Just Got Kicked For No Reason Whatsoever

Yeah, just sucks honestly. I made this thread to vent and was hoping to relate to others who may have experienced the same thing. Never ceases to amaze me when people justify it or flame me and claim I am embellishing or not sharing the full picture lol.


Because a vast majority of threads like this are people who are embellishing or not sharing/realizing the full picture.

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That’s called being prejudice.

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I was kicked once from a LFR for accidentally hitting lust at the wrong time.

That being said. I ran about 25 TW and was never kicked and never saw anyone get kicked. A couple of times players got lost and they weren’t kicked and the dungeon 4 or 3 manned it. There were zero kicks.

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Not really. Can you prove your situation is any different and you deserve any sympathy?

Must be a monday. New week, new version of the old topic.

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No, just like how you can’t prove I am lying or twisting the truth. But I think it would be more beneficial to give others the benefit of the doubt and not have prejudice towards others.

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No, I can’t, but I can be skeptical of your story when it doesn’t align with the overwhelming majority of cases

It doesn’t benefit me at all to pretend your story is true devoid of evidence that it is. Generally, people who post on the forums strictly for attention and sympathy are not good people to encourage.

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in other situations my main had this happen and it was the leader/tank just disbanded the group out the blue.

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Skepticism implies having an open mind. I never argued against skepticism, I think that’s perfectly understandable. A skeptical person seeks to verify information through critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning.

Bias, however, involves a preconceived opinion or preference that affects one’s judgment, often leading to unfair/partial views.

There’s a big difference there.

That’s bias for you.

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if no reason is required for a vote kick, then there should be no deserter debuff associated with being vote kicked.


Skepticism is is to doubt the truthfulness of something, which I did.

So I asked you if you had any evidence that what you’re saying is true, you didn’t, so using critical thinking and evidence based reasoning, I determined you’re most likely lying or ignorant to what got you kicked, based on precedent.

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I’ve never heard of this happening ever.


there is no punishment for pressing yes on votekick, nor is there even a method to report such behavior.


Unfortunately, I do not have the means to “prove” that to you here.

Instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt, you instead showcased bias by assuming I was lying or ignorant. Case dismissed.

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2 days ago, someone got kicked for posting details on accident lol. she said it was a accident but damn, too late.

The probability of being kicked for not a good reason exists too. You can’t just use probabilities supporting your argument.

What is the probablity that a player could be irrational, and also what is the probabilty that when a kick is initiated the other players just hit kick for no good reason.

This actually exists.

The other side does too, but I dont get that sense here.


I didn’t say it doesn’t exist, I said it’s far less common/likely.

I’m not going to just assume that the least likely scenarios are most likely to be true. That would be dumb of me.

You’re probably right, but yea it could be one of those cases where the kick happened for no good reason.


Good, we can agree that people can and do get kicked for perfectly invalid reasons.

Which is fine. I’m not opposed to people getting kicked for laughs. Policing the particular reason for a kick would be a mess.

What I am opposed to, though, is people getting kicked for laughs and then getting a 30-minute ban from queued content on top of it.

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