Just give the alliance high elves already



Additional points if mmgrlmmmgrllrl is played on activation.

I actually really liked jaina in bfa. Can’t say the same for the previous expansions.

“Is he the bomb this time?!” I can feel the anguish and betrayal in that line. Gets me everytime.

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are you suggesting i lack skill with the english language? hehe. oh, etymology is one of my hobbies. … lexicography is also. /rolls up sleeves

if you’re so smart, answer me this: (whats a good question? hehe)


I’d like the tentacles to be braids with voidy highlights.

or have tentacle braids.

edit: both, I’m greedy.


This is a typical horde response; personal attacks.
Still more proof of horde favoritism.
no skäl.


No it’s accurate

The one pushing fanfiction would be the one claiming there are like two high elves left as blizzard clearly agreed.

Gnomes are absent from 99.99% of the questing experience so are dwarves sc high elves have more involvement than half of the alliance main races.

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This is false, the only ones who fell to the dark side were the Inquisitors who were forcefully tortured and Darth Vader himself. And the inquisitors aren’t even seen as sith and are very few. Sith almost always abide by the Rule of Two which is why the Inquisitors are so few and are purposely weaker and so few. There were way more jedi that survived order 66. Jedi falling to the darkside is in no way the majority.

You can fall to the dark side without being sith they still fell regardless of the method used they were dark side users after it. Those who didn’t fall were killed.

Elves have become as basic as humans so that’s why they are everywhere.

I know you are being intentionally hyperbolic, but do you have any proof of this? Like actual statistics? If not, then I call bs.

Questing through Northrend recently, I have interacted with more gnomes, dwarves and even goblins more than any elf from the SC so far. Granted I havent reached Icecrown yet but that seems like it will be a minority comparatively.

They’ve confirmed that Velves will have their own underwear.

SC only have a camp in Crystalsong Forest and are only relevant for the tournament. They don’t really exist anywhere else in Northrend.

Oh in Dalaran too but that much was obvious.


That was exactly my thoughts aswell and I cant think of many other instances where you interact with them over other alliance races.

As far as I remember they don’t do much of anything till MoP and were last seen in Legion.

Did this forum post Actually work?

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I guess Sethrak are coming in 3… 2… 1… :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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