Just give the alliance high elves already

When a group of people spend a lot of time focusing on something, that something can seem to have a lot more presence than it really has. Though I would love to see actual data on this.

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Sethrak sethrak ssssethrak!

Sethrak for the Alliance! (but playable is fine blizz seriously please) :snake:


Which was my original point. The art shown regarding Velves is not complete, those “non-tentacle” haircuts can still get the tentacle effect when devs properly finish implementing the skintones.

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Technically they’ve been seen in BfA as shield mages during a warfront. There’s only 4 of them though and they don’t do much

Fixed /10 char

I agree with this. Mok’nathal needs to be playable for the horde since they don’t have ogre’s


void elves =/= high elves. ever.

But to add to the post, they could just remake LF dreanei into a true army of the light and make all the alliance wc2 races as customization options for it.

that would be nice. to create some distance from void elves and blood elves that has been lost. i dont think locking them out of natural hair colors is enough

I hope if they go that route they leave a few without the tentacles. My Velf always went without for her hairdo. (I’m not a fan of tentacles)

I would like to see if they can add more void customizations for those whom don’t like the tentacles, The void is more then just that!

Voidy tatts.

They would be nice tats. Maybe glowy hair too out of racial

More void tats would be pretty cool.

I would be interested in seeing such data as well. I’m curious if there was actually more demand than any of us realized and that’s what made Blizzard go this route or if there was some other factor or data involved.

Whatever, the reason, something pushed Blizzard to do this. Of course, it could be as simple as just a desire to give everyone as many options as possible in the quickest and cheapest way possible.

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If I had to guess, and this is only a guess, my thought would be that Blizzard added the options to both sides in an attempt to give alliance side high elves without having to put the work into making a new race and gave the blood elfs the same options to try to keep people from being upset that one side got something and the other didnt.

Course, if this is the case…it seems to have backfired.

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The thing is, there aren’t really a lot of cases of the jedi falling to the dark side after. So this isn’t true.

The inquisitors fell to the dark side those who didn’t were killed unless they managed to hide. It’s not like the emperor just ignored any lightside jedi running about they were hunted down and killed if they couldn’t be turned.

They were basically the focus of multiple patches for the alliance, ToT, and ICC there has been one patch ever that the main gnome race was the focus of and that was the gnome reclaim. Maybe the mechagnome patch. There are 3 races that have more patch content for them than HEs. Humans, Night Elves and strangely enough space goats. Space goats actually have a lot of content. You could maybe argue worgens although most of their stories are just Genn stuff folded into human affairs.

…says the fox that never existed before this patch.

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Except Vulpera made all the sense in the world to be added.

Short adorable playable races exist. You’re playing one right now.

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…says the belf.

Meaning what exactly?