Just give the alliance high elves already

You mean that quote from a wiki that didn’t have any official citations? That’s some guy’s fanfiction.

And what a good year that was.

well… damn. Only if the earth was flat.

I’m a He, I’d appreciate if you didn’t assume my gender, thank you.

Wrong, I’m not an Anti and I thought your analogy was terrible.

Wrong again. As a kid in this analogy I literally do not care because Sugar food is delicious and any reasonable kid is not going to give a flying hozen’s behind about what some other kid is having when they have delicious sugar food in front of them.

I win.

You insult me I’ll simply dehumanize you. If you can only respond through insults you don’t deserve the care of figuring out who or what you are. You lack any reasoning capacity whatsoever your attempts at arguments consist of plugging your ears and throwing a tantrum in the aisle till mommy capitulates. The thing is I don’t really feel like letting you have the last word. If you want to act like a toddler you can be treated like one.

I didn’t insult you, I said your analogy was terrible and didn’t work.

Big difference.

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I wouldn’t exactly put it as no official citations. There is sources it has to be pulled off.

[1] was Blood Elves and High Elves page on the Warcraft Encyclopedia which was from Blizzard entertainment. And that pretty much depicks also on this line from it here:

Which also leads to something that came along this:

Where for this last line:

[2] is The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind, which is an ingame book
and [3] is from Rise of the Horde novel.

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Oh, Reno, you can insult my Voidlord any time. That lazy #### refuses to tank!

My analogy wasn’t terrible. There are very superficial differences to the nightborne female model in comparison to the night elf female model I will say males got hit with the ugly bat but tbh night elf males are kind of ugly as well. Aka chocolate cake with sprinkles vs chocolate cake. Meanwhile there are drastic hue differences between void elves and blood elves aka blueberry sherbet vs vanilla ice cream.

Chocolate Cake with sprinkles in some eyes is better than regular chocolate cake others consider them equal others slightly inferior. Blueberry sherbet on the other hand is much more polarizing with some really like it others thinking it’s gross. Vanilla ice cream is pretty much universally liked outside a few strange people even if it’s not a favorite flavor (have hagen dasz vanilla and this might change)

It’s dealing with the whole concept of corrupted wish. If I go to a store and ask for vanilla ice cream and get blueberry sherbet I’m likely to be annoyed if not pissed. If I ask for chocolate cake but get chocolate cake with sprinkles eh it’s w/e sometimes cakes come with sprinkles even if you don’t directly ask for them.

Food works well as an analogy because of additives we could also use chemicals but most people wouldn’t get that.

tl;dr you still didn’t provide any citations with a definition of a race, just some guy’s rationale behind his fanfiction.

Your analogy was terrible because you don’t know how children actually behave in regards to cake and ice cream.

They literally don’t care as long as you feed them deliciousness.

And I’m saying this says a lot about you. That you have to call Mechagnomes and Kul’tirans something derogatory to support you views makes you and anyone else who does so look rather bad.

You can have your view on them sure, but maybe use their actual names.


I dunno how anybody could dislike Kul Tirans anyway, they’re the best Alliance race by a country mile.

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It’s not what she wanted so she’s going to be a sour patch about it and insult them.

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You realize people outside of children enjoy cake and ice cream right? Just because some on these forums without naming names never progressed past the emotional maturity of a child doesn’t mean adults can’t enjoy cake and ice cream. I used children because it works on two levels. One blizzard as the parent, and two many kids being selfish prats who both want what another has while not wanting to share.

You very clearly haven’t dealt with many kids if you think there wouldn’t be fights over he got to get what I have but I can’t have what he has.

Grats you proved me correct that your analogy was terrible. Your analogy deals with children, not people outside of children.

I win again.

Man, it feels good to be me.

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I know. It’s how most of those people who use those terms instead of just mechagnome or Kul’tiran actually feel.

It wasn’t what they wanted so they lash out.

Half of em would enjoy both races if they weren’t so hopped up on the dissapointed juice.

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Life’s too short to be worrying about the flavors of cake and ice cream. Just eat up and enjoy.

Why should I? I don’t consider them to be mechagnomes. I consider them to be a corrupted wish aka diaper gnomes they allow for extremely little customization while taking up an allied race slot and theme that could have actually been cool. Ditto for Kultirans it’s expressing my frustration with blizzard for consistently refusing to understand the wishes of the alliance a frustration shared by many alliance players. The vast vast majority of Kulltirans we interact with aren’t giant they are regular people ditto for the royal family. It’s like having a game of thrones game but for the Starks you can only play as Hodor.

Yet you spend hours on here trying to stop me and others like me from having the flavor we want after having already taken a flavor from us … thinking

Good thing, what you consider isn’t up for debate.

First off, I just got a sub back today.

Secondly like I said before, I am not a an Anti.

Maybe read what people type?