Just give the alliance high elves already

I have to agree!

Blizzard gave us a mecha gnome and cant gave us a true high elf? To me, this blue eyes is just a “shut up whith that now comunity” from Blizzard!!!

There are so many reasons not to do it.

  1. The root of this desire is that the alliance player base can’t accept that the horde got blood elves in the first place. You’d think that after a decade they would have come to terms but here we are.
  2. This is unlikely to salve the alliances core issue: the player base isn’t there and people won’t convert just because there is a cool new race available.
  3. I’m convinced it’s impossible to satisfy the alliance player base in it’s entirety; They could recieve the most weebtastic elves the internet has ever seen and they’d complain about the racials or the hair or some other bit of essentially meaningless taft.

Just… let it go.


The Alliance has several cool races, cooler than Sethrak. If by cool race we’ll save the faction, neither Sethral or Jinyu would be the ideal choice. Saberon, High Elves, Mogu or Vrykul with the females being able to be like Odyn’s Val’kyr would be top choices.

Sethrak are not bad, but don’t see what’s so awesome either.

Point 2 is totally correct. Point 1 is halfway correct, it’s also because High elves in the Alliance still exist and have for a long time, but Horde getting belfies is def part of it.

No need to unlock come shadowlands :thinking:

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i can’t wait tbh. :smiley:

If you want high elf, they’re on horde.

Not the classical do gooder elf’s because this isn’t Tolkien and it’s a different story.

You’ll be fine.


No sir, I did not spend a month no life-ing this game on pet battle world quests and island expeditions to unlock new skin colors for my favorite ME SMASH race.

In seriousness though, that’s worth its own post not just a comment on an existing one imo.

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Literally just give us High Elves. There would never be more than one or two High Elf discussion posts a month if Blizzard just did the right thing for their game and restored High Elves to their home faction.


i actually don’t like elves at all. most of my elves are my 2 DHs. (i also have a nightborne mage because reasons) i’m more of a dwarf/gnome/orc/tauren kinda person. :slight_smile:

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Orc best race.

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because is dumb releasing literally the same race with a different eye color

Their home is silvermoon. They are home.

Please stop this insanity.


my current main is an orc warlock. obviously the best class/race combo. :wink:

Saberon - No
High Elves - No. Already a Horde race.
Vrykul - No, and their height would have to be nerfed, which makes them stupid humans

Mogu-Okay, but they seem more Horde
Sehtrak-Deffo Horde
Jinyu/Ankoan - 100%, amazing Alliance alliance race.


Agreed until this part. We can do better.

Yea, and now they unironically live in a city called Orgrimmar lol.

To be fair, they turned being a priest into a for-profit insurance job, as seen in the Azshara opening quests. Within the Goblin community I imagine they would still be considered magnanimous as its likely rare for a Goblin to care about another’s well being, even if for profit. (Being for profit is standard to everything)

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Please respect Warcraft’s history. Any longtime fan knows High Elves are an Alliance race.


my favorite allied races are kt and mechagnome… i would like something like wildhammer as an allied race if we were to get anything else. for horde i’d want gilgoblins tbh.