Just give the alliance high elves already

Census data puts the population of gnomes below void elves and dwarves and only above mechagnomes, not ogres and pandas.

I didn’t say nobody wanted them I said they aren’t a race that’s going to cause any swing in the rapidly growing faction gap meanwhile vulpera are adorable and absolutely could accelerate it.

This is a different argument…


For the record, I would perceive playable Alliance high elves as a vast deficit. Like getting another horse mount for the Alliance. it might be the moast banal move Blizzard could make.

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It’s just never a good idea to speak on behalf of others. And it’s a nasty road to go down to act like denying niche players anything is a good move. Fine gnomes aren’t a particularly popular race, but there’s still a ton of people that play them, they still deserve things, and there’s still plenty of people who like Mechagnomes. There’s room for them in the game, and they step on no toes.

It’s not a different argument it’s you refusing to see the deficits in the alliance racial choice vs horde and how it has possibly effected the faction gap.

Meanwhile just saying it’s totally fine for horde to have both awesome monsters cute little puppies and both archetypes of elves. How does having 40% of the monstery faction be elves equal keep wow weird. Elves are human super models with pointed ears kind of the opposite of keep wow weird.

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For the record every single post you have made has been from the perspective of horde horde and more horde as long as horde gets everything you are fine with it. For alliance to get an archetype they are sorely lacking would be “banal” in your opinion.

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I was more alluding to your view of high elves being twerps. They’re not necessarily so to others.

But yeah I disagree with the sentiment that high elves are “pure” in comparison to the blood elves. I don’t think ever in wow have Blizzard shown the high elves as paragons of virtue, so I don’t see how making them playable would change that.

But really I don’t think personal feelings towards a race should be part of the discussion from either side. I may not like night elves, but that doesn’t mean I’m driven to make them not playable.

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Goblins are also only a two percent, but they are extremely loved, I will admit most people prefer whatever other race they play over gnomes, however saying that people think they are a joke and are a trash race is downright wrong.

Many people weren’t thrilled with mechagnomes not because they were a gnome race but because they looked like they were wearing a diaper, had limited customization and looked poor in many transmogs. There were many people actually excited for mechagnomes until they realized how much they butchered them.

When the alliance is at 40% and the horde is at 60% giving an unpopular race with insanely limited mogging to the 40% one and an adorable race to the 60% one is kind of a super bad idea if you want to close the gap.

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The Alliance is lacking elves? Could have fooled me.


Tolkien style elves absolutely. Two varieties of dark elves do not suddenly become tolkienesque.

In fairness, I think that is in any given fantasy just due to the popularity of it.

And Warcraft is perhaps one of the more successful fantasy worlds, at least from a gaming standpoint.

I can’t think of any fantasy world off the top of my head though, maybe Lord of the Rings and D&D but most fantasy games like to subvert a lot and go for a darker and grimmer atmosphere than the traditional stuff nowadays.

Last we saw it was more 53/47. And had devs confirm that the population was close enough to balanced. We haven’t had reliable census data since then, so yeah, you’re numbers are nonsense.

Yes. Because no one ever has complained about furry races ever.

No, it’s me wanting different things from you and you trying to make it about something else.

You’re talking about why the Horde would get playable high elves; I think because being on the horde makes them interesting. Being on the Alliance makes neither high elves or the Alliance interesting. Then you’re making it about Horde bias like I should agree with that…and about faction population numbers.

Tribal much?

What you seem to not get is I think Alliance high elves are lame. We value them differently. When I say, “No to Alliance high elves” I’m saying, “Alliance! Alliance! Alliance! Alliance! Alliance! Alliance! Alliance! Alliance! Alliance! Alliance! Alliance!”.

Not everyone shares your views on high elves or Mechagnomes. Sharing your views is not required for my Alliance membership.

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LOTRO is thataway.

They should just give blood elves the green blue hair options of the night elves since they evolved from them. Nelf- Helf - Belf.

at max level it’s 60/40 below max level doesn’t really matter.

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No. It is not. We do not know the exact numbers, all we have is a laughable bad census site people use to try to prop up bad arguments with.

There are many players that love gnomes, but won’t play them because of some class restrictions. They can’t play a druid, They can’t play a shaman, Can’t be a paladin. They literally only recently got to be hunters. Compare that to other races that only have about two classes restricted.