Just here to vent

Well I got scammed by a pvp boost seller, lost ranking overall and 139k gold.

I don’t expect to get sympathy but damn does that put a damper on my Saturday

Blizzard can’t refund your gold and venting here in CS isn’t the place.


You’ll want to remove those names. Naming and shaming is considered harassment and can get you in trouble. As can the vulgarity in your initial post. Report the play for scamming you, they can be sanctioned for it if all of the wheeling and dealing happened in-game and not through a third-party program (i.e. Discord). You won’t get the gold back but they’ll have it removed from their pockets if the scam is proven.

There is a link to send in the ticket in the article here.

You don’t need to tell people you’re reporting them. Flag it. Explain to someone that something is against the rules, but there is no need to inflame someone but telling them you’re reporting them. Nothing good ever comes from that.


Calling out other players is actually against the rules.

If you feel that there was a scam, please be sure to report the scam.

You won’t get gold back from an unsupported trade, but the other party may find themselves with account actions.


Well man you do what you think is right.

Not here to cause trouble or drama just needed a place to vent.

Not buying a carry.

Sorry buying a carry bothers you man, I don’t get a ton of time to play and wanted to catch up.

It doesn’t. I’m just saying you should be cautious and be wary of who you buy rom.

This is the wrong forum to vent go to general as to your overall issue if u opened a scam ticket and blizzard finds you were right he will lose the gold but you wont get it back.


There’s nothing wrong with buying a carry. You know the old saying, don’t feed the trolls.

Please do report the players. It doesn’t solve you losing the gold, but they don’t get to profit off of being scammers. Past that, you don’t owe anyone here an explanation. We’re telling you what’s against the rules just so that YOU don’t get in trouble for something foolish.


Thanks all I hop out this forum.

Sorry to CS for any disruption I caused.

You, however, do know better about what is and isn’t acceptable here. Bickering and trolling are just as bad as OP’s missteps here. We don’t shame people for what has taken place.


Just edit your posts so you don’t potentially lose your forum privileges and we’ll call it even. :slight_smile: