Just give the alliance high elves already

I do realize that, yes. My point is that there is historical in-game evidence that the Silver Covenant has supported the Alliance under the 7th Legion Banner.

We have High Elf 7th Legion Shield-Mages in BfA’s Arathi Warfront

If previous 7th Legion association is any indication, it’s likely that most, if not all, High Elves presently supporting the Alliance in BfA under the 7th Legion banner are from the Silver Covenant. Obviously I can’t confirm this so you are well within your rights to argue that point, but history does support the plausibility of such an assumption.

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I didn’t meant to imply that the rude posters were anywhere near the majority. At the end of the day I still feel that giving one faction another faction’s race is a tricky subject and not quite as easy as just giving the Alliance Helves, but I don’t have a poor opinion of anyone who disagrees with me on that simply because we disagree.

Two elves a ‘history’ does not make.

So then the Silver Covenant is no more and whatever was left over from the Legion war has been absorbed by the 7th Legion is what those NPCs would imply.

Or… given the fact that Sunreavers are still kicking, the SC is sitting in Dalaran doing nothing while a select few are on loan to… make a shield… for a flying boat.

a tricky subject indeed and one that will prolly never end ever.

I can’t say one way or the other what the bulk of the Silver Covenant is doing right now. What I can say is that the Silver Covenant is definitively part of the Alliance, which is what you were trying to argue against earlier.

As to the Sunreavers… it has been some time since I leveled a Horde character through BFA (my Vulpera hasn’t gotten to BfA yet), so I don’t recall all the NPC’s I encountered, but do the Sunreavers have a significant presence in BfA? Or are the bulk of them also “sitting in Dalaran doing nothing while a select few are on loan” to the Horde?

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They show up in the rescue of Baine to kill Jaina. Which is more than I can say for a supposed iconic alliance race. Stuck on a flying boat mad at their hair.

So, then that’s a yes to the Sunreavers “sitting in Dalaran doing nothing while a select few are on loan” to the Horde.


Sunreavers have never been a mystery about being part of the Horde tho.

Neither have the Silver Covenant no matter how often some people try to imply otherwise.


Actually there is a difference. Sunreavers are openly a part of the Horde. The SC are just friends with sometimes maybe benefits.

The Silver Covenant aren’t any more or less part of the Alliance than the Sunreavers are part of the Horde. I’m not sure why anyone thinks differently or why the Silver Covenant is held to a different standard than the Sunreavers.


I always felt like a good compromise would be to have a big shakeup with the forsaken post-sylvanas would be to have them be able to solve the curse of undeath for at least a lucky few. It gives the Horde a subfaction of humans, and then the Alliance can get a subfaction of belves.

Not everyone who dislikes the idea of implementing Helves would agree with me on that, and I know some pro-Helfers would not like “proper” humans telling the Allaince to screw off.

Definitely not an entirely easy solution.

I like that idea. I’m not sure that Forsaken fans would though?

Because the Silver Covenant is always much more tepid in their support of the Alliance.

We’ve had one appearance by each faction this xpac. One which is basically a cameo in a room before a warfront with no context and a non-combat role. The other in a voiced role expressing their group’s hatred of the Alliance where the elf in question attempts to kill a major Alliance character as well as several people he considers traitors to the warchief.

It’s not quite the same.

I’m still ticked that a horde character wanting vengeance for his friends being slaughtered by cruel fanatics has to be the villain while Genn and jaina have done much worse and are some of the writers’ pet favorites.


Jaina is a legit war criminal. I’m always amazed at how Blizzard glosses over the fact she essentially led a race riot with no consequences.


hey lets give the alliance a horde race because of 2 easter eggs in a warfront

meanwhile horde gets an entire human pirate crew fighting with them on the ground :thinking:


Christie Golden.

Did you not know Jaina is here to save your soul? She is graceful. She is good. She is almighty. Have you not seen how many times she’s frozen the ocean and saved everything last second?

Sylvanas is super-hitler but Jaina trying to do the same thing to an arguably more populated city with even less warning for the inhabitants is somehow okay in blizzard’s eyes. (This isn’t me defending sylvanas ofc)

I’d take Knaak back over Chrisite “lets make Baine a simpering bootlicker” Golden.

I have no idea how she could write a good story like lord of the clans and then just entirely ruin Horde characters in every book she writes after.

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