Just give the alliance high elves already

See, this is where we find out that you in fact did not do Vol’dun because Vulpera do not have trash lore.

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Already a lot better than most on your side, look she provided established in-game lore and didn’t fear monger and pretend she had an argument. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You all are making me hungry with talks of cake and ice cream.

I have neither at home now and i hate you guys.

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All of that applies to Vulpera, so…

That’s a yikes from me homie.

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I’m not arguing against vulpera she is.

Don’t drag me into your fur fest.

I did and was trash af ; literally. It was a “good” story for a race that you just help but for a race for a faction ?.

Was pure trash. A race of furries that move in caravans (thats their whole population) trying to survive in the desert of voldun ?.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW such a good lore and story ; not even twilight could beat this.

Says the Worgen.

Didn’t realize vicious werewolves weren’t cool, but go off.

Sir, your drinking is becoming an issue. Go to bed.

Furfest. Werewolves have fur. Did you not make the connection?

If you really think that vulpera have a good lore ; you are maybe drunk since the launch of BFA.

No. I keep a list of every. Single. One. :imp: :imp: :imp:

Seriously though you’re missing the point. You’re arguing with derogatory names for things cause you’re disappointed. You’re throwing a tantrum.

Why is it so hard to just call em Mechagnomes or Kul’tirans, and say what you want to say about them? What purpose does the derogatory nomenclature serve except to make folk feel bad for playing them?

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BFA requires heavy drinking.

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I did I just go glass eyed when I see the same joke for the trillionth time.

Definitely not the funniest sort here, explains why Tarrok spams videos I guess. :sleepy:

Sounds like a personal issue that a therapist could help with.

We would call a fix to this issue a comedian, but nice try.

Were the gilneans worgen before cata?

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Sethrak is fine, but what race would you suggest for a “cool” race.

I never claimed to be one.

No one ever has to.