Just give the alliance high elves already

The whole point was that they knew the Alliance was going to retaliate and likely do even worse things, and fracturing was just going to doom them all. Not the best moral decision but definitely a practical one.

Note that every Horde leader who had enough contact with the Alliance to know that turning on Sylvanas was an option that wouldn’t get their people killed did so.

Also the only difference between what Sylvanas did at Teldrassil and what the Alliance tried to do to Org in Cata (twice) is that the Alliance failed to burn down/ drown Orgrimmar. So there’s far less moral distance between the factions than you’d have me believe.

You’re saying it’s not villanous for Yrel to kill those people off.

in ano thrats

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I am reminded of the fact that 95% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

this one too


Except for when (Jaina), almost destroyed Orgrimar was because Garrosh had not a few moments ago, unprovoked and nuked her city filled with civilians after having used the Blood Elves to betray Dalaran’s neutrality to move weapons for the Horde war effort.

You don’t wanna play this short straws game.

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Especially when you transmit an online poll to your like minded Twitter followers and share it in ubiquitous online communities…and nearly all the other options are made up words so people go with the one that makes the most sense. Heck, I voted for Alliance high elves before I actually thought about it.

Nothing can reflect the majority of wows population.

Most people probably don’t care what races are added and just go along with it. And I say probably because neither you or me can question the ~1mil players on wow.

Despite this, you cannot just pretend that high elves aren’t overwhelmingly the most requested race out of all the races, just because we haven’t gone around asking every wow player which race they’d like to see.
It’s heavily depicted through many different forums, and other races only receive a tiny fraction of the attention.

Like seriously though, We already had two before allied races were a thing and when I saw both nightorne and void elves all I could do was hiss in exasperation when there are so many other more interesting races then elves that they could have used to add depth to both factions; Arakoa, Jinyu, ethereals, Tuskar, hozen, the flippin’ quillboar… any of these would have been better choices then another 2 elves.

And people are still salty because they didn’t get the most bland, boring and generic fantasy race possible.


Or people can get over a decision that was made in the first expansion.


The Alliance was launching an invasion to burn down org at the start of Cata.

Also how the hell was Theramore’s bombing unprovoked? It was literally invading Horde lands and killing civilians. My god, the pedestal you people put the Alliance on.

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hahahahahahahahahahahaha is ye ) ;

I also think that unlike the other races, they are as unpopular as they are popular. We just don’t hear as much from people who already have things their way.

No. Clearly Blizzard is WRONG about their own game and I’ll whine about it for another 16 years until they change it!

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Yeah. If anything class restrictions need to be lifted and we’d see better balance.

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Done. Tell Blizzard to go back in time and delete, every, single, Alliance High Elf scenario, quests, and presence in the game.

Or tell them to use High Elves to make the Blood Void Elves they ended up giving us.

Please keep pretending Alliance High Elves was done and done “decision”, Allied Races are a thing, they’re more possible now than they ever were after BC.

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This thread is hot; almost 3am est and there are 6 people replying as i type this. :smiley:

I’m just goofin off while I finish the last bit of my Mothers day present personally :3

The best part of this is that alliance players routinely complain that the writing for their faction is boring and generic.

And yet they also want to have the most bland race possible.


Or you can deal with the decision that was made in the first expansion and which for my money added far more nuance to Azeroth then virtually any decision made before or after.


That’s how I feel about short races, the only good ones are the Dwarves anyway.

Time zones.