Just give the alliance high elves already

Say the one who says ,. . . .

Interesting .

And you learnt that in BFA ; damn . … .how hard is to understand hahahaah xD

But c’mon, even when you take out the elf side they’re still a low effort troll. No subtlety or style, just loud noises about things

I said good day!

Totally not replying to this person, but i am pretty sure i played through the worgen starting quest where i got turned into one.

And still. …


But they existed because Zandalar was established in the lore already, therefor they are completely lore friendly.

Man I just keep on winning tonight.

Not really, all they had to do was with Arugal. And that wasn’t the only zone Worgen appeared in. So they were not central to Gilneas.

Don’t have to be low effort.

Unless you mean the idea.

Either way, the Alliance has gotten “high effort” races and they’ve failed miserably, Kul Tiran comes to mind.

Popularity trumps effort every time.

You cant win something that you are not even know you talking hahaha xD.

Just accept it ; vulperas lore is trash and their race is just a fanmade haha.

Yup. The answer is no. Gilneans are not worgens in cata.

sO tHe NeW lOrE iN CaTa ThAt MaDe ThEm WoRgEn Is BaD lOrE


Google: “Did you mean Void Elves?”


I meant low effort as in the quality of the posts being made here, not races.

I’m surprised their keyboard isn’t broken from all the angry face smashing.

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Not central to Gilneas, no, but ‘Humans who can turn into worgen’ was only a thing at Pyrewood village

People theorised for years since Vanilla that we’d get worgen from there because it was an obvious leap. Void Elves were not obvious

Continue saying this . . .

You have to do your homework about the worgen as a “form” but not a race.

But you know. . .


Google:“did you mean retcon bloodelf BC”?

Maybe they have a vintage board. I used to have an IBM model M that I lost in a move, I always felt like if someone broke into my place while I had it I could bludgeon them into submission with that keyboard, then plug it back in and it’d still be fine.

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And again that village was right next to where Arugal was doing his shenanigans and isn’t the only zone that Worgen appear in. A nice little seed for future sure but in regards to Gilneas it really had nothing to do with them at all.

Uhm, BC retconned Blood Elves at the end of BC. Not Void Elves, ease up on the sauce, grandpa.

A fine weapon of a forgotten age.

It’s the message that matters, and that’s the OP.

The rest is discussion, as weird as it can get.

The original post of this thread is very low effort.

What are you even talking about?

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I am talking about gilneans specifically, countering your point of new lore is bad and cannot be used to introduce new race.

I am well aware worgens were a thing before cata. Gilnean worgens before cata is new lore in cata.

So by your argument

tHeY sHoUlD bE nOrMaL hUmAnS iNsTeAd

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So if we follow YOUR LOGIC.

Vulperas lore is trash .Your logic not mine.

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It’s ok, you can say someone’s being a bit out there and we’ll still know you want high elves. I gonged them because I think they’re not really that invested in the argument and just wanna start fights.