Just give the alliance high elves already

This poster tried to make a point, yet didnt get it. “Oops.”

Lets wait and see until what she is trying to argue.

I’m aware of the point you’re trying to make. Pandaran are non-applicable to it, because they’re explicitly playable by both factions. Hence “oops”. They’re the one thing you cannot use to support your argument, because they provide a valid counter-point.

No, they are applicable because they never had a portion of their race or their likeness on a faction prior to Mists.

Unless you are claiming otherwise. Also no, TBC doesnt count because they were scrapped as an idea pre-Alpha

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I could go as far back as Warcraft 3, actually.

Chen didnt join the Horde.

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Even if he definitely should have been made the leader of the Horde Pandaren. He even fits the incredibly vague philosophy of the Huojin.

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For the record, rules and criteria regarding allied races or even core races are player created, not Blizz created. They have not set out an exact checklist for what they will or will not consider, and there isn’t actually a mold with allied races.

Faction identity doesn’t actually have to matter thanks mostly to Void Elves.
Model separation doesn’t even matter thanks to pandaren and VE/NB.
They don’t even have to be a race based on an existing race. Players will kick and scream all day that Vulpera are recycled Goblins because they share the same skeleton, but they are miles apart and share one tiny detail. Unless Blizz shows how goblins and Vulpera are related like NB and NEs are they are brand spanking new, they don’t fit the path of ARs from before.

Nothing is set in stone. All players can do is make their request and Blizz will consider it (or not).


What I said isnt even a checklist. You guys are trying way too hard to make the ideas of a specialized race and a general race more than it is.

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Nope, but you can play one in the Alliance campaign. Stop stealing our races.

By that logic, Jaina is a founding member of the new Horde. That would be a reach wouldnt it?


It makes about as much sense as arguing silhouette in 2020.

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Im not even arguing sillouette at the moment. I can switch mainly to the “how do you avoid invalidating void elves” argument if you actually want a fun argument.

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The alliance high elves are not playable on the horde.

I think they’re fine the way they are, this seems like another criteria you’ve built for yourself. I’m open to changes though! :slight_smile:

I understand but most players don’t really ship races in the way you do. Your specialized race category is great and all and I get it, but it’s not something that has to be abided by.
You basically just fabricated it which is fine, but you’re essentially just creating criterias based on what you find acceptable.

You’re inventing rules and guidelines people have to follow in order to request a race that’s already part of the alliance, and I get that you’ve basically convinced yourself that your word is above others.
No one needs to follow those rules as they are for yourself. You’re being really condescending for absolutely no reason.

It would be if high elves were pulled out of the blue, but they are not.

Because your initial speculation was better? It has nothing to do with logic, just pointing out that your speculations aren’t somehow more valid than mine :slight_smile:

It’s already Blizzards fault for making high elves part of the alliance. By dangling them around and telling players they can’t play them is also wrong.
It has nothing to do with void elves and like I said, the void elves losing their popularity has nothing to do with fans requesting a race that’s already part of the alliance.

It makes just as much sense as yours. And that just makes it look like you don’t want alliance to have access to a race more fit in line of the “alliance high elf fantasy” for no reason.

You’re not even making an argument, you’re just projecting your rules onto others, it’s really odd.

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Well, that’s just plain wrong.


Someone should tell Blizzard this because as an alliance player I am constantly bombarded with them…Valeera, Vareesa, Alleria, “Alliance Shield Mage”, “Alliance Portal Trainer”, quest givers, cut scenes, novels, comics, etc etc etc. We are constantly bombarded with something we have been requesting since BETA…is it any wonder it won’t die with you saying “no”???


Something something Ratchet something to shreds you say?

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Poor Brian May.

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His garden implements didn’t need to do a brother like that.

At least he wasn’t a drummer. Bizarre gardening accidents do not look kindly on them.

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