Just give the alliance high elves already

I still think it’s amazing that some people point to the bloodelves coming back to Dalaran in BFA as some sort of vindication of the Purge when in all actuality it was the Blood elves desperately trying to do everything they could to stop the end of the world (and collaborating with other mages was necessary).

Meanwhile Jaina screwed off to do whatever and was an entire non-factor to any of the events leading to the fall of the legion.


I kinda wished void elves went horde as well. It’d give blood elf players a way to return to their original themes from TBC

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Because the race is already playable on horde, despite all the cries of how ‘different’ they are. Boiled down it’d be duplicating the race.

…are we using “common nomenclature” as “textbook nomenclature” or as “what the majority of people in trade chat actually call them”.

Because in one of those scenarios, you’re kinda wrong.

If your argument requires being an ookin dooker to work, it will say a lot about you.

Excuse my Hozen.


Ty I will keep that in mind, as I had thought the quests removed. Would like to see both sides everyone talks about.

It’s over lads. :pray:

Thing is, aesthetics matter. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you. They matter in every facet of life, from birth to death. Delving outside of commonly accepted aesthetics is thus -risky- for a business.

Now, you have two factions. One gets what pop culture has found pretty and cool for ages.

The other gets something outside of that.

No bookkeeper is going to take the sucker’s bet on which one of those is going to be successful and which isn’t. Unless you’re betting on faction two being the one that succeeds. But that’d be your money to lose.

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It is indeed. But you can just say that. You don’t need to use a derogatory term.

While I personally disagree with this assessment, that’s fine. You can say that without having to be derogatory.

Again all fine. Just no reason to be derogatory in the telling of those points/arguments.


Well, that’s fair. Perhaps I’m just too desensitized to slurs on the internet. :slight_smile:


Some folk think it doesn’t matter, but whether it makes sense or not, it can cause harm. It also certaintly doesn’t help make an argument look good.

And my biggest point is that it’s totally unnecessary.

Well the Elfernet just exploded. I know it’s not the High Elves people want but surely this is something good? I know I’m gonna play around with it on my Velf.


I’m hoping they have some way to merge the normal skins with heavier void elements. Could stick in something like massive void splotch tattoo options or something like that. I feel that’s another way to really emphasize the void side of them for people that like that aspect.


It was honestly unexpected but welcome.

It’s not 100% what we asked for but it’s pretty darn close. If they add a lore dump in Shadowlands to explain why and how High Elves are becoming Ren’dorei (and it explains why the new customization options are a thing), I think it would suffice for most of those asking for playable Alliance High Elves. At least enough that the High Elf topics will die down considerably.

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at least we can now advocate for actual NEW races now and not another elf race to take up race slots in peace.

I’m all for the oldest race of all, tbh.


Let’s talk about Murlocs. :sunglasses:

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Boiled down they are different politically.

The physical difference isn’t what is important.

It’s the journey part of the RPG. The story. The lore.

If it were so much just about the physical looks, I think Void Elves would have been received a bit better.

I mean, you’ve pretty much got them now. Have your void elf declare themselves a high elf and no longer a blood elf. Bam, the only actual difference is gone.

Best racial in the game.

They call 5 more murlocs to temporarily attack your foe!


Make it worse. Make it five random murloc players. No matter where they are. No matter what they’re doing :rofl:

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