Just give the alliance high elves already

Blood elves are though, who share 90% of the looks and themes of that sect.

looks at Void Elves

Yea totally just criteria I have built.

You realize that “Draenai but better” “Tauren but better” was a legitimately meme that people see as them since their inception as playable races right?

I would have a lot of karma on reddit if I did. You give me too much credit.

If you cant see how Lightforged Draenai are “Draenai but better” then I have no hope for this conversation.

Literally that isnt the point of what I say.

Who cares?

Nuh uh uh. Dont try to go back on what you said.

Why are you okay with races having zero playability?

It essentially does in some cases.

How does a race that fits the desired theme with more classes make a less fitting of said theme race with less classes have more players?

Explain that right now in your head.

How does something that fits better with X theme with more options give something else with less options and less theme fitting more players?

Is a blood elf. You should really check out that list again. Unless you are saying blood elves are high elves…

She has green eyes for gods sake.


I know. Why is she hanging out in Stormwind? Why does she do the bidding of Alliance Kings? Because she’s Horde?

You’ve made this clear already, that doesn’t mean people need to disregard high elves.

You’re allowed to do it if you want, others shouldn’t have to.

This is totally irrelevant to what I said.

Okay, not everyone is required to abide by your memes?

Again, no idea how this is relevant. I won’t give your unwarranted sass as much creativity credit as your personal criterias that you’re trying to enforce on others though.

Draenei are better than LF draenei in my opinion. So clearly we just don’t have the same opinion, which is fine!

There doesn’t really seem to be any point really.

I’m not okay with it? I’m speculating just like you are.
Don’t put words in my mouth now mr…

Except it doesn’t, the high elf request has nothing to do with void elves.

It has nothing to do with which theme fits where. Void elves would continue having their void theme. High elves would continue having their high elf theme.

There’s no “better theme”, there’s no competition. And if you choose to see high elves as the “better theme”, that’s entirely personal to you.

What this all boils down to is that you’re against alliance high elves being playable entirely due to your own fabricated negative speculations and whatifism.
While alliance high elf fans are for high elves being playable since they’re already part of the alliance, as shown evidently in the game.
Based on that, you just start off as being really unnecessary and no amount of sass will cover that.


Valeera is a blood elf that was dear friends with Varian Wrynn. It would be similar to Baine caring for Anduin, that doesn’t mean tauren are alliance.

But I agree with the other high elves you mentionned.

Which imo, should be what allied races become going forward if they decide to do more. Not more “new and improved” versions of already exsisting races, especially with customization options being expanded upon.

More new races like vulpera and less slaping a new coat of paint on and calling it a day.


A fabrication isn’t an argument and the comparison does not hold, given void elves have diddly to do with alliance high elves in the first place.

That would be like saying “the existence of the sun invalidates the existence of darkness”.

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Read the lore. Valeera isnt Horde nor Alliance.

which is a high elf

youre not an anti. void elves should go around permanently in shadow. thats the whole justification for their existence after all. that they are distinct from a horde race

the majority do as well im sure

velves will never share skin tones with horde bloood elves. they have evolved past them after all and its how they are kept distinct. but grats you guys who wanted allied blood elf models! enjoy them!

You said because of criteria I made, when void elves exist and were made soemwhat different to Blood Elves to be playable on Alliance.

Its relevant, regardless.

Again, not mine.

Reading compehension is not your strong suit I see.

Because youre trying to say I invented rules, when i have put nothing forth about this “specialized and general” idea as it.

You just are claiming otherwise. Obvious you had a point to fabricate it in someway, so what is it?


inb4 “I didnt say that directly, I was saying that I wouldnt have had an issue with it…not having an issue with X and being okay with X are two different things”

You do realize a lot of people play the void elves for their high elf theme right? Like you notice how a lot of people who support high elves as an allied race happen to have void elf characters…right?

Void elves have the high elf theme.

High elves arent better themed in the “Alliance high elf theme” than Void Elves.

You heard it here first, folks.

No, Im against them because it literally invalidated void elves as an allied race, and reduces them down to a specialized race for people who want a specialized void theme.

There would be no OTHER reason to play them.

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Hey, you realize you posted to a seperate thread right?

i do now. but can you blame me? with all these threads discussing the same thing

Yes I do blame you, because its a different thread.

They aren’t. They split off and became different. In Legion they are even addressed as different.


maybe you should go back and listen to the context again. one group was basically called half elves(possible set up for future half elf AR?) and unworthy of the name they are identifying as, guess which one that was

They were adressed as diluting there noble blood line. Goes to show that not even “alliance high elves” are proper Quel’dorei anymore

Cherry picking specific sentences and making condescending remarks doesn’t make your speculations more valid.

Don’t say “No” and then proceed to repeat the same pessimistic speculations. I personally believe they will both thrive, which is also speculation and in no way helps the subject.

Which brings me back to

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Im sorry, where in the sentence that you said you were okay with a race’s playrate of hitting zero made it different?

I will proceed to repeat my point, since there is actually reasoning to why I say my things.

Unlike your countering with “well im just speculating too” with no actual reasoning other than to just counter my point.

Talk about being intellectually dishonest.

Based upon what reasoning? Just saying ‘its speculation’ then not giving a reason for why you say that isnt speculation; because speculation requires some logical backing.

They can do both. Or they should have done both from the start and not developed these ARs that seem incredibly unpopular to give to the entire population.

I personally don’t get why people are so eager to limit the amount of races we have to play in the game.

Part of me kinda feels Blood Elf players are just scared to lose large chunks of their community to an actual High Elf race being added to the game.

Void Elves get away with it, as it’s not the fantasy of a High Elf people desperately want, so the pull wouldn’t be as strong.