Just give the alliance high elves already

Kermit put it well, “It’s not easy, being green.”


The real ones know.

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I think a better analogy goes like this:

I go to a restaurant and order a hamburger… and they give me a cheeseburger instead. I don’t hate the cheeseburger, and yea there is a hamburger under that cheese, but I really just wanted a regular plain old hamburger. The people at the table next to me got exactly what they ordered but my order was changed into something that, while it isn’t bad… isn’t what I asked for and doesn’t fulfill the craving I have.

I didn’t hate that cheeseburger but I still really want my hamburger.


Male Playable Nightborne derails this analogy. Sorry, Nico.

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It wasn’t equal. Nightborne have a ton of lore and a very slightly altered night elf model with minimal colorshifting and a new idle stance to set them apart. Void elves have zero lore are traitor blood elves and were made in photoshop by someone moving the hue sliders to blue. Just another corrupted wish.


If the cheeseburger was never on the menu you’ve got nobody to blame but yourself for the confusion.

I wouldn’t say that since I was speaking more broadly.

Nightborne were asked for and Nightborne were given. They were just implemented poorly and future customization options can fix the issue with them. Nightborne are something that’s fixable.

Void Elves aren’t the same. Void Elves cannot be “fixed” so easily. Even if they were given High Elf customization options, they are still Void Elves at their core.


It was equal. It was a different Night Elf for a different Blood Elf. That is an objective 1 for 1 trade that was done.

End of story.

By both factions, I’m told. Coin Flips are just a way of life. Football players understand.

Blizzard is certainly doing something with them but nothign with nightborne according to Datamines, so idk if this holds any weight.


I wish Horde had gotten Void Elves…really dont’ like Nightborne. But that’s my personal opinion I don’t go around trashing on Nightborne as if everyone else has to be of the same mind as I am.

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It wasn’t equal the void elves were massively color shifted and are blood elves not high elves.

Nightborne are minimally altered night elves that can actually look like night elves rather than hot topic elves.

You know for supposedly not being an anti you sure like to parrot a lot of their dumber talking points.

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No one wanted Nightborne that look just like night elves.


Cool still doesn’t make it an equal swap nobody wanted double traitor blood elves they wanted silver covenant high elves.

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NUH UH. Hoard gets evrthing they want. chocolate caek!


Nightborne barely look like Night Elves just like Void Elves barely look like Blood Elves.

Nightborne have different ears, skin and hair color.

Void Elves have different hair facial hair and skin color.

The two are equal.

I’m not an Anti, you can ask anyone here that knows me.

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Nothing is being done with Void Elves that isn’t being done to every race in the game. The player character model rigs are being altered to use the new eye system. All races are being changed thus even if we haven’t seen some races get their options yet on the alpha. I would not mistake the current datamining as somehow providing Void Elves with something no other allied race is getting.

Nightborne implementation is something the community seems quite vocal about and I expect that when Blizzard gets to adding allied race customization (which the new eyes are not), that Nightborne will have options to look closer to their NPC counterparts.

Man, I would spit at my mum for some cake right now.

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High elves don’t make sense as a playable race though. There are maybe half a dozen high elves outside of the Silver Covenant. If we’re getting high elves what’s next? Taunka? Ogres? Hozen? Jinyu? Gilbins?

Just because they technically exist doesn’t mean they need to be or should be a playable race.


Gotta love how cowardly antis are refuse to engage with an analogy and attempt to mock it because they lack the intellectual capacity to refute it.

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