Just got a 455 2her and decided to give Surv a try

Still a learning curve going on, but man my DPS is WAY lower than BM when I have less gear as BM for 5x the effort.

I like the idea behind the spec, here’s hoping it gets easier with some practice!

Well it’s pretty discouraging because I want to main hunter in SL, but marks is garbage right now and BM is boring. My WW feels a lot smoother than surv, but surv is the only viable pvp spec.

Edit: Marks has always been my love for hunter specs.

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Why did you even need to add this? This was not a RSV vs MSV post until you added this.


Can you not read? I wanted to get in before bepples did. You know he will. he can’t help himself LOL

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I mean were you expecting SV to be much easier than BM since its melee? Granted SV isn’t as difficult as it was in Legion but it can take some getting use too. But BM is ranged with a fairly forgiving rotation with all instant casts. Im not sure what inspired this change but if it was for numbers or ease of play you may have made the wrong decision.

Me personally I’ve never been able to get into BM, like the exotic pets are cool but something about just doesn’t do it for me, meanwhile I’ve been in love with Survival since wrath and Ill prob always main it.


There was no purpose to say their name other than to get a reaction out of them.


Like he wouldn’t anyway haha

When you say MM is garbage are you referring to PvP? I thought MM was just fine in PvE? It’s just not as mobile as BM. Can somebody fill me in?

Yeah no sense call things out if anything it causes wrong kind of discussion from just comment alone. To bm and survival, idk, i feel surv aoe is little bit more lackluster to bm, cause so much damage is pushed to mongoosebite, however i find bm more fun cause use wider range of abilities than survival.


They may have took a quick look, but now they will post just to poke back, don’t poke the bear is my point.

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He never takes a “quick look”. I’m going to agree with Yuma he can;t help but to troll every Survival post or go off on a tangeant whenever Surv is mentioned. He’s worse than vegans and crossfit people with his RSV crusade.


I don’t care about ease of play, my point is that the numbers are really low in comparison AND it’s way more difficult.

Well just be ready for the sh*t storm that is coming.

Well considering you pretty much derailed it 1st…

Yeah no. Bepples doesn’t just post because someone is talking about survival as evidenced by this pro-survival thread with a suspicious lack of Bepples in it.

Or this one

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Wooow…white knighting much? LOL

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I welcome it.

Looks like you’re the one that derailed it.


Well that was not the post I was expecting from you. Rather surprised by this…

Anyway a little concerned about hunter in SL unless the legendaries make mm good again. I’m sure this isn’t new to anyone, lol.

I can’t stand it. In alpha legion when they were discussing the RSV to MSV changes it had alot of engineering esque abilities and spells. But these never made it to live.

Like dropping a turret that attacks your current target and synergies with the different bombs and stuff looked awesome. As well as the trap that feared.

I honestly feel like MSV was the wrong direction in a game already saturated with melee… they took a long time spec that many enjoyed, myself included, and made an abomination.