Just give the alliance high elves already

I like kul’tiran lore but I’m a kul’tiran irl except short and not very seaworthy so I want to play as something I can’t be irl.

Chronicle vol. 1, page 104, second line.

Nice headcanon though.


So, where is the official definition of what a race means in the Warcraft universe, since race has been defined so many times in do many different ways.

This is what I pulled off the WoWPedia to what I mean.

In World of Warcraft, Blizzard interchanges the terms species and race, giving them roughly the same meaning.[1]

Unfortunately, Blizzard is not always consistent on how they use the terms. Sometimes they use the term '“race” when they mean the biological definition of “species”. This has led to conflicts between sources, where one source says blood elves and high elves are the same “biological race” (“biological species” would have been a more proper use of words in that syntax), while most sources say they are separate races (culturally and biologically).

In the Warcraft universe, races like elves, dwarves, humans, orcs, draenei, ogres, goblins, tauren, etc are considered separate species[2][3] and separate races.

Don’t you have ice cream and cake to worry about?


As far as I’m aware there isn’t one. All we know is that Nightborne aren’t night elves and blood elves are physically the same race as high elves.

I am calling them what they are there is a reason they have a minuscule playerbase. Blizzard really messed up especially with the Diaper and the inability to actually wear robes in a fashion as well as not allowing partial mechanization. It’s a shame because their hairstyles are actually awesome but because of the inability to selectively mechanize and the diaper I could never main one. If I could say make one arm robo and have the rest non robot no diaper and then use parts of the heritage set to selectively mechanize part that would actually be cool. Instead it’s just another wasted alliance ar that very few people will play.

Fat humans are just fat humans they should have just gives us the regular human model with new cosmetics and new classes. There is nothing in wow history before bfa to say Kultiirans are randomly super big boned. Or just give Vykrul which is what people actually wanted. Hell give Valkyr plus a male version and it would be something interesting and different people would actually play and make sense since Sylvanas tried to enslave them.

They are corrupted wishes while the horde actually gets their wishes outside of ogres which it’s likely they will use the KT rig for since Rexxar uses it.

There are so many jokes I could make with this given how she keeps mentioning “fat humans”.

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I forgot making simple to understand analogies makes antis mad when they can’t actually argue against them. My bad I should stick to abstract ones that they simply can’t understand rather than those that infuriate them :slight_smile:

I’ll be sure to make more abstract analogies so you simply can’t understand them in the future that way when you can’t refute them it won’t make your brain swell up in anger.

The cake is a lie.

“no ur dum”

Well, that’s me told.

Your analogy never worked because you’re assuming the kid in question isn’t allergic to the food he isn’t having and since his parent is being responsible and not risking his life.

Checkmate, find a new analogy.

If we keep talking about cake someone has to come make me one.

On my way, sugar.

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Ok, so then I am sort of wrong with Nightborne.

But did you ready that quote in my post, that was edited?


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Aw it’s trying to reason that’s so cute.

No genius my analogy worked quite well which is why it angers you because it sheds light on the fact that you quite literally got the alliance’s cake but don’t want to share your ice cream despite the alliance having picked it out in beta.

How many times, do I have to tell all you children

The cake is a lie!

Welcome to 2007

I’m a mom, the cake is only a lie until the kid is in bed.

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