Just got 3 stars for a 100% completion 24 minute torghast run

If you don’t think to be they’re tweaking the scoring behind the scenes and will only nerf it when people stop engaging and quitting the content, I have a bridge to sell you.


None of that is false. There are also bonus points for rescuing someone, opening a treasure chest, never letting an elite reach 5 stacks, and probably others I am not thinking of off the top of my head.

It’s very easy to 4 star if you were just doing full runs and playing properly already. The par times for floors are kind of dumb with how tight they are, but we are at our lowest gear points for the content and the knowledge tree has some pretty insane sounding perks that should make it even more trivial very soon…and again, it is 100% possible to 5 star getting 0 points for time.


You’re replying to a person who was simply explaining other point methods in the game to you. They aren’t moving the goal post. You can only score a MAX of 150 points through timer and completion alone. It’s inevitable you’re going to lose some points on the timer. So, you’re going to have to do some of the “other” point scoring methods. No one is moving the goal post. It’s been the same.

If you don’t like it, buckle down, get 4 stars one time to unlock the next floors, and then you don’t have to worry about it again. Not sure what the problem is.

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Jesus Christ my guy, I just listed some random things that can be done. No where did I say you had to do all of them. You do however need to do some of them to get flawless runs.

Congrats on getting worked up over nothing. I just put some off the top of my head I had no intention of posting the entire list of crap you can do.


Actually you’re right. I will eat crow and admit it when I’m wrong.

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Did you keep 5 million phantasma and kill 5 elites within 2 seconds of each other and then twerk and run around the boss room 10 times? No? THEN STOP COMPLAINING.


I can’t link links…just google wowhead torghast score guide and you’ll see for yourself.

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You literally can’t get 5 stars if you don’t get extra points from side stuff. You have to gain at least 50 other points from “other” point methods to get a 5 star. So, either you’re BS’ing, or underplaying the “other” points.

The guy isn’t making anything up. He simply listed out other point methods.

Not sure why you came in here, guns loaded, over nothing. Chill.

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Same thing as I stated to the other guy - what’s your source?

Once I learned the score system it was almost impossible not to get 4 stars.


Looks OP up and own

I would have given you 2 stars…

walks out


I 5 starred last week on all my toons. I only got 4 stars this week on the one toon I’ve tried on, but it’s a good goal to work towards. I like the new torghast, I just wish there was an official in-game guide on the scoring system instead of having to go to some website.1

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Yep. Edited my previous post according. As stated:
“Actually you’re right. I will eat crow and admit it when I’m wrong.”

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This is the real problem. You don’t even get to see in-game what the “other points” are unless you actually score them. Which, is not helpful.


Yep. You’re right like that other guy. Apologies.

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I did as well. But those weren’t required by any means. The games certainly weren’t designed with the idea in mind that every player would use outside information that couldn’t reasonably be found in game.

I had this thought as well, but ultimately I don’t agree with it. It’s not a natural learning system to not progress for hidden requirements. I don’t know all the different bonuses, but of the ones I have read things like “not getting hit by traps” is about one of the only fair bonuses in my opinion, because that’s already naturally encouraged, and excelling at it then awards a bonus. Getting a bonus for killing a broker is just odd.


Respect for owning up to it. There is no shame in being ignorant of something and educating yourself.


I just did it all over again and went full turbo nerd maximum stress speed run.

I got 4 stars.

97% completion
speed timer +29
highlander +15
pauper +10
horder +10

The speed timer is almost worth as many points as the other 3 optional bonuses combined. The rescuer bonus is only 5 points and is basically a given standard part of the run.

So torghast really is just another speed run now and you can’t unlock the next layer unless you just go full turbo nerd timed content speedrun now.

After all the feedback they got about how we didn’t want more stressful timed content, they just turn around 1 patch later and make it more timed content.


The new scoring system is stupid.

Torghast is not cool or fun enough to require the amount of planning/focus needed to get 4+ stars.

Torghast is poorly designed, and wasn’t adapted for it’s player base very well. If you are trying to get 4 stars and advance, good luck doing that in a pug group.

Again, it is stupid and should be changed into a fun rogue-like, like they intended. It SHOULD be spammable for good gear, cool tmogs, toys, mounts and other fun stuff. It should be possible to get a moderate amount of character adancement (gear) just from running it. All wings should be available to be run, not just 2 per week.

And you should be able to advance a layer just for killing the last boss.

Torghast is just another example of blizzard sucking at what they do now.


Grats on the 4 but you can still squeeze out a few more side ones to help with a slower time. I’ve got 4+ stars after 40 minute runs. I’d rather they be as fast as possible, but the timer bonus loss for slower completion doesn’t shred that number by much.

Good luck in the next.