Just give the alliance high elves already

You mean giving Alliance access to a core Horde race. Tolkien-esque Elves haven’t been an Alliance “core race” since Tides of Darkness.


:O­ SAME BROTHER. I approve.

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Lore wise we abandoned them.

90% died off, 9% remaining became blood elves.

Please stop.


What? How can we do better than our Deep-One bros? I want some fish samurai in my faction, thank you very much.

Any longtime fan knows High Elves were never more than an alliance of convience and left when Garithos treated them like trash.


personally i think high elves would ruin the alliance. We should get high humans instead.

All of us are indirectly here because of Tides of Darkness, and many of us are fans at all because we played it. High Elves are an enduring part of the Alliance brand and no amount of newb shilling and misdirecting Blizzard retcons will ever change that.


High Elves are a both faction race because Void Elves are. And High Elves exist on the Alliance. Playable on both sides.

I am giving opinions on what races might make a lot of people play Alliance. Ankoan, In my opinion are not that cool for that. Neither cooler than a big buffed tiger, a Mogu or playable Val’kyr. (Vrykul on Kultiran/Tauren / Zandalari size might be good, but yes, they’d have to be size adjusted so that’d be a bit bad)/

  1. Unsubstantiated bull
  2. When the Horde had Pop issues Blizz responded by switching Belfs from Alliance to Horde soooo…
  3. I think they would be happy with playble high elves since that is what they ask for.
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They both use the night elf rig, which is already used by nightborne and Zandalari (albeit heavily modified). If the reasons I don’t see them being made into an allied race aren’t because they have no female model, their models look extremely gear-unfriendly, and ankoan already have a toy that turns you into one, then it’s because they use an overtaxed rig.

There are several, but of course you’re going to ignore all that because you want to believe it’s still WCII.

These too.


Agreed with everything here. I’ve always been jelly Alliance get Jinyu/Ankoan into their faction, but to me that signifies a good race for the other faction.

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hozen are hilarious but jinyu are genuinely awesome imo.


Alliance will get high elves when the issue becomes loud enough that Activision’s execs start wondering if they’re missing out on profit…


The tiger has an IQ close to an actual housecat, the Mogu has a grand history of being bloodthirsty conquerers like some races on the Horde, and the Vrykul are just boring “Hanga Dyra Minga”, generic pseudo-germanic inserts.

All of those can be fixed easily my guy.

Get some TWS2 music for the Ankoan and their places. Imagine this in the intro for their race. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h0heT3sVas

I prefer alliance for them. They’d be real nice for em. That said I’ll take horde.


Not a reply, but random interjection. If you experience lag while playing WoW today it’s from the severs exploding from the forums being sent through oblivion and back with all this high elf blizzard anti-alliance hoard dum unsubbing from cosmetic eyes posts ;)­

And that 1% are still in the Alliance, enough to show up constantly and consistently.

Ignoring lore nuance isn’t attractive, Please stop.


Ya’ll want high elves, we got em, they called void elves.
But none of ya’ll ever want what we truly need!

And that’s the Krokuul!


You mean that guy from Lorderon? When the Lorderon General tried to exile them all… and the Nation of Lorderon became the forsaken and joined the horde?

So Because Lorderon abandoned them… they joined forces… with the people of Lorderon? And team up with their long hated enemies, the orcs and trolls?

Trying to use Garothios to justify it is just so weak.


Wrong, they are a neutral faction.

Your headcanon doesn’t count.


Wrong, they are consistently hostile against the Horde, and aid and are present in Alliance settlements. Play the game.

Sorry you believe lore is head canon. :man_shrugging: