonna try stuff they vehemently disagree with, just because “I don’t like it”, despite never having tried it

Experience would’ve done nothing except make folks leave the game sadly, which a lot of people did still but we aren’t talking about a few thousand a month but rather millions upon millions of players just in a few months or a year or so
Stuff we have seen with other MMOs that have tried “You just need to do it and learn”-approach; Wildstar was an incredible game … that wasn’t ever going to succeed because of this

This is patently false. I pug keys all the time.

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Same here. My worgen hunter doesn’t have a problem getting into +15’s.

Granted, he was 3k .io last season and I’m able to link CM:Gold for WoD and BFA KSM S4 for Mechagon… He’s also starting to fall behind the gear curve, cause I’ve been incredibly unlucky with drops :frowning:

I’ve made my own groups solo as a demo lock when demo was complete trash. Anyone who isn’t getting invited can make their own groups. That’s the thing. No one can keep you from posting in lfg except yourself.


And what do those populations do inside the untimed dungeons? They speed through them. Lmao what even was your point?

Y’all acting like sore winners. Blizz caters end game content around what the type of player you guys are wants. The battle and war are both won. No real reason to poo on people who didn’t win. Take the W and be on your way. :man_shrugging:

We are not talking about boosting, if we where, we’d talk about retail boosting as well.

Your point is moot, as boosting exists in retail as well.

Not everyone speed runs them. Point is not everyone likes speed running. It’s killing the game.

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