Just give the alliance high elves already

ya no on the sethrak if i got put up with stupid cute things on the horde … then ya no sethrak for them they can have there brittney spear elfs im fine with that but no snakes

I grant the desires of many lustful maidens and sirs every night.


/cracks knuckles
okay, let me see:

  1. nb have lore, thousands of years of it, in fact.

  1. nightborne introduction into the game consciousness was center stage and of huge import.

  1. nb have the best city wow has ever created. nothing else has even come close.

  1. aside from not having the heavily slanted eyes of their npc equivalents and no flowing mana hair, nb had lovely hairstyles, cool earrings, and nice tattoos. their only big drawback is the same as the void elves, blue skin is a pain to mog, and limited customizations. once they get more customizations, they’ll be golden.

  1. their heritage gear puts velf heritage gear to shame.

Debatable. The wings you get on velf heritage is infinitely cooler to me than NB heritage, especially with that metal goatee.

You barely ever see them. They’re halfway invisible.

Disagree, I think they’re okay. Velves getting the only curly hair in game and some animated hair is way better imo.

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thats the false beard of pharaoh. the devs are suggesting nightborne are akin to ancient egyptian royals.

no there’s curly hair on belfs and humans, prior to velfs. the only truly curly hair though, is incoming in shadowlands. and i’m excited.

But it’s not as curly. But, yes, only curly hair is technically incorrect. Retracted.

And it’s Alliance only

well if you ask, they’ll probably arrange something applicable. they usually dont turn down horde requests

Which can all be shortened to living under a bubble vs. void tanner beam freak accident. So that’s equal.

Nightborne inspired by snooty Highborne under a bubble vs. Void Elves inspired by a snooty High Elf smoking Void Crack rocks. Snooty Junkies all around but still equal.

Silvermoon is better. But since what you said is subjective it can’t be used in an objective comparison so that’s out.

This is where the real objective comparison begins as it can be summed up as Different Night Elf from Parent Race Night Elf vs. Different Blood Elf from Parent Blood Elf. Both are equally different from their parents in appearance race thematics. So this is indeed equal.

Again a subjective comparison which is null and void. I happen to think Velf Heritage is better but I’m not going to use it as a debate point.

That doesn’t mean they don’t though.

Considering the biggest “Horde request” I’ve seen out of the last expansion was to not have Sylvanas be Garrosh Mk 2, and we still don’t have ogres or mok’natal, I’m gonna put a big ol [citation needed] on that.


cough cough dark ranger customizations being requested by horde but flagged npc only cough cough

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Forest trolls. Contrary to what many think nothing is suggesting we’ll get them in Shadowlands. They don’t even have to give us the bulky male model. They literally just have to give us two already existing skins, one for males and one for females. No 3D modeling. No modeling. It already exists. Forest trolls are iconic to the Horde and would make perfect sense as playable lorewise. Especially since Alliance are getting Wildhammer. Wildhammer are to the Revantusk as humans are to orcs.

If Sand Trolls and Wild hammer Dwarves can be added so can every other appropriate skin in what’s spose to be the big rp the way you want update unless we flag it npc only

shortened is an understatement where velfs are concerned. we earned the rep to make them playable from people who didnt have anything to do with them. lol and many horde players didnt even have a reason to do any of those quests because they were tucked away on a diff planet, only accessible by a small platform, stuck in the corner, that didnt show up at all till you had done precisely the right quests.

meanwhile, every alliance player had to quest thru suramar and earn exalted rep with the nb before they could even work on their own allied races. i couldnt even earn velf rep, till i had maxxed out nb. horde didnt have to max out velf rep, to earn nb. you know what i’m saying.

Sand trolls hate the Horde. Forest trolls exist in the Horde. If we get sand trolls no reason we shouldn’t be getting forest trolls. I made a thread about this yesterday so I won’t go into it all again.

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It was inspired by Alleria’s side quest on Argus, nothing more. That’s the lore.

Nightborne are pretty much just drug addicts under a bubble for 10,000 years. That is the bare bones lore of it, nothing more.

I believe you.

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Blizzard always trying to keep the green man down, dawg.