Just give the alliance high elves already

Lul, the solution it´s all in your hands, dear.

Buy the company, easy peachy.

Apparently, you are more correct than I had imagined.

We did it boys! hahaahha

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Usually I’d be gracious in victory, but I absolutely loathe being called “dear” in every sentence, so…

“Have you looked at the news today?” :smiley:


Yup, I´m quite happy tbqh. No unfair implementations after all -Velves still keep their tentacle hair, Belves still keep the normal hair-.

Maybe Alleria esque warpaint for Velves and runic tatoos -like NB- for Belves?


I’m pretty pleased with this compromise myself.

You might want to look at the last 2 hairstyles and read that it’s only part of the package. Blizzard wants this over and done.

dude i want with every fiber of my being for murlocs to be a nuetral race. they were even going to be a real race at one point and have concept art and even an entire story sequence where garosh welcomed them to the horde but it was never put in the game

please blizzard please. now is the time


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I don´t understand your point. Yes the nerw haircuts are probably an only SL feature, so…?

Hey Fyre. I haven’t seen you thanking Blizzard for giving you blue eyes. What’s the matter?


does the game need yet another playable elf race?

If the name of the game is going to be changed to World of Elfcraft, then yes.



After the horde got the REALLY cool orcs and trolls and the alliance got the suck filled mechagnomes, its only probably fair to give them the elves they screaming for.


You have to understand, She was very angry.

They don’t have voidy bits

The only thing seperating them from belves at this point is ~to the best of my knowledge~ that they’re basically weeaboo’s for humans.

Like… there was a time when blue eyes would have been on that list but apparently blizz changed their minds about it.

And they´re using the Belf underwear, your point?

And they DO have the typical voidy stuff -compare the long side braid haircut. Regular Belf looks more solid, Velf version looks like she put glue on the hair it´s… flat-.

And you don´t think this is kinda HUGE thing? (I mean, one of the reasons I dislike Helves IS preciselly their creepy dependence on Humans).

Honestly, the logical final step in this quest for the purest helf expierience is to simply roll a human and claim that you’ve mastered your cosplay skills.

Which would still be more interesting and creative then the helves who are the most bland race imaginable that people could actually want to play as.

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Clearly Blood Elves should get Void Elf underwear as compensation.

I don’t see a problem here


Indeed, but to each their own.

Even more clear, devs used the actual Belf model and just barely copied some Velf haircuts to put a visible example of how those Velves could look like. Taking into account the Dressing Room is not even programed to deal with skintones for Belves, maybe devs haven´t even got to that part of the model modification yet (the “skin tone” part in Velves I mean).