Just give the alliance high elves already

I think he’s just upset that Void Elves came into being without previous lore instead of High Elves and now associates every single Allied Race that are not High Elves with that same generality.

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Have a tissue then for your issue.

Did you heard about Gilneas before ? im guesing you do because if u didnt ; you are just an ignorant in lore.

But i can tell for sure that i have never read anything or heard about vulperas before BFA.

You’re adorable when you make stuff up

Oh a rhyme, how early Disney of you. :rat:

Gilneans weren’t Worgens before Cata.

It’s so cute you still think in-game lore that players play through is “made up”.

Really shows that well thought out and concrete “anti-argument” you have going on. :man_shrugging:

Ok ; did you heard or see a worgen before cata ? for example lich king expansion zones ? or vanilla zones ?. No ?. . . ok .

I’m not the one leaping to the defense of a new and rather poor troll poster.

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Pretty sure they were NORMAL humans in WC2 and not worgen.

Yeah, so we should introduce gilneans as normal humans instead of worgens because they should use existing lore instead of new ones.

Those worgens were not gilneans. Definitely not the northrend ones. Lol.


She can troll all she wants, that’s not my business.

She understands High Elves are an established, in-game, Alliance entity, everything after that is your issue to deal with.

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I did, but they had nothing to do with Gilneas.

Let me ask you this, where do you think new lore comes from? New races, new zones? Remember when the world map was one big empty ocean before they started plopping down continents and islands?

Where did those come from?

Oh right. New Lore.

You didn’t hear? All new lores are bad lores.

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Partially Alliance, there’s some neutral or more horde leaning ones there too.

And I acknowledge they are. I just think it’d be a dumb idea for Blizz to make them playable.


It’s making me quite upset to hear that my Blood Elf Warrior who only gained the ability to be a warrior in cata despite should have been one on launch of BC is bad lore that isn’t real. :’(

No , you are wrong . Most of the “new lore” has a base , an argument. Is not completely “new”.

Now , oc will be new (literally) lore in the game but you cant a put a PLAYABLE RACE WITH A NEW LORE (trash btw) because has 0 sense .

You have literally like 3 o 4 races for the horde with more arguments to be a playable race than a furry.

You just cant win , is dumb . Theres a lot of other races that have more bounds , lore, pop , friendships and more than vulperas.

Vulperas are literally the most fanmade race that i have ever seen.

You need to read before even talk ; not trying to be rude . Is a good argument of why they are worgen but theres not argument at all about those ugly furries.

I’m glad we’re not at least actively ignoring lore anymore.

I knew there was a reason I didn’t mute you :heart:

You need to google before you argue.

Good day!


Vulpera was already established in lore as Zandalar existed as a place.

Checkmate I win.

I mean, no. They had a lot to do with Gilneas given they were right outside there, there was a heavily Worgen-themed dungeon just by the gates, and the nearest town of humans turned into worgen at night and therefore confirmed that humans could turn into worgen

As a MASSIVE detractor of worgen back in the day, adding worgen made sense. That was smooth.

Void Elves did not have pre-existing lore hinting at them. We did not have the existance of any void-loving BElf faction revealed to us before they just showed up out of nowhere. Heck, even the “BElves don’t belong in the Horde” queries were squelched at this point given, y’know, MoP reaffirming them and their presence.

Void Elves are the most poorly done Allied Race in the game and I would give anything for them to be removed, but I will settle for any other allied race taking away their numbers and making them less popular