Just give the alliance high elves already

you’re both wrong!!!

it’s like 2% left that are neutral. :stuck_out_tongue:

You meant Vykruls

Some are neutral. Some aren’t.
Garithos works, because the Blood Elves were desperate for just survival. Horde was the last resort. Lordaeron was led by a dead a high elf, the former ranger general albeit, and they just killed Garithos. You know, they guy who did all that bad? Plus, they joined a bit later on, after the Forsaken helped them. It’s not a perfect white/black argument, but it does work and it’s not weak.

Wrote this post fast, def gonna be some incorrect/could be better parts.

Edit: Grammar


Then why are they sat in Stormwind and hostile to horde players?
And why does their leader, Vereesa Windrunner constantly push the alliance for a war against the Horde? And why in Dalaran are they the Alliance side Counter part to the Horde’s Sunreavers?
And why is the Allerian Stronghold an Alliance town?
And why are they catagorised as an Allaince faction on any and every wiki?


imagine thinking you are entitled to a race in the game and spam on the forums, which most people don’t even use, equates to interest in something

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Dang, I guess those 30 elves are alliance then. :woman_shrugging:


I’m sure some of you would be. I’m also sure somewhere around 60% would find some reason to be offended by it because it’s impossible to satisfy the alliance as a majority.

Using the wiki as cannon died a while ago. Could also be people like you.
Like I said, some are neutral, some aren’t. What’s displayed in game isn’t 100% lore.
There are High elves in Eversong Woods, Sunwell, and Ghostlands, in the lore. Not in game. They’re neutral. Hey, 2 or 3 might even be in the Horde. 90% of high elves in game are hostile, but a few aren’t. But the lore says otherwise from the game.

Man it’s weird they keep reusing those same 30 elves over and over.


This has moved way past healthy debate. The nail is in the coffin.


The only way I see HE’s getting into the game is either a customization for VE’s or a new AR but not a core race. They are just reskins and bring nothing new to the table.

Most of the AR’s bring nothing new to the table and I would’ve rather had core races added.

I’ll gladly have my mag’har just be an orc customization and give me ogres as a core race/ Please and thank you. :wink:

If that’s the case, it’s something Blizzard created in over a decade of categorically ignoring the wishes of Alliance players. It doesn’t come out of nowhere. And it’s not going away in an instant, either, if such is the case. However! High elves are a good idea in that case as well, because then you can point at something and say: “This is -exactly- what everybody asked for. Now shut up.”

Without that, on the other hand, you’re just being a large amount of words the forum won’t let me post, because there is no nice, civilized term for it. :slight_smile:


Way more than 30, and even if there was only 30, thats still more than there are Void elves, yet they were made an allied race.


Have to when that’s all that’s left of them.

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Well you’re wrong in your analogy because unlike Vulpera, high elves were already a playable race on the Horde faction called blood elves as Ion has stated in the past so comparing the two is silly.


I’m not saying tentacle elves were a good idea either.

I’m sick of elves, there are far too many.

Blood, void, high, wine, night, now the demon hunter variants.

If you want an elf, there are more than enough to choose from.

I bet we get dragon elfs one day too, because why not.

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No, I can confidently say that the Alliance community would by-and-large be sated by fulfilled High Elves. The other issues would just kind of blend away into being general WoW issues shared with Horde players. Too bad Blizzard is staffed with verifiable a-holes who’d rather crap on High Elf fans than make a game that’s equally good for both factions.


High Elves exist on both factions already. You can play as a Void Elf on the Alliance or a Blood Elf on the Horde. Both are Quel’dorei; Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei are factions. High Elves have a bit of an identity crisis. Probably ever since the Night Elves turned them away long ago.

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They don’t all look like leggomyeggolas so they’re not official elves. :roll_eyes:

They should have been withered and wretched, void elves shouldnt exist.

Would be far better imo.

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They don’t look like the aesthetic of the “high elf” fantasy trope. In Warcraft lore they are classified as High Elves/Quel’dorei as a race.

It’s confusing but that’s the way it is. Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei are both factions of Quel’dorei.

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