Just give the alliance high elves already

I would enjoy them if they actually lived up to the potential they had at least mechagnomes could have been super cool but blizz just didn’t care at all.

Yeah, once again, anything to you is fanfiction.

BRB, going to post on Twitter to tell Blizzard to stop also with fanfiction too.

They might actually read your message there, Sara.

If they do, I’m gonna unsub because they’re actually listening to my nonsense.

Its so dumb how the anti highelves can have any argument these days.

The horde has literally a race that is the most dumb , irracional , no lore base , no population and 0 pressence before in the game. . . THE VULPERAS.

But a race that have lore , gameplay , model . at least more population than vulperas cant be a playable race ?

Now dont come with the bs about " you cant have same elves in both faction" .

You have nightelf and we have voidelfs ; you have 2 cows and we have 2 goats ; you guys have 2 orcs and we have 2 dwarfs.

Is not even about you guys have a valid argument .

Most of you are afraid of how that race can affect the horde ; you are scared af about that . You maybe are scared that you are gonna play them and swap to play alliance.

Im dare everysingle of u.

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Let’s start with it being a bad way to go about it?

“Let’s make other players feel bad so blizzard knows I’m throwing a tantrum, rather then contacting them, or just not playing them, or having a reasonable conversation where I don’t throw around insults.”

Also it just makes you sound bad.

Nor will it change that the Mechagnomes and Kul’tirans are here. They’re not gonna just disappear.

But nah, that’s fine. You do you.

It’ll say a lot.

Did you never do Vol’dun?

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Before Bfa ? no , do you ?

I wasn’t able to access it prior to BFA. I was however able to play thru it in BFA.

So following your logic ; a race can be added with the “right argument” (even if vulperas pop is the most garbage excuse that i have ever seen). right?.

Because thats how vulperas came a playable race ; they are in a zone , some quest and thats it :).

No other player is made to feel bad lol anyone who likes the races will play them regardless of what people say. If I say night elf males look kind of doofy and the only reason to play a night elf is the amazonian warrior queens that isn’t going to effect you. You will just ignore it.

It doesn’t say anything other than I’m frustrated by how the alliance is constantly an afterthought and when there are cool ideas there readymade blizz still manages to flub it.

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Yes, that is correct. Vulpera’s had a whole zone dedicated to their introduction and providing a solid reason as to why they would be a playable addition to the Horde and guess what? They were!

Praise be to the fluff that people love.

  • Here’s a quote from a wiki

  • It doesn’t have any primary source citations, just some guy’s analysis on other sources

  • That’s why that direct quote from a primary source you posted is wrong

  • aNyThInG tO yOu Is FaNfIcTiOn


High elves have had an entire zone in IoT partial zone in ICC quests in suramar quests in outlands, also a decidedly alliance lean to the point of being kicked out of the sc side if you went there as horde in Dal. This is just in terms of wow kind of seems like they might be considered an alliance race at this point but still aren’t because reasons.

And Blizzard had multiple opportunities to add them and haven’t. What do you want me to do about it?

WOOOOOW a whole zone !? WOOOOOOOOW . With a new introduction that nobody knew about it so they cant argument against that WOOOOOOOOOOW.

So the monkeys in pandaria that helped the horde almost like the vulperas werent playable but the furries do! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW…

But a race with a really good argument , lore , zones , leader , required , wanted and most important HAVE MORE POPULATION THAN THE FURRIES.

Is not a good argument at all to be a playbale race!! WOOOOOOOOOOW DUDEEEE.

You know what . . . .you are right.


I know right!? AMAZING!! It’s like Blizzard invented brand new lore to justify the inclusion of a new Allied race! WOWOWOWOW!!!

Well, at least you admitted it.

Ah, a new contender to the thread, let’s see how they do…


MY DUDEEEEEEEEEE , Imagine creating a trash lore just to please some furry audience!!!.

But not use an existing lore is the most intelligent idea !!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWW. I cant wait for the next race for the horde , maybe will be a race that we have never seen and just appear in 1 zone ; and some lore will come !!!


Its ok buddy ; i know that you are afraid of the high elves becoming a playable race .I know that you maybe are gonna test them and like it.

You will be out of the closet soon if they come playable someday.