Just Got Kicked For No Reason Whatsoever

do yourself a favor…stop bothering to try with that one and his sort.
THEY ALL KNOW that there has been a plague of bogus vote kick threads in here since TWW went live…theyre LYING if they claim otherwise.
Im here EVERY SINGLE DAY…just ask around…and since TWW dropped the vote kick abuse threads have increased 10 fold or more.

you dont OWE that joker any proof. just put him on ignore


No system is perfect. I feel that this one does the job well enough though. There’s always room for improvement. I just don’t see how they could address the nuances of every situation without being too heavy-handed about it.

I agree with K there.

your ONLY recourse since blizzard has taken the cowardly route and chosen to allow abuse of other players WHILE shoving that joke Social contract in our faces, is to ignore the players in that group if you can remember names, so you arent grouped with them again in queued content.

At least thats how I was told it worked…


and you just KNOW that THEY ARE the bogus kickers. lol.
People who defend bad behavior are 100% of the time involved with it themselves in whatever capacity.
if they werent, they wouldnt need to feel to defend it. lol


For a very long time I held the same exact opinion. Recently, I’ve started to disagree with the 30 minute timer specifically. I see a lot of value in adjusting how players are dealt with this punishment. I also would like to be able to at least, as the person who was kicked, see why I was kicked.

I appreciate your remarks.

It does seem like the vote-kick abuse has gotten worse - a lot worse. I haven’t been kicked from a random dungeon in a long time. To see the complaints and also suffer a kick that, to me, was seemingly random opened my eyes.

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Let the kickee see who started the kick and why. This would dramatically decrease kick happy players and those same players will kick less as their name is out in the open. These clown kicks need to end.


yep. As i said and Im VERY sure a long list of folk could personally attest to, Im here EVERY single day…reading and posting while Im playing and often updating my websites.
Ive seen the explosion of kick threads since TWW went live in here with my own eyes.

Sometimes we’ve had 3 or 4 going at the same time. lol

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I don’t think I would blanket it like that. Unfortunately, the vote kick system is not so black and white in game, or in these forums. You have:

  • People who genuinely vote kick for legit reasons
  • People who just click Yes without asking Why (who basically don’t care)
  • People who like to troll and stir the pot
  • Friends/Guildmates who just don’t like the other guy’s mog
  • And the Any or no reason whatsoever group

Unfortunately, my suggestions to resolve this have been met with some intense conversations where I just walk away because no one wants to address it. They want to ignore it and hope it resolves itself.

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I wonder why so many individuals are so aggressively against the idea of solutions or adjustments, particularly concerning this issue. It really perplexes me, actually.

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My comment was more directed to the smart mounted responses we get in here about it.
They end up admitting they think kicking for no reason is perfectly fine.
I dont believe for a second that they dont either initiate the bogus kicks…or knowingly click yes to kick someone who they KNOW didnt do anything deserving of a kick.


That’s not how LFD works

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Doesn’t surprise me that a player who was kicked was a hunter.
Hunters are usually the first ones to let go.

youre not the first to bring this detail up.

When a petulant child has a tool he can spread his own self misery out into the world free of punishment, thats exactly what the child will do because they enjoy knowing theyve made someone else miserable like they are, even if only for a short while.


To be fair, I play everything. I just happened to be on my hunter, that I’ve been playing for a very long time and have never had any of these issues with until today.

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So it only takes one person to ruin the entire dungeon for everyone?

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Want the honest answer?

If it is not THEIR solution, they do not want it. Personally, I just like to fix things, but to others, pride and ego are huge barriers to common sense.


I mean. That person is lying, they can only guess why they’ve been kicked whereas we don’t really have to. :rofl:


and there are a list of options we could try out, including a cooldown on voting to kick…ie you initiate or vote to kick, you cant participate again for X hours in another kick.

or…2 kick votes per daily reset.

if the vote is very restricted, theyre less likely to abuse it and more likely to save it for REAL problems.

Just use little Pavlovian training and maybe they’ll catch on after a while of the bell ringing and learn to behave less like juveniles

Dumb mistakes by hunters from their past is what’s hurting the hunter’s community. Which cause most players to kick hunters no matter if they didn’t do anything. They see a hunter …automatic kick.

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I’ve never had any issues with my hunter previously.

I don’t doubt though that bias leads to vote-kick abuse. Either way, it’s an issue and I think it should be addressed.

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