Just give the alliance high elves already

Almost like alliance players want to play as the silver covenant high elves which has served as a defacto arm of the alliance military.

Yeah and Ogres have been in the Horde since day 1 and aren’t playable. Not every group that is allied with your faction needs to be playable.

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Terrible analogies shouldn’t be used to begin with.

Getting eyes that don’t fit them is defo something no other allied race is getting.

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What eyes are Void Elves getting that “don’t fit”? I mean, what you think doesn’t fit is purely a subjective opinion is it not?

Void Elves, right now, have blue eyes. How do more shades of blue eyes “not fit”?

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You mean 7th Legion.

The Silver Covenant are members of Dalaran.

Big Bright Blue eyes that goes against the dark cold void theme they have? It doesn’t fit them at all.

To be fair they have less business with arcane blue eyes than blood elves.

That’s a subjective opinion, as I said.

Happy cheerful bright blue eyes do not fit the cold dark void theme of Void Elves.

I have no problem with Blue Eyes on Void Elves but they are objectively too bright and do not match with the given theme presented. If they were darkened there would be no issue. That’s just a fact.

I’m sorry but that is not “objective” nor is it a “fact”. That is a subjective opinion. I don’t see anything out of place with the currently datamined eye colors for void elves. I could claim that opinion to be “objective” but that would be dishonest. My opinion on the currently datamined void elf eye colors is purely subjective… as is yours.

No, it is objective. Void Elves have a crystal clear theme and those eyes objectively go against it.

No. It is not objective.

Your opinion of what fits and what doesn’t fit the void elf theme is subjective.

Ogres aren’t playable because of gameplay mechanics once the bugs of the KT skeleton are worked out they likely will be.

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Are those eyes and that’s an objective fact.

I’m sorry but you aren’t using the word “objective” correctly. And that is an objective fact.

No I mean the SC the leader of whom was at the prestige ceremony for the alliance champion.

That’s objectively incorrect.

I would like this idea if they made them look different from my other elves, not just change the skin color and make them taller.

Wasn’t a terrible analogy was an apt and accurate one :slight_smile:

Feel free to have the last word if you want, you’ll still be wrong regardless. And at the end of the day if Blizzard thinks it fits the void theme, then your opinion is moot.

The Silver Covenant is a organization in Dalaran not the Alliance. There are High Elves in the 7th Legion which is a military organization for the Alliance.

As if that meant anything, lol.

No, it was because you don’t understand how children act when delicious sweet treats are present.