Just give the alliance high elves already

It’s also a dumb analogy because both sides got equal amounts of Allied races, or “cake”.

A truer cake analogy would be that Monori being a ravenous glutton horking down cake and being mad that someone else got to have cake as well.

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The Silver Covenant actually falls under the Alliance Vanguard just like Explorers’ League, The Frostborn, and the Valiance Expedition. I believe that qualifies them as an Alliance organization.

As we can see, the Silver Covenant reputation does not fall under the Kirin Tor, it falls under the Alliance Vanguard.


This sounds like a current affairs news show doing a story on a new drug.

Then do tell, where were they in BFA the biggest Faction war currently?

Oh I know, in Dalaran twiddling their thumbs.

I mean we are talking about high elves are we not?


Fair enough, we all know elves love trees.

See when you lack the ability to understand an analogy you probably shouldn’t attempt deconstruct however unintentionally humorous the results may be.

It’s better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and confirm it and all that.

The Silver Covenant leadership is present at the ceremony for achieving prestige 2 and your new weapon skin as an alliance player. They are very clearly alliance affiliated. They are also part of the alliance vanguard for rep.

You very clearly have never dealt with siblings ever.

This is rich coming from someone who think Nightborne are the exact same as Night Elves.

I’ve dealt with children and have been one myself. I get that you didn’t have a fun childhood but for the rest of us when we are given delicious sweet treats we don’t act like spoiled whiny brats about it. We are chowing down in heaven.

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They are far closer in appearance than void elves are. As I said if all that’s needed is to change idle animation and make ears upturned instead of downturned to have silver covenant high elves pretty sure pretty much every pro would be fine with that.

You have one you don’t have two who are in constant competition as I said you haven’t dealt with siblings.

I do love how you constantly like to try to cast aspersions on me though I’m sure you are very positive role model for your child and not at all a karen :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean I’ve been that kid who has been jealous of what my friends had (while having perfectly nice things they might have been jealous of). But that’s explicitly a childish attitude and not something that should be rewarded or indulged in lol.

If a child is tantruming over not getting what they want, generally it’s a very bad idea to give them what they want, at least while they’re throwing a fit, because it reinforces negative behavior.


This is not even remotely true. I can tell the difference between Nightborne and Night Elves super easily.

I had two siblings growing up, so you might want to pump the breaks there.

Well, I’m a dude. So I can’t be a Karen without extensive surgery.

So who is the one


Checkmate, I win again.

All I do is win bigly.

Being jealous of a friend is a totally different scenario than being jealous of a sibling.

Tantrums should never be rewarded.

Exactly the reason I even care one bit about this thread. When I popped in initally it was people like Monori throwing around accusations against people who didn’t like the idea of watering down a horde race. If they weren’t being petty and rude to anyone who disagreed with them (see: Monori’s big brained i’m smarter than you post over her insipid analogy), I’d have probably never posted anything either way.

While I agree that she is being unreasonable and setting a bad impression of the Pro side, I assure you a lot of the Pro High Elf people are very nice people who are all just wanting to play the race they want that Blizzard keeps denying them for the past 15 years despite having plenty of opportunities to add in that boggles me.

I’d take a bullet for them.

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Has every different faction from the whole of wow made an appearance in BfA? Are those that haven’t suddenly no longer affiliate with their respective Alliance or Horde factions?

A logical explanation is that the Silver Covenant is probably still in the Broken Isles doing cleanup work after Legion. Of course that’s purely conjecture on my part.

To answer your question directly though, according to the game files, High Elf 7th Legion Battlemages are flagged as part of the Silver Covenant faction. I would posit then that it’s fair to say the Silver Covenant is present as part of the 7th Legion throughout BfA even if not specifically named as such.

Same place as the Dragonmaw. And the Wildhammer. And the Taunka (Remember them? The Taunka?). And the Jinyu. And the Hozen. And every other sub-faction that should probably be involved in all of this but isn’t


Even if that was true, why are you saying that like it’s a good thing? People didn’t want Nightborne that look like night elves.

Nico, you do realize you linked a 7th Legion npc from WOTLK era, right?

Blizzard is a small indy company, please understand.

That or they are dead.

I have always longed to play a high elf priest and mage. Just like they were in Warcraft III. Male high elves were priests, and females were mages (sorcerers). I understand the high elves became blood elves, in WCIII, but the human race still had high elf priests and sorcerer units. There are still NPC high elves allied with the humans in game. Not all high elves followed Kael’thas. There were a bunch that stayed with the humans.

Analogy isn’t insipid it’s accurate. I’m well aware that antis don’t like it when people throw their usual tactics back in their face which is why I’m doing it. Sadly the lack of ability to self reflect has led to limited success.