Just give the alliance high elves already

I am disappointed by the lack of gnome rouges.

This about sums up the story from expansion to expansion

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I would contribute, but I suck at Rogues.

No thanks. We have enough blasted elves.


I’d feel bad.

Are you suggesting the half orc, half draenei, half human, paladin/shaman/mage/priest was a mistake?

He said Kaldorei if you are going to claim that high elves and blood elves are the same pretty sure that works. Apparently being by a nigthwell just changes the turn of your ears anyway.

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I have one Rogue, at max level, but that is probably the only rogue I am going to have. Just like Demon Hunters, just not overly fond of them.

This is accurate. Should include Devs looking sad when they realize the horde playerbase doesn’t want to be evil though.

Okay, you can be as cute as Reno, no more sad faces though!

I can’t handle sad faces

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Well except high elves are stated to be the same race as blood elves several times whereas Nightborne are stated to not be night elves several times. So… ya know. No it doesn’t. :woman_shrugging:

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It changes for me, though I do love warlocks. I never had one until Legion. The whole imp mother thing in BFA is pure joy.

Spider buddies? :smiley:

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Always! That’s an unbreakable web!

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:two_hearts: :spider_web:

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They are an offshoot of night elves and changing ear turnup is apparently enough for antis to consider them to be fine for horde to have so alliance should just have high elves with downturned ears.

Says a lot about you.

Just call em what they are. Mechagnomes and Kul’tirans.


I am suggesting that Abomination is on the ugly tier of Kalec’s game Model and should be erased from the History of the world.

Races or species are terms used in World of Warcraft to split various unique creatures into separate groups. … Many species can interbreed including humans, high elves, night elves, ogres, orcs, and draenei — producing offspring often called half-breeds.

Which means, the race is Elf, which means, Night Elves, Void Elves, Nightborne, High Elves, Blood Elves, they are all the same race.

I have been a Warlock main since TBC, after failing at a Warrior. In MoP, when I created this account, after stupidity on the previous, this Warlock, was my first toon on this account. Though, when I created it, it was original a Blood Elf and gave it the name “Atlas”. Well, one with a special character.

The technical term is thicc boiz.

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